View Full Version : meditation

07-04-2008, 09:48 AM
okay this is just asking for advice, maybe someone will have a suggestion or two. I need some major help on finding a good meditation technique or anything to help calm my mind to be able to sleep and so far all I have found that works even a little bit is sitting in the dark with baoding balls (chinese metal balls with chimes that you spin in you hand) any ideas?

07-04-2008, 04:10 PM
I will try my best. From what I have notice from others is that some times they try too hard to calm their mind down. Truth is that some just can't stop thinking and that keeps them awake. So, my advice is keep think. Sound odd right but it does work for many.
Many as they go to bed have bills, arguments, or any thing that seem to just pop up out of no where. For some reason that person just can't stop thinking about things and all they want to do is go to sleep.

Now, if you want to put on music, such as, celtic, nature, the ocean sounds, etc. As you lay in bed. If you want you can do this also, lay on your back and cross your arms over your chest. Not sure why it works but I've seen a lot be able to sleep sound like this. Now, here is some thing also a bit odd some time the body itself just isn't comfey. So, flip the mattress and buy some new pillows and make sure any blankets are the kind you like.
That you have tried and done any above lay in bed and of course close your eye. Imagine your in a place that would be calming to you. Think of another place that you would like to go. These places don't have to be in the real world sense. Example

Yur in the middle of a field with tall grass, lots of flower, and even farries. There a cobble stone path. You decide to walk along this cobble stone path. ( you don't have to get real detailed. In fact you may not want to because then yur making mind work too much) Along this path imagine the things that you would or want to see, forest, dragons. Also you can hear not too far away the sound of a river running. You may even cross this river by walking on water or crossing a bridge. Once you get to the place you have gone and if you haven't fallen a sleep by now, look around and do the things with in the end of your walk that you would like to do.
You can think up what ever you like. It's your imagination so enjoy your self. Think up things that would be calming and stoothing to you. Now, if during this nice little imagination walk you find things poping up that you don't want make your self realize that your think of things other then your walk. Push them out of your mind by telling your self to stop thinking of what ever it was that popped up. Then bring your self back to your walk where you left off. Don't keep starting over and over because some thing popped up. that will just fustrate you more and the purpose of the walk will not help you. Jump to a new sceen if you must.

It may also help if you tell me the things that you have tried to help you sleep or calm your mind. This helps for sleeping and those who have trouble calming their mind while meditating.

07-04-2008, 06:32 PM
you guessed right, I am one of those people that cannot quit thinking no matter what. My brain runs constently (artist imagination :( but I didnt even think about the celtic music I actually have some but never tried, thats a great idea thanks. I'm definatly going to try that. Ive tried so many things yoga didnt help at all, (concentrated to much) Ive tried putting up some dim lights, drank herbal teas, prescribtion sleeping pills work but they make you feel awful awaking up, tried simply laying there, reading works..after Ive read the whole book all day. If it helps any I work nights (of course) so I sleep during the day. But what usually happens is I just wear myself completly out of energy to where I pass out rather then fall asleep. Leaving my sleep time to regain energy instead of rest, thats why it is bothering me so much. I have things that help but they usually take forever to have effect, Baoding, reading, writing, ect.

07-08-2008, 07:03 AM
try doing this, find a comfortable spot somewhere, whether it be inside or outside is up to you, but let it be away from all distractions, then i want you to loosen up your muscles starting with your feet to your head but slowly, your legs go limp, your hands and arms droop down, your breath becomes slow, your head droops a little, secondly i want you to imagine you just cast out all of your feeling and worries out not in but out, at this point you should be calm you should be able to hear everything around you, this is a simple but effective form of meditation its probally the most basic, i usually do this with ppl outside down at the river that runs through town, but anywhere where you find that its peaceful is fine

07-08-2008, 09:05 AM
thats a good idea too ive tried sumthing similar but ill give it a try

07-08-2008, 02:50 PM
Stop talking to youself.
Think in pictures, then you will be on the way.

07-12-2008, 06:54 PM
shadowedone let us know how all of these teck worked for you. I'm hoping that they have. If you need any other help just post and i will try my best.

07-16-2008, 01:57 AM
the music helped quite a bit but I found that it has to be extremly calm and takes a little while but I have been falling asleep faster thank you so much for ur help everyone!

08-05-2008, 04:55 AM
This is a meditation I wrote a few years ago....


One night after I went to bed, I just randomly picked up a book to look at while I waited to see if sleepiness would come. The book was one by
Dr. Andrew Weil, of which I have several and have had these books for quite a while. I often do this... select a book at random and just open it anywhere, or thumb thru it until something catches my eye. And something did.

Dr. Weil wrote about his wife who was pregnant with her fourth child and she always had painful backaches in her last two months of pregnancy. This caught my eye, as I have terrible backaches that make it difficult tostand for too long... I always thought it was related to my bad leg that was injured in a car accident 17 years ago.

Dr. Weil said that he and his wife met up with a friend of friend who was an expert at guided meditation and she asked Mrs. Weil if she would like her to help with her back problem. Mrs. Weil insisted that it was a disk problem and meditation wasn't going to fix a mechanical problem. She then asked if she would like to "talk" to her unborn baby. Mrs. Weil said yes. The woman, I believe her name was Sally, helped Mrs. Weil thru relaxing exercises and guided imagery to a light form of hypnosis. She her led to a "safe" place in her subconscious. And then Sally invited her to go to the spot in her body where the baby was. What did she want to ask her? Mrs. Weil wanted to ask the baby if she would come on time, so that the baby's father (Dr. Weil) could be present as he was leaving to go out of the country just a few days after her due date. She also asked the baby to please make the labor short and the delivery quick. Sally asked her, 'what did the baby say?' Mrs. Weil was startled and said, "she said she would". 8 weeks later, a baby girl was born right on her due date and the birth only took two hours. Coincidence? Maybe, but I don't think so. After the conversation with her baby, Sally asked Mrs. Weils if she was ready to work on her back pain now. This is when I really got interested.

Because Mrs. Weil was still in her subconscious safe place, Sally
instructed her to visit the part of her body where her pain was. What did she see, Sally asked her? Mrs. Weil said, 'there is a large black spot'.

Sally told her to talk to the spot. What do you need? A voice/feeling/intuition told her... "warm moist towels". "Will you go
away?" The pain answered yes. Mrs. Weil was amazed... she said she
always used cold packs on her back. She promised she would use the
warm towels and suddenly her pain disappeared, and didn't return for
the rest of her pregnancy. There were more stories about this, but
that's all I had to read. I knew I had to try to this out for myself.

I've had this kind of meditation many times,in hypnosis sessions and in my guided meditation class. I use this with Tim and Chris for various things. I will now be using it when I work with reiki and crystals.

Anyway, I've been doing meditation long enough that I can trance myself to alpha pretty quickly. So I did, and I immediately went to my lower
back pain. I asked it, what do you want me to do? Without missing a beat, it said "write". This makes sense since my back pain is in the sacral 2nd chakra center of my body, which deals with emotions. Writing has been my favorite form of therapy since my daughter died. I guess it meant I was to do more of it (and actually finish something I've started). After promising that I would, I asked the pain if it would leave, and I immediately sensed that it would. And then it was gone... and it was gone all day!! The only other time I've had that was when I received my reiki attunement, my back pain was gone for three days. I suddenly had a huge understanding of what was happening.

As humans, our essence is soul/spirit/memories... these stay with us
forever, even if we die, and reincarnate, even thousands of times. But
our bodies only last one lifetime, and a relatively short time. Most people believe that their body is a part of them, when in reality it is only a vehicle they reside in, in order to have the human experience. But our bodies are really an entity all it's own... it has an ancestral memory (our biological DNA) and is alive all on it's own... even if we didn't inhabit the body we have, another soul would. But the body would still have that genetic code from it's parents and grandparents all the way back to time. Unfortunately, we don't acknowledge this and tend to abuse our bodies in so many ways. One of the worst is not listening to it when it is trying to tell us something. Our body does want us to communicate with it. It wants to be acknowledged and understood and respected. This doesn't mean deprivation, but it does mean giving it what it wants and needs, which this is different for each of us.

So, how do you tune into your body and hear what it is trying to tell you? With a very simple technique. If you already meditate, this will be pretty easy for you to do. If you are new to meditation, it will take a little practice. But don't give up. The more you do it, the more you connect with your body's communication center. At the very least, it will know that you are trying. You don't believe me? Try it anyway, what do you have to lose?


Lie on your back on a bed or floor. Make sure you are wearing loose
clothing or are covered with a blanket.

Start with your feet and work your way up...

Relax your feet, toes, ankles. Visualize the color black which is the color of grounding. Spend about 3 minutes on each area.

Relax your legs, knees, thighs and hips. Visualize the color brown for direction.

Relax your lower torso, this is your base chakra. Visualize the color red for your foundation. This is where you will go if you have problems with the spine, bladder infections, reproductive organs, sexual problems,depression..

Relax your abdomen area which is the sacral chakra. Visualize the color orange for your vital force. This is where you will go if you have problems with grief, anxiety problems, low self-esteem, anger problems or obsession with sex...

Relax your solar plexus area which is the solar chakra. Visualize the color yellow for ego. This is where you will go if you have problems with digestion, difficulty working with others, drug addictions...

Relax your chest area which is the heart chakra. Relax your arms, hands and fingers at the same time. This chakra has two colors, so you can
visualize either green or pink. This is where you will go if you have
problems with love and/or relationship problems, heart, lungs (such as
asthma), immune system, manic depressive (bi-polar), problems with money....

Relax your throat area which is the throat chakra. Visualize the color
blue. This is where you will go if you have problems with your throat (sore throats, etc), talking too much, not talking enough, communication problems of any kind, thyroid disorders, shyness...

Relax your head and face, your forehead is your third eye chakra.
Visualize the color purple. This is where you will go if you have problems with spirituality, empathy, anything to do with the mind/brain, learning disorders, sleep problems. (This is where I went last, to find out why I couldn't sleep. I discovered that my third eye was flooded with a bright sunshine yellow color. Once I 'changed' that color to purple, I went right to sleep).

Now this is the hard part.. to do and to understand. Your 7th chakra is your crown chakra and is about 2 inches above the top of your head. This is where your soul/spirit/aura starts and surrounds your entire body. It's the hardest chakra to open and cleanse. Don't worry if you don't totally understand it. But try to be "open-minded" for that's what an open crown chakra is. Visualize a white or gold light starting at the top of your head and swirling all around you from head to toe.

Rest for minute or two just visualizing the rainbow of colors encased in a white or gold bubble.

Now imagine yourself walking into a room, a room that feels so familiar and so comfortable that you feel you never want to leave. Think about
what is in this room.. the colors, the furniture, the items that make you feel so at home. This is your safe place. Do you feel better being
outside? Then notice that the room has a set of French doors that open
up to the outside. What is out there? But before you go outside, notice a tall cabinet with lots of drawers and doors, all with locks. Place your concerns, fears and worries in these drawers and lock them up tight. Nothing will harm you from this point on. Do this even if you plan to stay in your safe room. The Buddhists call this 'compartmentalizing'..

Visualize/imagine whatever environment makes you the most comfortable. For me it's a beach with waves splashing to the shore. There is a green cabana type beach house and on the top is a Raven, my main spirit guide. He has white rings around his eyes and allows me to see
amazing things through his eyes. Whenever I meditate or have
hypnotherapy or astral project, Raven is with me.

In your safe place, what do you see? What do you hear? I hear the sound of waves rushing in and then flowing back out. What do you smell? I can smell the salty air. I can taste the salt in the air, too. What can you taste? What do you feel? Is the sandy beach like where I am? Establish
your safe place. Give it a name if you like. Now what does your intuition tell you? Use your imagination, which is actually just your intuition anyway.

Remember what your intuition/imagination is telling you.

Now do you remember the different chakras? Take yourself there visually, depending on what area you need to go and what you need to fix. Tonight for me it will be my foot, so I will address my foot chakra. I will thank my feet for taking me everywhere I need to go, for staying with me when the doctor wanted to amputate it. I will apologize for not paying attention to the signs it was sending me before. Then I will ask it what it wants and needs from me. I will promise to take care of the things it requests. I will then ask if the pain will now leave. And I will hope it will say yes. If it says no, then I will know that I need to do what my feet need and then redo this meditation and learn what else needs to be done. With some very deep rooted problems, you may need to repeat this several times. If my pain says, yes, it will leave, again I will thank my feet for all that they do for me. But remember... if you don't do the things that this part of the body needs to heal, your pain will return.

So again, the steps of this part are...

* Acknowledge the part of the body that needs to be healed.
* Thank that part for all that it does for you.
* Apologize
* Ask what it needs
* Promise to make amends and take of what needs to be healed
* Ask the pain if it will leave
* Say thank you again

Allow yourself to rest for a few minutes and then one by one, starting at the top of your head, close the chakras.. simply by visualizing a door closing.

Your meditation is finished. Remember your safe place will always be
there just as you left it any time you need it. You can even go there in your mind without going thru the meditation process. Any time you feel scared, anxious or threatened, allow your mind to go to your safe place.

Oh, and those worries, fears and concerns? You can just leave there in
that cabinet it you wish. No one will bother them and they will never get lost, and you won't have to carry them around with you.

While the basic idea of this meditation came from several different
sources, the meditation itself is my own. If you forward this on to others, please just give me credit as the author. I've learned that is part of my problem, I haven't been taking credit for much of the writing I've done.

Blessings and I pray for a successful outcome of this meditation for

Cindi Wafstet/Epona'Bri
© 2004
Permission to share freely as long as credit is given.

08-07-2008, 02:14 AM
cool i should try that

Lady Dunsany
08-28-2008, 10:02 PM
I am one one who could not sit still long enough to meditate. I finally found the circulation of light and by relaxing and sitting there I learned to calm down. I will not say I am there yet but I am doing a bit better. I have one of those minds that constantly move. What a pain it can be.

09-07-2008, 08:10 PM
I'm new to meditation so I'll try it out and see if it works. just a question, is there any breathing techniques I could apply during mediation? or is it just your natural breathing until your mind is totally cleared where your breathing becomes less and less?But I guess it's best to start out with basic mediation.