View Full Version : Why do people think the Left Hand Path is Evil?

10-29-2011, 03:25 PM
I was looking at a forum today run by two role playing morons, and they had a thread on Left Hand Path. The woman and I will not ,mention names or the forum said Left Hand Path people were evil and bastards, Right Hand Path were wimps, and Middle Path as she claims to be were perfect. Now I had a choice go in and tell the idiot that at any given time we can follow all paths and that she was n asshole, or try to have a civil sane intelligent conversation with her. I wanted to curse her but refrained. All who know me know I run a LHP forum for Cassandra called Occult Of the Ancients. My question is what would you have said to this woman?

10-29-2011, 03:48 PM
Is it the forum I think it is?

I dunno why, its stereotyped more?. I will admit I'm a little more nervous when I come across LHP but I don't put it off as evil. I guess people don't like accepting the darker side of things as most LHP traditions do.

10-29-2011, 04:18 PM
Like fundamentalist christians...No matter how well you argue with them and how easily you make them go back onto themselves they'll still view it the same

11-03-2011, 12:18 AM
So I guess according to her logic, I'm an evil bastard, a wimp and perfect. Makes about as much sense as sticking my head in fire and expecting to see hell.

11-03-2011, 09:21 AM
It is done.

11-03-2011, 09:26 AM
I went there and read. This woman is mad. Her partner told one member her guardian angel would hurt her. They're assholes.

11-03-2011, 05:06 PM
I don't care about LHP MHP and RHP, If I had to I would I'm MHP but I can't be bothered with that. What someone wants to call themselves is there problem, I don't even understand myself so I'm not about to label myself am I?

11-04-2011, 08:33 PM
how dare she! don't stick your head in the fire, let's stick hers.

That sounds like a wonderful idea. Speaking of hell. I used to run it. Until God decided to downsize and use fallen angels as cheap labor. Apparently, they will work for sin. It really sucked to because I was only three months away from getting a retirement package but I guess that's business for ya. :)

12-17-2011, 04:08 AM
Why do people think the Left Hand Path is Evil?
Usually only Dualists believe this. Polarists feel that both sides are connected; two sides of the same energy. Dualists that often aruge over this are like dogs that chase their own tails... still, of course, connected to them.

12-17-2011, 06:59 PM
I was looking at a forum today run by two role playing morons, and they had a thread on Left Hand Path. The woman and I will not ,mention names or the forum said Left Hand Path people were evil and bastards, Right Hand Path were wimps, and Middle Path as she claims to be were perfect. Now I had a choice go in and tell the idiot that at any given time we can follow all paths and that she was n asshole, or try to have a civil sane intelligent conversation with her. I wanted to curse her but refrained. All who know me know I run a LHP forum for Cassandra called Occult Of the Ancients. My question is what would you have said to this woman?
Personally, I would take the time to explain LHP & RHP's to this person and possibly open up her awareness a little.

**Then of course I would convince her to become one of Satan's Minions and enslave her for eternity as a sex slave!!! Muwhahahahaha!!!!

12-18-2011, 12:43 AM
oh the ultimate struggle between cnn and fox news. It all trickles down and up, whichever way you want it.

12-18-2011, 01:16 AM
I went there and read. This woman is mad. Her partner told one member her guardian angel would hurt her. They're assholes.

So...her partner is under the impression that the guardian angel is a personal thug for hire? I would probably tell her that she is a recovering fudamentalist and needs to cope with the fact before changing ones orientation. The signs are all there by the sounds of it

12-18-2011, 09:30 PM
Just over ten years ago, I started reading and posting on occult based forums. One thing that initially impacted on me was the amount of misinformation and belief presented as fact. I wasn't sure whether it was more shocking that people seemed to form their personalities from a shroud of beliefs or that they would then attempt to impress upon others their own version of a truth or what they regarded as correct.

At first, my reaction was to argue and enter flame wars. I simply didn't want people being mislead - As has been stated in another currently running thread on this board, roleplayers could potentially do a lot of damage to someone still mystified by the occult. It's even more troubling when one considers that a large number of people on forums like this are very young and impressionable.

However, after a month or so I realised this was simply the way things are and there was nothing I as an individual could do to change what was happening. I realised that if I were to present myself in such a defensive manner, anything I might say would be guarded against in turn. So I calmed myself and accepted the misinformation, which lead me to an interesting place. I realised that there is a function here. I will never support misinformation directly but I chuckle now, rather than allow myself to get wrapped up in the misery of it all.

I say this: We know what we need to know for the moment. If another so happens to be privy to knowledge that may best our own then we do not find ourselves in a position of strength. Now tell me that misinformation is a bad thing.

Personally, I would take the time to explain LHP & RHP's to this person and possibly open up her awareness a little.

**Then of course I would convince her to become one of Satan's Minions and enslave her for eternity as a sex slave!!! Muwhahahahaha!!!!

Hehe. But I wouldn't even go as far as to explain things to her. Let people think and believe whatever they wish. If an individual desires to seek knowledge then that is what they will do; otherwise I would presume the door closed. The intrusion would be similar to the one time in my life when someone asked me if I had ever thought about Jesus. The question was so bizarre that I had to ask the couple to repeat themselves - but indeed, the question came back the same and the weight of the air was palpable during the silence which followed.

12-20-2011, 07:43 PM
Hmmm... let's see: Good or evil is based on intention. People mistakenly believe mortality is evil. It is a process of change. Here there are no dark or light, black or white; only shades of grey...

12-21-2011, 02:11 AM
Hmmm... let's see: Good or evil is based on intention. People mistakenly believe mortality is evil. It is a process of change. Here there are no dark or light, black or white; only shades of grey...Good & Evil are subjective, they are based on perception, and what/how you perceive is developed by culture/society/family.

I think I understand what you are getting at, in that something like a 'spell' is neither good or evil until the intention in revealed.

Yet, the truth is that nothing is good or evil in and of itself, the perception of it determines whether it is good or evil and only to the person experiencing it.

12-24-2011, 01:03 AM
Love your response... yes. Truth always is, though perceptions of it's application may often be corrupted. Someone once told me that we make our own truths... my reply was simple: "Step out in the rain right now as you are. Can you truthfully say you are not wet? If I light you onfire, can you make any other truth other than you burn?" Of course, he was a new ager, so he didn't get it. Yes, my truth would have been an evil to him had he been lit onfire, yet only a lesson from my standpoint that would seem positive if I were a psycho. The psychology and philosophy of this question has chased itself for centuries.

12-24-2011, 02:37 AM
Love your response... yes. Truth always is, though perceptions of it's application may often be corrupted. Someone once told me that we make our own truths... my reply was simple: "Step out in the rain right now as you are. Can you truthfully say you are not wet? If I light you onfire, can you make any other truth other than you burn?" Of course, he was a new ager, so he didn't get it. Yes, my truth would have been an evil to him had he been lit onfire, yet only a lesson from my standpoint that would seem positive if I were a psycho. The psychology and philosophy of this question has chased itself for centuries.
Alternatively, you can torch someone in a coma and while they burn to a cinder they are swimming in the ocean in their subjective universe completely unaware of your physical reality. Reality is subjective.

12-27-2011, 05:37 PM
Aye, but that would be their 'mental concept' of reality. In that physical reality they would be a crispy critter. In the physical world, those laws are applicable, even though the goal of the magus is to reach beyond this. What you describe is pretty much the parting of soul from body. Those who have near death experiences can sense the beginning of that parting. Spiritually/mentally what we are inside senses ourselves in a different place, physically however, our breathing has stopped and possibly even our hearts and we are whereever we have fallen unless moved by others. Divisions in reality may be invented by our minds or layered dimensions. It is truly at this point impossible to tell without be faced by the ultimate answer at the time of the ultimate question: even so, who knows for sure that when we die we do not just completely cease? This speculation can really be answered only to one's own satisfaction directed by what one wishes to accept and believe.

01-04-2012, 12:41 AM
Good & Evil are subjective, they are based on perception, and what/how you perceive is developed by culture/society/family.

Yet, the truth is that nothing is good or evil in and of itself, the perception of it determines whether it is good or evil and only to the person experiencing it.

Alternatively, you can torch someone in a coma and while they burn to a cinder they are swimming in the ocean in their subjective universe completely unaware of your physical reality. Reality is subjective.

I very much agree with this view.

The test that BalanceDragon suggests is, however, slightly skewed as the qualities tested are of a heavily imposing physical nature and not of a subjective moral nature as with the seemingly dual elements of good and evil. The charm here is that another physical stimulus of greater potency will override whatever might have been previously happening. Of course, the mediating factor, as always are the chemical responses of our bodies.

A more clear representation of this truth might be being in the rain and getting wet, which could be considered as a negative experience. Then compare this to having sex in the rain and suddenly the rain just doesn't matter - it might even be regarded as a contributing, positive element.

All experience is subjective and dependant on perception.

All that works in my favour or as I desire is naturally good.

Dracos Nightwolf
01-10-2012, 11:59 AM
Hello... First post here..

First off...

As far as the WHY people think that LHP is a "evil" thing. I'm not so sure that if someone understood the REASON for practicing in that manner, they would think it to be "evil". Case in point, almost everything out there listed as "New Age" is in essence a training manual for LHP. Esp those things that are lumped in the Ascension movements... The goal of LHP is to BECOME a being greater then one currently (either by "natural growth" or by fully empowering their own inner divinity). From there, one can create their world AS THEY SEE FIT TO DO SO. That is what is meant by becoming a "GOD". It is to become a "one that can create". The RHP doesn't wish to become that. They wish to JOIN with something (GOD/ GODDESS/ the ALL).

The very terms good and evil should not, and rightfully cannot be used to describe either path.

The problem that arises is that, while LHP is not "evil", one could make a claim that the METHODS that are commonly used to "walk the path" can be called "evil". First, the rejection of anything and everything that is considered "normal/ good/ right". Secondly, the embrace of anything that is considered "wrong/ evil/ bad/ taboo". In all honesty, while one might think that they have done both, they are only FULLY done in stages during the course of one's life. The reasons why one does those two actions are many. The most important being along the lines of breaking any chains that keep one from realizing their inner power, teaching them to draw power and strength from things that might of gone untapped before, toughening them up for the ordeals that are before them, and weeding out those that are unsuited or too "flawed".
So now, you have someone that is (in full ritual) reading the Lords Prayer backwards (I might add... it's the fastest way to (in the western world) unlock ones psychic abilities) and/or making a deal with a demon (Scirlin first if using the Grimorium Verum), and blaspheming Jesus and the like... Anyone belonging to the RHP would of course think that you were doing something evil.
Yes, I know that I am stereotyping LHP. But... in the western world, this is by for the most common way to go about it. Sorry..

Now... If you WERE to try to talk to someone and explain your thoughts on this... I would go for more the WHY you do it, instead of details of HOW... You would more than likely get a better reaction out of it. For most people, I would say to just stand back and laugh to yourself unless you were asked... For myself, I made the choice to correct any misinformation if I could... But in most cases it's just me saying my piece and not driving it down someones throat... Most of the time...