View Full Version : Servitors gone mad?

07-10-2008, 09:12 AM
I had three different servitors put to three different uses, but some of them where not an everyday thing so these particular servitors got bored and started stuffing around, as I'm sure every chaotee has had the misfortune to experience.

So I decided to destroy two of my three servitors. But I couldn't, I've grown to love my servitors and their mischievous ways. So I thought, whats the next best alternative to destruction? Recreation. I decided to combine the three different energy traits of the three different servitors into one more powerful servitor, thus not destroying them, but merely redirecting their individual energies.

So I planned a ritual,but got stuck on a name. I always name my servitors to create a deeper relationship between servitor and creator. That night I dreamed, lucidly, about a lady in black, reminiscent of Hecate, who told me to name my new servitor Vanth and make it female. I took her advice to heart.

After the dream (from which I immediately woke up) I asked my good friend google who the hell Vanth was. As it turned out, Vanth is the Etruscan goddess of death, somewhat like the reaper.Coincidence?

I couldn't believe it. I evoked Vanth by means of a black mirror, I'm sure you know what I mean. But I concentrated on Vanth the servitor and not Vanth the goddess. And unbelievably she actually turned up looking just like in my dream! Now bare in mind that I haven't formally created her as yet, but she was there.

This all happened around six months ago, at the beginning of the year. Up until now I've still not created the servitor Vanth, but she is here and has even reached egregore status, meaning she is thinking and acting on her own behalf, and does things I didn't plan her to do in the beginning. She never goes against my wishes, though she did inherit the mischievous nature of my previous servitors. She seems to grow with me, her personality and other aspects changing as I change. Of my old servitors, who I never destroyed, theres not so much as a hint. They are gone. Now what I want to know is how this is possible. Did Vanth create herself? Or did my older servitors combine somehow to create her? Any opinion or idea is welcome!

07-12-2008, 06:41 PM
There is a very good chance that yur servitors have combined to become one. The more power you invest in her the stronger she will get. Also she could be your spirit guide to help you learn things as time goes on. The servitors might of figured out that you wanted them to combine and there for they did as you wish. Treat her as a friend and things will go well. Demand things out of her then things may not go well. hope this helps. Need any other info I will try my best to help.

09-24-2008, 09:10 PM
what I feel is that responsibility is needed here and just because someone becomes accustomed with is not good magick

what we feel we have control over we eventually have no control over as the power builds and builds, becomes stronger than what we can handle

this is not a game but reality as well as responsibility !

just a thought

Lady Dunsany
09-25-2008, 12:27 PM
The only problem I have with this and it is a small one is please when you are finish banish it because if you do not it will wander and become confused and malicious. Take it from someone who in their young naive and egotistical days did not , and instead of dying out became stronger because I did not banish it properly when I was done. Otherwise good luck in your endeavors.

12-13-2008, 04:11 PM
May I ask what exactly is a servitor?

12-13-2008, 06:02 PM
same here for i have no clue what a servitor is...

Lady Dunsany
12-13-2008, 06:14 PM
A servitor is a helpmate a magickian conjures up to do his/her bidding. They do this with their subconscious mind, or whatever they like to use to do this. They serve your bidding hence servitor. The thing with a servitor is once you are finished with it you should banish it. If you do not it wanders aimlessly and can take on a life of it's own and cause havoc. If you know what you are doing you will banish them. Some like to keep them around for awhile. They can be like willow the wisp now you see them now you don't. I am trying to explain as simply as I can Hope this helps.

12-13-2008, 06:16 PM
yes it dose help thank you now i know what servitor are....

Lady Dunsany
12-13-2008, 08:04 PM
You are most welcome as always my friend.

12-14-2008, 08:27 AM
Just remember.. When servitor's gain enormous power, power greater then it's creater, they sometimes backfire. So I also second banishing it.

01-01-2009, 05:24 PM
The banishing part is part of the responsibility part that goes with servitor's and as I was taught get the banishing down before you start with the invoking of the elements and as well as servitor's

01-01-2009, 10:44 PM
I agree that a servitor can become Astral waste as many new mage just discard them. Also the shells of these discarded entities can be activated on energy signatures from us oas we pass through near the Astral. Very wise to banish properly! It is important when creating any servitor that you give it an image and name that only you know. Most importantly do not be afraid of your servitor, it is bound to you and you should not fear it.

In many ways also a Servitor can be compared to that of a Golem (????, sometimes, as in Yiddish, pronounced goilem) which is an animated being created entirely from inanimate matter. Golems also need to rest on the Sabbath lest they go berserk.

01-02-2009, 01:47 AM
As a question, would the LBRP be any use, or is there a specific banishment that one should use?

01-02-2009, 10:15 AM
I would but as I was taught make sure that the LBRP is down pat
that you know front wards and backwards before you invoke

Lady Dunsany
01-02-2009, 11:18 AM
I was taught after a battle with dark entities and demons, I better get real good at banishing before I invoke also. It is a wise thing to do.

01-03-2009, 12:19 AM
There are many different ways to banish and all work pretty much the same and some better than others. It has to be one though, that you are familiar with so the LBRP, SOP, GPR, RC, LBRH, GBRH, Star Ruby or just simply sealing of the aura are all effective.

Lady Dunsany
01-03-2009, 10:47 PM
Chinese Food works also. I am exhausted, can't you tell?

01-03-2009, 11:30 PM
Redhand could you please give the whole names LBRP, SOP, GPR, RC, LBRH, GBRH, Star Ruby so I can look them up please the first LBRP I know

I know some of these are from other orders if you can

01-04-2009, 08:38 PM
Redhand could you please give the whole names LBRP, SOP, GPR, RC, LBRH, GBRH, Star Ruby so I can look them up please the first LBRP I know

I know some of these are from other orders if you can

Sorry about that, and no problem, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Sphere of Protection, Gnostic Pentagram Ritual, Rose Cross, Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram, Greater Ritual of the Hexagram and of course the Star Ruby.

Lady Dunsany
01-04-2009, 08:43 PM
I got two down pact. Ah me.

01-04-2009, 08:45 PM
I still need some work on my LBRP

01-05-2009, 10:41 AM
Redhand posted a very good post on the LBRP and just rereading the post I have gain more insight into the ritual .

It seems that at first you read or begin practicing the ritual you are given just what is needed to get you on your way and with practicing what has been given to you, you build upon it in depth different aspects of the visualization that go hand in hand with the ritual as well as building of confidence to move to the next step

As Redhand also states about banishing you need to clean up what has been created just for the fact it is called responsibilty for you actions, if you make a mistake in your creation you banish start over and start a new one that simple !!

with all that is going on and the viels that are becoming thinner between the two worlds it's pretty good idea and even those that have been doing this for years still practice responsibility and gain new insight to their ritual practice

Lady Dunsany
01-05-2009, 10:52 AM
I still need some work on my LBRP

You will get there. When I first tried the SOP after knowing the LBRP I felt like a novice and I had been practicing magick since I was three. Here I was grown up and learning Western Magick for the first time after years of Eastern and felt like a dummy. Now i can do it in my sleep but it is a lifetime commitment and as you go every day you will become better and better at it. Have patience and know you are an intelligent responsible being.

01-13-2009, 10:52 AM
Occultist Dion Fortune explains in one of her books ( I'll have to find the passage ) of the importance of banishing what you create and the problems the havoc of servitors running around.

The more power that they attain they can overcome the creator as well as those around, harm physical harm.

The author also goes on explaining the amount of energy expounded into banishing the now very powerful Servitor that has been created and is now running amok.

Most of it not all of the Mags of the earlier days explain the fact that responsibility is the first rule to becoming a good and successful Mag

01-13-2009, 01:15 PM
If you have to pause at the choice of a name it should be as plain as day that it is not natural to you and you should not attempt creation for you are not entirely comfortable with the yourself- itself paradigm. Your creations should exude forth from you as natural as a heartbeat, breathing, body odor.

out of hand with no specific path:confused: - it's a part of you and your daily routine.

01-27-2009, 07:29 AM
I have NEVER experienced an "out of control" servitor. I believe this is an oversight in the creation process. You need to create it with at least a bit of love, if you create a servitor as a tool. It has no reason to like you or any compassion for you. Which can lead to "out of control servitors" if left unattended, also creating them to serve one purpose to me seems.. Wasteful, and I've never destroyed a servitor, OR banished them. They all left me of their own accord (save for one)

I have made at least three "servitors" on three separate occasions. The first was called a "Pooka" for some odd reason .. Which took the form of an owl. It was to be my life time magickal companion, after time however I started seeing him less and less, I however never released him. He just did not appear to me any more. But I do believe that he still guides me.

The next was an astral familiar by the name of Eyes. A black and white wolf. Made as a messenger, he could go across the world instantly. I released him to my honorary niece. I miss him, but he is a great friend to her.

The last was another astral familiar, this time a phoenix who left me of her own accord.
The process I use to make them raises energy from the Base chakra in a spiral motion, my hands held together in a pyramid. I then visualize it, it's purpose and then create it and name it. I let them have their own lives because they are NOT servitors. I have never referred to them as such- to do so would be paramount to thinking of them as if they are servants or slaves. Also, they have never been "mischievous" or anything of the sort to me. Nor have they acted harshly to myself or my family if left unattended the idea of destroying them when "done" with them appalled me when I first read it. I even tried it once, with a dragonfly shaped familiar who's mission was to bring love into the life of a friend of mine who was going through a rough patch- and for some reason, the spell failed.

Now, this familiar of yours has expressed a will to live. At this point, you have no true right to destroy it, though keep a close eye on Vanth... Though if it turns on you, then you will have to take action. But because it showed the will, it's life belongs to itself. You seem to have treated it with kindness, because if not it would not have stuck around to you the moment it realized what you were thinking. So I say, keep Vanth around, not as a servitor you control. But as a familiar whom helps you. I always have a " fail safe" when I make my familiars in case, a single word or phrase that either deconstructs them, or releases them. So if you are wary, then add such a word.

Though unless they turn malevolent or are made incorrectly, I do not believe in destroying them rather recklessly. I use the term familiar, because familiars are beings that aid us in our magick and are deeply connected to us, whereas servitor does not display this at all. When it is connected to you, it is less likely to go out of control, and it should grow with you. A change in terminology indicates a change of subconscious attitude.