View Full Version : Making a Tulpa of a Fictional Character

10-21-2011, 12:45 AM
So I'm making a tulpa based on the character Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. So here are my questions: Is a sigil and/or list of wanted qualities necessary? I got rid of the notes physically and stored the text on my computer. I want to try to make my own shadow her home, but I already started working with the sigil shown below. Can I switch? Am I being too cautious? XD

I'll probably ask more questions along the way, so any tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! ^_^


Astral Eye
10-21-2011, 07:15 AM
So I'm making a tulpa based on the character Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. So here are my questions: Is a sigil and/or list of wanted qualities necessary? I got rid of the notes physically and stored the text on my computer. I want to try to make my own shadow her home, but I already started working with the sigil shown below. Can I switch? Am I being too cautious? XD

I'll probably ask more questions along the way, so any tips would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! ^_^


That was a fantastic game.

10-24-2011, 08:24 AM
Okay, so I have a few more questions. I've heard thought forms exist on the astral plane. If I wanted to meet Midna, should I just astral project to her? I don't want to manifest her and lose her somehow. o_o

For example, I became interested in creating a tulpa, and Midna is one of my favorite characters, so I chose her. But if things get out of hand, and I end up having to reabsorb her, does she cease to exist as that character?

After thinking about this for a while, I've come to the conclusion that I should go to her instead of vice versa. It just seems safer. :3

11-01-2011, 12:27 AM
Well, it's working! :D

A few days ago my cat scratched my face (Thanks Skittles! It was on accident XD) and I realized how convenient it was. I dabbed the blood on the sigil and intensely visualized her form while telling her to feed on the energy. A couple of hours later I was sitting at the table and she just... appeared. Not visually though, but her presence was unmistakable. I could sense her form, it was as if she was sitting on the table. I thanked her for making herself known, and focused on her to give her more energy.

It's becoming easier to visualize her, and she's becoming more autonomous. For some reason, my fears were warping her appearance, but I think I've transcended that phase. Midna looks really good now... it makes me happy. ^_^

I'm planning to scry with the crystal shown here: http://i1134.photobucket.com/albums/m605/SHEEPOFEXISTENCE/HNI_0010.jpg

Also, any tips on feeding the tulpa?

Happy Halloween everybody!

Edit: One more question: Do I need to be giving the energy to the sigil, or can I imagine the energy going into her form? Thanks. ^_^

03-06-2012, 07:36 PM
If you like the feeling of not being you, then try thought form creation. The story is a long one. Sometimes I thought I had gone completely nuts, but after keeping cool and getting to the root of the problem, spiritual attacks of all sorts have been narrowed down to symptoms of DID. Please, dear reader, live a normal life and forgo this act of magic, for it is traumatic in it's ways. I may edit this later.


03-07-2012, 04:18 PM
i have a tulpa and he sure can kick some ass.

Astral Eye
03-07-2012, 07:53 PM
I have one, but she spends most her time looking out for one of my friends

03-07-2012, 10:37 PM
Mine are most servitors, if I'm not enlisting the aid of the dead. Remind me Emma, to post the story of a newer thoughtform I've created recently. Fowam by name.

03-08-2012, 10:42 PM
i am quoting myself because i have no idea what happened to the rest of my post.

i was woundering about that Mrs. Peel

03-09-2012, 12:49 PM
he is always doing that.. lol

03-09-2012, 09:37 PM
ok i'll keep it quite lol

Astral Eye
03-10-2012, 03:16 PM
The calm allways come before the storm, but which storm is it that you shall face?