View Full Version : strange happenings

10-26-2011, 10:41 PM
Hi, I would to relate problem that I have been experiencing for the last few years after i practiced my first lbrp. My imagination feels like its against me. To be specific, I imagine sharp things hurting my body, mainly head, quite against my will. And also when I practice the lbrp, when I imagine something its starts moving around almost as my problem had a mind of its own and just wanted to annoy me... please tell me what to do!! Thanks in advance...

10-27-2011, 08:47 PM
Perhaps your should try even more basic cleansing/grounding elements before implementing lbrp. Or even meditating before hand, to make sure you feel balanced while performing the act.

My guess is that you just messed up in some tiny way during the first ritual and it had residual effects. To get rid of it permenantly, I would say ignore it, or just keep trying with lbrp. When you do get it right the flow of 'energy' as it were should not be obstructed, leaving a good feeling in the end and not necessarily a case of the stabbies.

I don't know. I only ever used LBRP twice in my life, but it was an altered version better fit for my doctorine. So all in all, I'm saying my advice is probably not that helpful, as Im sure the use of the pentegram works differently than the others. :P

10-28-2011, 01:49 PM
my mind and imagination are against me too, It sometimes get so bad that I think I'm going to go insane.
Best thing to do is wait it out till you have enough control over the self. It feels like your failing but really your strengthening yourself. Its been happening to me now for a few months, although its not the same as yours its very similar

From what I know, the LBRP can increase your current feeling or issues on the mind, so focus on banishing these thoughts when you perform it and thats what will happen.

10-28-2011, 08:49 PM
Ah okay, I heard from somewhere it amplifies your current state of mind and emotion. I think it was Donald kraig, So I havn't been doing it during my mind **** outbursts lol

10-28-2011, 10:40 PM
The guy needs to see a doctor to make sure there's nothing wrong with him.

11-28-2011, 03:46 AM
I'm a little late on this one, but I can really relate. My mind does this to me more than enough. Even when I first started meditating. The images that were appearing were so sick and disturbing it nearly made me wonder about my sanity. In the end, I just try to accept them and maybe see the message in them because sometimes there ended up being a message there and maybe the reason I even got it was due to its graphic and disturbing content. I'm still not sure about that though, but what I do is sort-of will it in a different direction and get a different image. I don't know, this is strictly in regards to meditation, with the ritual I didn't really have those problems, but then again I didn't practice it enough to speak on it.

11-28-2011, 08:36 PM
Don't block it. Let it flow, Don't accept or deny it, both bring focus onto it and therefor energy into it and feeding it. Overall... just Ignore it...

11-29-2011, 03:20 AM
Damn, I was hoping he would come back and tell everyone if it got any better...since I could sort of relate to that, it is always good to meet people with similar issues and actually find real advice. Anyway, I will reply for him in my case even if nobody asked for it :-)
Now whenever I do encounter disturbing imagery I accept it like Jackal suggested and did not block it, at times I was able to alter them a little. What I did notice was that they were either really graphic representations of some of my fears or desires I try to block. So yes, not blocking them seems to work just fine. Thank you to Jackal and everyone else who replied to his post, he might not be back but it helped me.

01-10-2012, 01:03 AM
I ve not gone anywhere(if u guys were talking about me) I've just been a tad distracted.anyway as for the resolution of the problem I ve pretty much gotten used to it and I've been just ignoring it even before jackal said so.... though I would still like to know how to get out of this situation. Meanwhile may I leave u guys with a question? See the thing is that I ve been practicing lbrp for awhile and don't seem to be getting anywhere with it except the sporadic feelings of wellbeing after along with a sense of clarity every time I perform it. It also seems as if its not working as well as before. I would like to know what would help me succeed and also how important is rigidly doing the lbrp everyday?

01-10-2012, 10:57 PM
Yeah, Mrs. Peel is right. She knows everthing and I would listen to her. I would like to add: Are you not overdoing or overthinking it? Sometimes people tend to do that which messes up the natural flow. What I do is stand in the starting position, take a deep breath and just relax and tune in with my surroundings, once I've done that I vibrate the first name and it just flows from there, it is the best feeling ever. In conclusion, do not overthink it, even if you're not sure on how to pronounce the names, as long as you vibrate them naturally. So in short, tune into it. Music before hand helps a lot too

01-11-2012, 12:34 PM
I have to try the middle pillar I've heard it is amazing. The best things is to not expect anything and then be happy with whatever comes up. When I did the LBRP I was kind of just trying it out and the effects were amazing, so I stuck with it.