View Full Version : What's Your Totem

07-18-2008, 03:24 AM
What is your Totem? Here is mine....

The Panther

The name panther is often associated with a particular species of leopard or jaguar and sometimes the cougar. The black panther is smaller but more fierce than lions and tigers. They are agile climbers and excellent swimmers. Because they can sprint with great speed they hold the teachings of quick decisive action.

Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when the need arises. This symbolizes an ability to shape shift realities using all parts of the body to perform a task. They can move gracefully in and out of situations as well as freeze and not be noticed. Because the panther is not a good long distant runner those with this medicine should incorporate movement therapies into their life that enhance endurance. They need to learn how to pace themselves and not push to fast or hard on any one task.

The power of the panther is the power of silence. It is extremely quiet when hunting or stalking. It knows when to make its presence known and when to become invisible. The panther holds the secrets of unseen worlds and is associated with lunar energies. Within the darkness of night lies the truth of creation. Those with this totem hold knowledge of a galactic origin. They have a responsibility to care take this knowledge and caution must be applied when sharing it with others. When the student is ready the teacher appears. If the student isn't ready the information received could be detrimental.

Panthers have acute sensitivity. The hairs on its body especially on the face pick up subtle vibrations. This is symbolic for those with this totem. It indicates a need to pay attention to their feelings and honor the messages those feelings convey. Touch can be an important avenue to explore to awaken ones hidden gifts. The black panthers coat, sleek, smooth and sensual has been linked to sexuality. When panther appears in a persons life it might be asking you to resolve old sexual issues or to embrace your sexuality fully.

The black panther has great mysticism associated with it. It represents the life and power of the night. It can show us how to embrace the darkness and awaken the light within it. When you experience the presence of panther one of its most noticeable features is its unblinking stare. It appears to see right through the body. Those with this medicine use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level.

Author Ted Andrews states that in Egyptian rituals a panther tail was worn around the neck or waist to help protect and strengthen the individual. It has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes," who guarded the heifer IO who was loved by Zeus. After his death, the eyes were transferred to the feathers of the peacock. A powerful totem to have the panther always brings a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

to look up what your totem means you can go to:

07-18-2008, 10:57 AM
this is my totem: The rabbit- I find this to be very true to my nature, I'm calmest being alone, its the only time i can be off gaurd, Im not very sociable i watch, study and listen, when a sitiuation arises im not comfortable with my first instinct is to hide myself at a safe distance, it may seem cowardly but it keeps me out of many possible problems, but some good qaulities are im very curious i want to learn or try just about anything, and i have always been told my intuition is outstanding here is the discribtion for the rabbit:

Rabbits normally live alone in the wild, making their homes by burrowing underground. Rabbits are curious animals who like to explore their surroundings. They live on a few acres of land & become familiar with every square inch. They are territorial creatures who will fight over their piece of land. Their eyes can see in every direction, so they will watch a bird in the air while watching a predator on the ground. When aroused, their ears stand up. All these characteristics combined with their willingness to run away, are what rabbits use to defend themselves against predators.

Rabbit is often connected with fear because they are timid and constantly on guard. Rabbit wants us to learn how to face our fear and know when to defend our space or walk away.

Rabbit shows us that defending ourselves doesn't always involve fighting back. He teaches us to listen carefully to what is going on in our environment so we can accurately use our intuition when in danger.

07-31-2008, 06:50 PM
I am The Wolf,
which I love all animals but the wolf chose me and If you dont already know you have more then one. My main one is the Wolf I have others as well that help with other problems in my life which you can look up to find out what the others totems are for and what part of your life they will help with. But like the wolf I love the night and the moon and my family comes first and yes i'm top dog leader of my pack but, I love all of mother natures animals no matter how big or small they might be.
The Vamp

08-02-2008, 03:08 PM

08-02-2008, 10:28 PM
the wolf and serpent they swich at times i know it is weard but it has happend.

Lady Dunsany
08-29-2008, 10:10 AM
The Hawk and the Spider. They take turns depending on the need I may have at the time.

01-05-2009, 02:10 AM
Mouse. Te, tenacious and humble, mouse goes everywhere and knows the little secrets. Mouse doesn't need or want much, rarely fights and seldom travels. Mouse knows which wire to gnaw to burn your house to the foundations, but likely won't 'cause he has, bit by bit, carried an entire fifty pound bag of dog food into the skirting boards. Mouse is a good neighbor.

01-05-2009, 10:16 PM
I have a rather hard one to work with a Púca. In some regions of Ireland, the Púca is spoken of with considerably more respect than fear; if treated with due deference, it may actually be beneficial to those who encounter it. The Púca is a creature of the mountains and hills, and in those regions there are stories of it appearing on November Day and providing prophecies and warnings to those who consult it. It is one of the myriad of faery folk, and, like many faery folk, is both respected and feared by those who believe in it.

According to legend, the Púca is an adroit shape changer, capable of assuming a variety of terrifying forms. It may appear as a horse, rabbit, goat, goblin, or dog. TRhough mine seems to like being a wolf, bear , deer, owl and, hawk. And has given me the ride of my life as a horse! No matter what form a Púca takes, its fur is almost always dark. (its name is a cognate of the early Irish 'poc', 'a male goat', and it lends its name to Puck, the goat-footed satyr made famous in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream), but it most commonly takes the form of a sleek black horse with a flowing mane and glowing yellow eyes.

Unlike a kelpie, the Púca will do the unfortunate rider no real harm. The kelpie on the other hand will take its rider and dive into the nearest river or lake drowning the person and then devouring them.

It is a creature associated with Samhain one of my favorite times of the year. Samhain is the Púca's day, and the one day of the year when it can be expected to behave civilly to most.

01-05-2009, 10:32 PM
Mine is also the Panther an as black as midnight with the eyes of yellowish green.

He/she walks around the house at times and curls up around my feet in meditation and his presence is known when doing ritual work

01-05-2009, 10:41 PM
I need to figure out mine. How would I go about doing so?

Lady Dunsany
01-05-2009, 10:47 PM
There are a few ways. What animal do you feel close to? What animal or creature do you think about or maybe even draw pictures of. Do you meditate? You can ask your totem to reveal itself to you. I am surrounded by spiders and have been bitten by spiders numerous times that the doctor said I have so much venom in me I am probably immune. The hawk I have always seen in my dreams and in shadows. Think about this and it will come to you.

01-05-2009, 10:48 PM
Totem for SWM. Thinking until my brain hurts takes only fifteen seconds, but i think you are expressing the spirit of either a herring, a carpenter ant or a shoggoth.

01-05-2009, 10:51 PM
I don't think I'm a fish! Lol

Lady D. I will try and meditate on my favorite animal. I'm leaning towards bear. I always liked them.

Lady Dunsany
01-05-2009, 10:58 PM
I don't think I'm a fish! Lol

Lady D. I will try and meditate on my favorite animal. I'm leaning towards bear. I always liked them.

You are not a fish. A bear is a good one, strong, powerful, protecting and rather smart.

01-05-2009, 11:01 PM
you might want to remember to keep you mind empty when doing this and it might take more than one sitting and meditating is a good thing to do and meditation is what feels right for you.

you don't have to get all Yogied out here

remember before you meditate say some sort of protection prayer or ritual

01-05-2009, 11:06 PM
I need to figure out mine. How would I go about doing so?

Lady D gave some good suggestions, have you ever dreamt about any animals, insects, birds or, reptiles?

Ask yourself what animal has played a meaningful part in your world? If you're unsure, make a list of animals that have drawn your interest or have left a deep impression on you from paintings, photographs, stories, movies, carvings, etc.

Which animal shows up in your life most frequently? Keep a journal of the animals present in your dreams or that you encounter through the day for the next month. How did the animal behave? Did you interact with the animal?

Find a place where you can be alone to meditate. Sit quietly and ask your animal to make it's nature known to you. Feel free to use tools such as incense, smudge, and candles to help you.

Don't give up, sometimes your animal totem is nearby watching to see if you're serious about connecting with it. Keep doing the above exercises until your animal totem makes itself known to you.

There are also guided journeys you can take to find them.

Lady Dunsany
01-05-2009, 11:36 PM
redhand a kelpie I have heard about, but how did you choose the other or did it choose you. Also are there any books about the Púca?

01-08-2009, 04:51 PM
I was put on a guided meditation to find my totem. It was quite interesting really.

After the journey, I ended up sitting in front of a stone altar and the Goddess Brigid was facing me, as she is my goddess, and I could see outlines of animals to my right. I knew they were to be my totems through life. I know one will be a bird of prey - hawk or falcon. I had a feline - panther/leopard according to later meditation I did.

But the one that came to me first in full detail was my red bellied black snake. She's my precious. I wish I had one in real life. Can't have it though. And I'm very much like a snake. Too much actually, but I love her still.

Lady Dunsany
01-08-2009, 06:02 PM
I think that is one of the most beautiful ways of finding your totem. Your snake is part of you anyway. Thanks for sharing.

01-08-2009, 10:31 PM
I'm on my way to talking with my bear. I'm doing some meditations to help it along. Today in class I closed my eyes and yawned, and in a flash my totem yawned as well in my peripheral vision. I thought it was funny. I like my totem. He's big and wise, yet a little goofy just like me...

Lady Dunsany
01-08-2009, 10:45 PM
Wonderful. My husband has a panther and the other day I got up to put the coffee on and tripped over the darn thing. Got a nice scratch for that one. Lately I have been surrounded by a white wolf and think it is time to commune with it.

01-08-2009, 10:48 PM
I can't touch mine. He only shows up in the back of my eyes when I close them. But I gave him a hug once and I can feel him when I concentrate.

01-08-2009, 11:33 PM
SWM that was me you were hugging LOL !

cool reread Redhand's post suggestions and it will come don't be surprised if you have more than one

Lady Dunsany
01-08-2009, 11:34 PM
I can't touch mine. He only shows up in the back of my eyes when I close them. But I gave him a hug once and I can feel him when I concentrate.

Have patience. All will come in good time.

01-10-2009, 12:49 AM
I remember reading somewhere when I was younger that a totem may desert you if you tell them to someone.
I now think differently but I still ask them for permission to tell.
The wolf is proud to be named but the others from the small menagerie like being anonymous.

01-10-2009, 01:55 AM
I don't think my totem would like me mentioning anything if he wasn't so sleepy all the time. Its winter you know. The more I try to interact with him the sleepy I get. Comes with the territory I guess. I guess I'll ask him if he minds me talking about it...

Lady Dunsany
01-10-2009, 06:26 AM
I don't think my totem would like me mentioning anything if he wasn't so sleepy all the time. Its winter you know. The more I try to interact with him the sleepy I get. Comes with the territory I guess. I guess I'll ask him if he minds me talking about it...
They do not mind, but just ask them if it is okay. They usually love the attention they get. Sensitive people will see them anyway and some will be too scared or embarrassed to mention they happened to see a five hundred pound grizzly bear looking out your window.

01-10-2009, 08:28 AM
For a long time I've always thought myself to be akin to the element of fire. But a friend of mine explained to me in detail why I would be of the element of air. So likewise I always thought myself akin to the Wolf but I think I am more akin to a Peregrine Falcon. No other animal stands out in my mind as being more majestic. The way it attacks, quick & hard, the path it knows it must take or die trying, the verge of seriousness yet the carelessness and boundlessness of being free and limited only by the boundaries of the sky itself. It is for that reason I think I am akin to the Peregrine Falcon.
I do notice that it isn't on their little list of Totems though.
Such is my way... :)

Lady Dunsany
01-10-2009, 10:46 AM
For a long time I've always thought myself to be akin to the element of fire. But a friend of mine explained to me in detail why I would be of the element of air. So likewise I always thought myself akin to the Wolf but I think I am more akin to a Peregrine Falcon. No other animal stands out in my mind as being more majestic. The way it attacks, quick & hard, the path it knows it must take or die trying, the verge of seriousness yet the carelessness and boundlessness of being free and limited only by the boundaries of the sky itself. It is for that reason I think I am akin to the Peregrine Falcon.
I do notice that it isn't on their little list of Totems though.
Such is my way... :)
I have a question. What makes you think you can not also be akin to the element of fire, you can have more than one totem although there are some who are happy to deal with the one. I have as I said a spider for the strength of her web and the hawk for the keen eye, strength and lightening fast abilities and the compassion to make the kill quick. You may find one day without knowing why, another totem will make itself known.

01-10-2009, 01:21 PM
I think things of that nature are less encouraged to open up to me than they ought to be. I guess you could say I have something of a "Stand Alone Complex" but I am trying to change my ways as of late and open up to my higher self.

Lady Dunsany
01-10-2009, 02:10 PM
I think things of that nature are less encouraged to open up to me than they ought to be. I guess you could say I have something of a "Stand Alone Complex" but I am trying to change my ways as of late and open up to my higher self.

I was that way once. It takes time.

01-11-2009, 03:07 AM
I really enjoyed reading this thread, so I guess it's a good one for my first actual post. Years ago I did a meditation to find my totem. What I discovered was the tiger, which really surprised me and made me wonder if I had done things right. I just didn't seem like a 'tiger' person, even though I always thought they were very beautiful and had a bit of a fascination with them as a child. After a while I realized that the tiger made sense to me. I tend to be a solitary type of person, and I've had to face some dangerous situations in my life; the tiger has been with me the whole time.

A couple of years later a friend guided me through a meditation, and I found the raccoon. Again, this made sense... I loved them as a child and I've worn many different 'masks' throughout my life.

01-11-2009, 03:25 AM
This is why I gain 10 lbs in winter. Lol

my bear totem is still sleeping and I should start.

Royal Heart
01-11-2009, 07:22 AM
For the longest time I believed that I had two totems. I recently realized that I only have one - the fox. What I thought was my second totem was really the fox utilizing its ability to change shape.

01-11-2009, 11:59 AM
Pretty cool

So I thought I do some reading on the fox " able to become invisible in a crowd "

Since the fox lives "between times" --
on the edge of land, visible as dusk and dawn, and can guide the way to the Faerie Realm.

magickal in it's self

01-11-2009, 10:12 PM
redhand a kelpie I have heard about, but how did you choose the other or did it choose you. Also are there any books about the Púca?It chose me. The Púca has appeared to me in many different forms over the years first as a yellow jacket then many other forms especially a wolf, owl at night, hawk during the day, a bear a horse which was real interesting also as people male and female. It wasn't till later on that it was revealed though that all were one and the same a Púca!LOL

I really don't know of any books per say on the Púca besides Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry By William Butler Yeats. Except in fiction I'm sure that you remember the movie Harvey with Jimmy Stewart, and Darby O'Gill and the Little People, Darby's horse turns into a Púca.

Lady Dunsany
01-11-2009, 10:23 PM
Yes yes I do. I just thought that the many forms that appeared to me and would change shape was just the norm. Now I am wondering it it has been a Puca all along. When I was young a horse turned into a bird before my eyes and I told my aunt who was watching me she said it was my imagination. Now I am thinking was it or not? I find this all so fascinating.

Royal Heart
01-11-2009, 10:50 PM
So I thought I do some reading on the fox " able to become invisible in a crowd "

Since the fox lives "between times" --
on the edge of land, visible as dusk and dawn, and can guide the way to the Faerie Realm.

magickal in it's self
If there were any doubt in my mind that the fox is my totem, then those factoids would erase that doubt. My favorite time of day has always been sunset, and my favorite season has always been autumn. Copper light, red sun, long and deep shadows. Those in-between times that seem to stretch on toward infinity.

I've also read that those with strong "fox medicine", without meaning to, vanish and reappear on people. My dad and his wife have remarked many times that I do this on them. They'll think they're alone and then look over and I'm suddenly sitting there. I've done this to my friends and siblings and I've occasionally used it to scare them. It's mean, I know, but sometimes I can't help it. It's just so hilarious.

Lady Dunsany
01-11-2009, 10:54 PM
The best is when they are watching television look over and say where did you come from?

01-11-2009, 11:03 PM
Yes yes I do. I just thought that the many forms that appeared to me and would change shape was just the norm. Now I am wondering it it has been a Puca all along. When I was young a horse turned into a bird before my eyes and I told my aunt who was watching me she said it was my imagination. Now I am thinking was it or not? I find this all so fascinating.Possibly you should ask but, if it tells you their name never mention it to another without their permission! Whew!!!

Lady Dunsany
01-11-2009, 11:22 PM
I will. Thank You.

White Wolf
01-12-2009, 01:32 AM
My main totem is Wolf. I've felt connected to them for awhile.

Lady Dunsany
01-12-2009, 08:41 AM
They are beautiful and majestic creatures with true love for family. The last three nights a white wolf has been appearing in my dreams. I know he is trying to tell me something but I wake up before it happens.

01-12-2009, 09:15 AM
My main totem is Wolf. I've felt connected to them for awhile.
Some of the aspects of the White Wolf

Role: Teacher: learning and using potential, element Earth.

Pretty cool

Y Ddraig Goch
01-16-2009, 02:30 AM
hm... thanks on the advice, about the totems how to figure out how to find out about mine... dunno why but i have always been keen to dragons :)))))) maybe too much RPG games i have played in my life. anyway i find the characteristics of a dragon similar to mine. lazy, wise ( others have said that about me, i aint saying it for mahself), protective over something, fearless, at moments of intense anger i dont think that there is anyone that can stop me (last time i checked, it took 7 cops to take me in), strong maybe. and i always liked them dragonz kekekekek fav dragon type ? red of course. :)

Lady Dunsany
01-16-2009, 10:20 AM
hm... thanks on the advice, about the totems how to figure out how to find out about mine... dunno why but i have always been keen to dragons :)))))) maybe too much RPG games i have played in my life. anyway i find the characteristics of a dragon similar to mine. lazy, wise ( others have said that about me, i aint saying it for mahself), protective over something, fearless, at moments of intense anger i dont think that there is anyone that can stop me (last time i checked, it took 7 cops to take me in), strong maybe. and i always liked them dragonz kekekekek fav dragon type ? red of course. :)
Dragons are wonderful. As a totem it could not be a better choice. Imagine having a dragon protect you.

01-16-2009, 11:52 AM
I myself think that if we begin to label what are totems are, or anything in life we put limits and place judgement on what ever that may be.

I think that what ever comes to us, whether in physical form, spiritual, ethereal form that is what we are meant to work with.

Do we really know what a God, Goddess, or a Angel looks like, It could be the homeless person that is the angel that gives us that spark we are looking for. It's whether we believe in that object that gives us what we need

Beauty lies in the eye of beholder and totems are what we hold dear to our heart.

Just because a animal doesn't exist is extinct, it is alive in our hearts and spiritual endeavors.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-16-2009, 05:29 PM
great speech odin :). anyway, last night after i posted on this thread that i want red dragon to be my totem, i did a lot of thinking and after i fell asleep i got this dream. my dragon totem was beside me, and it might sound pervert but it was SHE. too bad that i didnt asked for her name in my dream. she could also take the form of a human, but still had some distinguishing marks that she is a dragon. like small twisted horns on the her forehead, small scales on her back, glowing yellow eyes. there are too many details that i dont want to bother myself to explain, tho most of them are kinda blurry. anyway i think i have read in dragon encyclopedia that dragons can take human forms, and unlike humans, who can only use magick, dragons are part of it. damn i am so exited i think i am few steps of getting my totem. :))))

anyway arent totems = familiars ????

Lady Dunsany
01-16-2009, 05:54 PM
Keep us informed on how it goes. Isn't it exciting when they finally make themselves known.

01-21-2009, 01:55 AM
I believe mine is a family Totem, which would be the Wolf. It plays a big part in my family. Though not pure wolf I have grown up with dogs that where a lest 1/16th Wolf(the most my grandmother could get with paper where she lived in CA). She loved wolf, and it all just kind of got past my way, I have might my wolf totem, vary beautiful.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-21-2009, 02:16 AM
ever since that dream i am trying to visualize my dragon in either the human or dragon form but had no luck. dont know why but my concentration is kinda messed up for the past few years.

01-22-2009, 12:50 AM
My totem is the grizzly bear.

01-22-2009, 07:15 AM
I don't know if its my Totem...but I also have a strong affinity with the concept of the Dragon. I have lots of Imagery of them scattered around my living space.

My reason for their use is however mundanely logical...to me, Dragons represent the elements, which form a large part of by paradigm.

Wings for the Air
their breath is fire
The serpents body for Earth
Scales like ripples on the Water, (also reinforced by the fluid sinuous movement of the body).

A Dragon is the embodiment of all things elemental.

I've been cogitating creating a servitor in the form of a dragon, its main function would be to focus and augment my use of the elements.

Perhaps Totem creatures are just servitors that we create for ourselves?

Lady Dunsany
01-22-2009, 11:02 AM
Hey there is nothing wrong with a rat. They have managed to survive longer than most. In the city poison has not been able to dispose of them. They are canny, and can sneak under door frames and do it so quietly no one will notice. Good choice.

01-24-2009, 05:23 AM
I have several: Eagle, Owl, Raven, Serpent, and Wolf.

Lady Dunsany
01-24-2009, 05:52 PM
There are a few out there you just have to search. The little I know about lynx as when I was younger a bob cat was my totem, probably still is but has been hazy lately, people who have them as totems are very clairvoyant and extremely intuitive about people.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-24-2009, 08:24 PM
i think that lynx is the latin name of the cat family as its canine for dogs. i havent heard of cat that has the name lynx for its species.

Lady Dunsany
01-24-2009, 08:31 PM
When I was a baby we lived in the woods in a small cabin. My mother was alone with me and she was feeding me. A bob cat walked right under the window and stayed under it looked up at my mother and emitted a cry. She said it sounded like a baby crying. When she looked at me she knew I was a different child and told me the bob cat was my totem. I totally dismissed it but the other day there was scat and tracks in the yard. My husband is a wildlife management and conservationist and he said it was a bob cat. The strange thing is they usually stay upstate and do not come down to these parts. I have to start looking into this again. Your dragon will show itself when you least expect it. Mark my words.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-24-2009, 08:36 PM
thank you for your support.

/cheers at Lady D.

Lady Dunsany
01-24-2009, 08:50 PM
thank you for your support.

/cheers at Lady D.

Always. Always. They do exists you know as do Unicorns. I know someone who bred Unicorns.

01-24-2009, 10:46 PM
re: Lady Dunsany and Cascara-
A bobcat is actually a smaller member of the Lynx family (felidae lynx rufus, specifically), though what is often thought of as a 'proper' lynx is the eurasian lynx (felidae lynx lynx), a close relative of which is the canadian lynx (felidae lynx canidensis). Every totem spirit is of course different, but, Cascara, if you look into associations for the Bobcat or Wildcat totems, you should have a pretty good idea. They're also related to cougars (puma or mountain lion), cheetahs, and the domestic cat, if you're interested in further research. Both bobcats and lynx are often associated with stealth, secrets, and clarity of understanding. For a not-terrible rundown, link here. (http://www.geocities.com/tammlynn/lynx.htm)

Balpheron, you may consider a different approach. Rather than actively attempting to visualize, you may make progress if you focus on relaxing, clearing your mind, and extending an invitation. Be prepared to wait, for, as others have mentioned, some animal spirits seem to 'test' those who would approach them. This dragon you've found may be one of these. After you have stated your desire and your invitation, simply try to maintain a clear and silent mind. For you, I link here, (http://www.whats-your-sign.com/dragon-totem.html) with the warning that it is not the best site I've ever seen, and may not be (okay, IS not) entirely accurate, but it is a fair introduction and may help you see in a different direction. Best of luck!

I have worked with Wolf, Grizzly, Eagle, Trout, Frog, and Puma at various points in my life, though none are my Totem. Each has required a very different relationship, but has helped significantly shape my perceptions and understandings.

Lady Dunsany
01-24-2009, 10:57 PM
Well Thank You rhoNIN for the information. Good to have you here.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-25-2009, 06:32 AM
i know its off topic but there u go... Here be Dragons! Dragon Art, Dragon Pictures, Dragon Gifts, Dragons for Sale (http://draconian.com/home/frameset.htm)

for all dragon lovers. this website has pretty much lore on dragons.

ok i just find out... my chinese zodiac sign is dragon. i am born in 1988 which is a year of the dragon. maybe it has some connection with my idea of getting dragon totem ?

01-25-2009, 07:20 AM
Mine is a ground hog lol Kind of surprised me.

Lady Dunsany
01-25-2009, 10:49 AM
I love ground hogs.

01-25-2009, 07:08 PM
I wonder...
Lady D, (and others) you've said that a person will dream about their totem animal... But what if I hate or am afraid of the animal I dream about? I dream about bees often, but I'm scared of them because I'm allergic to their sting, and I also become extremely uncomfortable when I see their nests, either in real life or even just in pictures. Would that mean anything, or do I just hate bees? Heh.

I'm also just thinking, maybe another way to "find" your animal would be to make a list of characteristics (good and bad) about yourself, and see what animal that seems most like? Then of course meditate on that animal and see if it is your animal or just an animal you're like. Just an idea.

Lady Dunsany
01-25-2009, 07:16 PM
I wonder...
Lady D, (and others) you've said that a person will dream about their totem animal... But what if I hate or am afraid of the animal I dream about? I dream about bees often, but I'm scared of them because I'm allergic to their sting, and I also become extremely uncomfortable when I see their nests, either in real life or even just in pictures. Would that mean anything, or do I just hate bees? Heh.

I'm also just thinking, maybe another way to "find" your animal would be to make a list of characteristics (good and bad) about yourself, and see what animal that seems most like? Then of course meditate on that animal and see if it is your animal or just an animal you're like. Just an idea.

Bees can be a totem, I am sorry to say. One of my totems is a spider I have been bitten quite a few times once by a brown recluse, but yet they are around me all the time. A bee represents strength and wisdom, of which I feel you have. You can have more than one totem. You do not have to meditate. What are you drawn to? What animal gives you joy. There is a book called Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. It explains all about the Totem and how to find one. You call yourself Crimson Sheep are you drawn to those animals.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-25-2009, 07:20 PM
as what Lady D said... your totem will show before you when its time... it doesnt have to be bee.

01-25-2009, 07:33 PM
Bees can be a totem, I am sorry to say. One of my totems is a spider I have been bitten quite a few times once by a brown recluse, but yet they are around me all the time. A bee represents strength and wisdom, of which I feel you have. You can have more than one totem. You do not have to meditate. What are you drawn to? What animal gives you joy. There is a book called Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. It explains all about the Totem and how to find one. You call yourself Crimson Sheep are you drawn to those animals.
I understand that bees can be a totem, I'm just thinking, a person wouldn't normally be made uncomfortable by their totem, would they? You say spiders are all around you; do you ever feel uncomfortable around them?

I will look for the book; thank you.

Not really...my username is more of a statement of society rather than the significance of the animal itself. (Based on how some call people "sheep" for "following the herd"... Sort of like, I'm sometimes one of those people, but I'm still my own person; hence "crimson".)
As far as animals I'm drawn to... to be honest, the "usuals" (what it seems people are normally "drawn to"). Wolves, horses, birds. House cats but not big cats. Dogs but not as myself.
Mostly birds; corvaides and birds of prey. Crows and hawks, sometimes falcons, blue jays and Cardinals. Seeing (or hearing, especially in the case of crows) any of these five brightens my day a bit. Could they (any or all) be totems?

Y Ddraig Goch
01-25-2009, 07:45 PM
i think that all animals, insects and birds can be totems, even fantasy creatures can be totems. in my case i am drawn to dragons. i had few dreams of her.
Lady D told me not to be rushy towards it. it will appear before me when the time comes. so my answer is yes. your birds of choice can be totems.

Lady Dunsany
01-25-2009, 07:51 PM
I understand that bees can be a totem, I'm just thinking, a person wouldn't normally be made uncomfortable by their totem, would they? You say spiders are all around you; do you ever feel uncomfortable around them?

I will look for the book; thank you.

Not really...my username is more of a statement of society rather than the significance of the animal itself. (Based on how some call people "sheep" for "following the herd"... Sort of like, I'm sometimes one of those people, but I'm still my own person; hence "crimson".)
As far as animals I'm drawn to... to be honest, the "usuals" (what it seems people are normally "drawn to"). Wolves, horses, birds. House cats but not big cats. Dogs but not as myself.
Mostly birds; corvaides and birds of prey. Crows and hawks, sometimes falcons, blue jays and Cardinals. Seeing (or hearing, especially in the case of crows) any of these five brightens my day a bit. Could they (any or all) be totems?

I use to be afraid of spiders till the bite, now I am not anymore. As far as all the animals there is no cardinal rule that your totem has to be one or two, they come at times when you need them and serve different purposes. You can also go to sleep at night and ask your totem to reveal itself to you. What animal seems to be around you more, what do you find yourself gravitating to whether viewing it on TV or books. All y6ou have to do is just sit quietly and think about it. I have the spider and the hawk and the coyote and the dolphin. They come at times when I need them. Do not put yourself in a box reach out there and all will be revealed.

01-27-2009, 07:51 AM
I have always thought of myself as a dog person and held wolves to be my favorite animal, but it seems like cats like me better, everytime I move (and I tend to move alot) I will be at home doing something and there will be a random stray cat either looking through door or sitting at a window wanting in. Would this mean cats likely one of my totems or am I just lucky and liked by cats.

01-27-2009, 03:18 PM
Update :

Doing some shamanic work, this "power animal" discovery was on the list.

I was already friends with Serpent. At least we got along pretty well. But I decided to do this operation again to open up and let any other animal spirits that were with me speak to me.

As I was falling asleep I got my mojo on, slipped into a magic vibe. I used my head voice and projected it outwards in all directions for infinity. I said "I Want to meet my power animals". I was feeling it then. So I went to sleep.

I woke up around 2 and had to pee. At first, I didn't really remember my dreams. So when I went back to sleep I resolved to have better recall (and kind of felt like a dick for asking the universe and the animal spirit to show up then just forgetting.)

Any how, then I had the dream.

I walked outside of my house. For some reason, instead of the usual landscapes, it was nighttime out and very etheric. No features could be seen except for luminous clouds and shafts of light. I wathced these for a while. Eventually it appeared that I was up in the sky looking down at some faintly glowing city through a cloudy sky.

The I grabbed at the door way. I thought to myself, "Oh my god, there are probably spiders all over that thing!" I freaked out. I could feel them climbing on me. Oh god oh god panic fear.

I ran inside. "Help me! I'm covered in spiders!" I scremed to my family. They got a few off of me but I was still very well coated in the creatures. So I took my shirt off and my pants. I went to lay down, after having decided I was clean of arachnids.

But something was biting me. Sharp, quick, burning. First on my arm then my leg, right on the left knee. I knew that there was probably a massive spider hiding under the sheets, nuzzled next to my skin. Oh god! Paralytic fear. Do I move quickly, fling the sheets off and jump up and away? Maybe he will bite me in the comotion and I won't be fast enough. I'll just sit here.

Then I saw what it looked like. It was on someones hand and it took up the entire surface of it. It crawled to the underside of there hand and rested. All I could think was "Don't touch that!" Then the spider jumped off their hand, and floated in the air, almost swimming through it. The arachnid then returned to their hand and I awoke.

I'm glad that I found this information out, however, I am terrfied of spiders.


Things to look for in dreams when a totem is after you -

Speaking to the animal
Seeing it in an element that is not its own ( a fish in the forest, a flying spider, a sea buffalo).
Feelings of power, awe.

The Raven
01-27-2009, 10:14 PM
I'm not sure that this is right but my Totem is the panther, I found that recently because of a lucid dream that I had and in that dream there was a lion in a room with me, and the lion was about to attack me, at that moment

I felt a little panic ,but just when the lion was about to jump I called semi-conciously something to protect me, right at that time a black panther came a jumped in front of the lion and protected me.

After that I got out of the room and came back, I then decided to pet the panther to thank him (it felt like a he) for helping me but when I was about to pet him, he bite my hand (that really hurt) I looked at my hand and it was shattered it looked awefull.
I woke up but decided to come back there and figure out why he bite me, I layed a sleep again and he was laying on the floor very peacefully I thought to myself ("I'm not afraid") and pet him and when I did, I saw a woman's face...

Anyway after that I searched a little about totems and really identified myself with the panther, but I wasn't sure that he would be my totem I only got a little of confirmation when I was meditating and felt him arround me and I even saw him when I closed my eyes

I'm trying to get him to talk to me right now (sorry about my english I'm a bit rusty):)

Lady Dunsany
01-27-2009, 10:24 PM
I understand that bees can be a totem, I'm just thinking, a person wouldn't normally be made uncomfortable by their totem, would they? You say spiders are all around you; do you ever feel uncomfortable around them?

I will look for the book; thank you.

Not really...my username is more of a statement of society rather than the significance of the animal itself. (Based on how some call people "sheep" for "following the herd"... Sort of like, I'm sometimes one of those people, but I'm still my own person; hence "crimson".)
As far as animals I'm drawn to... to be honest, the "usuals" (what it seems people are normally "drawn to"). Wolves, horses, birds. House cats but not big cats. Dogs but not as myself.
Mostly birds; corvaides and birds of prey. Crows and hawks, sometimes falcons, blue jays and Cardinals. Seeing (or hearing, especially in the case of crows) any of these five brightens my day a bit. Could they (any or all) be totems?

I use to but not any more. Spiders are intelligent and their weaving is strong and indestructible. This is off the record but humans consume at least eight spiders a night when they are sleeping. I can walk outside an they are there or they are in the house.

01-28-2009, 03:36 PM
I know all about spiders and thats why they scare me.

They are hyper intellgent for an insect. I would argue that they have a very unique conciousness, something very different from almost all other creatures. A while ago I took an oath to Spider, not to kill them anymore on purpose or unless they started it. I took this oath because of how smart they are. I don't want to piss them off by killing a high ranking spider and have a blood contract out on me. They do this.

Once at my old apartment, there was a giant spider. He showed himself to me one day whilst I was helpless on the commode. Thankfully he did what spiders oft do and vanished. I crept out of the room and never slept well again. Till one night whilst I was on this very laptop, sitting on the floor, he came tearing down the hallway at me!

I knew I was in danger. We both stopped and sized each other up. He had his forelegs in the air like loaded guns. I picked up a big box for fear of using a smaller item should I miss and he counterattack. I tried in vain to hit him, however, his speed was too great.

My girlfriend then woke up, shot him with cleaner, hit him with a shoe and threw him in the toliet, totally draining me of any man points I had. But the next day....

She was attacked by three spiders. Assassins no doubt, out for vengence and the high bounty that would be paid in flies and silk mansions. The first one attacked her at the mirror in the morning. It came flying down from the roof of the bathroom, aiming for the head. He was taken out though, by the casual motions of the gigantic human hand.

The next one was in the car, waiting for his moment. As she got in a buckled up, he went for the kill. Running across her lap, with fangs ready to strike, he was smashed to death. Another disheartening loss for Spider.

The third one tried to attack but lost his nerve and left.

So she made it out. The contract was dissolved as the target proved to be to dangerous.

However, on the day we moved out, just as we were loading our final things into the truck I meet the new guy. He was a spider the same size a breed as the one who started this all. We were both on the sidewalk, he was going in, we were going out. We stoped and looked at each other, some understanding between us. I wished him well in his new assingment and he crawled under the door.

But, they still freak me out.

Y Ddraig Goch
01-28-2009, 05:08 PM
very good story... spiders also freak me out... but only the big ones that are dangerous. at this moment i have like 3-4 spiders in my room... bigger ones. they are of those house spiders, small body but very long legs. what i have read about them is that they have a poison 100 times stronger than the one the black widow has. but since their bodies are small they have very little of it and their fangs can not penetrate human skin.

02-08-2009, 04:02 AM
I have had three totems enter my life so far. My first was the Shark, then the Tiger, and recently was the Salamander. The shark came to me in a guided meditation where I ended up in the middle of the ocean during a feeding frenzy. :P My tiger "interrupted" a meditation by clawing its way through my mind, and my Salamander appeared to me in a dream where it bit me on my left palm.

02-08-2009, 09:49 AM
The Owl- Owl sees and knows the truth. It's ability to navigate through the darkest night and bring back nourishment for itself and others is the foundation of this essence. When you have lost your way, owl essence will guide you back to your proper path and wisdom.

02-08-2009, 10:08 AM

haha, i always wnated one.

Any type of crane though with a large, curved bill.

02-08-2009, 12:40 PM
My Animal Guides are Wolf, Wolverine, and Eagle.

I use this site (http://www.sayahda.com/cycle.htm) to find my information on totems.

02-19-2009, 11:15 AM
seagulls, in the space they clear out by being white and making honking noises, the origin of the word honky, make a space for crows, my familar totem animal.

Ruby Heart
02-21-2009, 07:34 PM
My totem animal is a wolf but also a spider.

Red Serpent
02-22-2009, 03:02 PM
well...as i read posts in this thread, i become more and more sure that i have three totems:
Snake: i like them, i wanted to have one as a pet when i was a child (my mom was horrified of the idea) and it was countless times in my dreams.
Dogs and cats: i wanted and had them as pets (when i was studying away from my home town, i had two of my cats with me and everywhere i went, they traveled with me) - i love them both very very much and one day when i'll have a place of my own, i intend to have them as pets again.

SNAKE: Wisdom, Healing, Initiation - The symbol of eternity

This a powerful totem -- it is the symbol of transformation and healing. The Snake is wisdom expressed through healing.

It is a protector and guardian totem, along with its sister totems, the Dragon and the Serpent.

If a snake totem has come into your life, your creative forces are awakening. Your intuition will sharpen and be more accurate.

Snake energy is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance. It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation.

It also signals a transition in your life. New opportunities and/or changes.

Snake is fire medicine, the medicine of transmutation. On a material level, it is vitality; on an emotional level, it is ambition and dreams; on a mental level, it is intellect and power; on a spiritual level (the highest level), it is wisdom, understanding and wholeness.

Snake magic is heavy magic. Become the Magician and transmute the energy and accept the power of the fire.

The Snake is one of the symbols of Thoth.

CAT: Mystery, Magic and Independence - A cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind. You will be challenged with new ideas and places. The cat gives you clearer perception.

This spirit helper is resourceful, strong and fearless. It will give you courage and confidence.

Examine the colors, character and behaviors of your Cat. Everything about it will reflect in your own life.

When a Cat becomes predominant in your life, magic and mystery come alive.

DOG:Faithfulness and Protection

The Dog is a symbol of the small becoming the great. People with this totem have great spirit and a great ability to love. It takes a lot to break a dog spirit.

People with a Dog totem are usually helping others or serving humanity in some way. Dog medicine embodies the loving gentleness of best friend and the fierce energy of protector.
You will have a deep understanding and compassion of human shortcomings.

Study the quality of the breed of dog that has entered your life: is it a hunter, a protector, a companion, playful? Each of these qualities will give you insight into the qualities needed for your own life.

A Dog totem is a great spirit booster.

I found this here: http://www.linsdomain.com/totems.htm and as i could see, there are many things that match with me. and as Cascara said, killing that snake was an act of not wanting to accept the change. I'm not ready ... yet.

Lady Dunsany
02-22-2009, 06:12 PM
What a wonderful post, and thank you for the link.

02-22-2009, 07:27 PM
I feel that I have two totems - one that is my eternal totem and has been through all my lives, and one that changes with every calendar year.

I only recognized this after spending a week with some shamans from my town. This was two years ago when I first went and I learned that my totem was the snake and the swan. The next year I went again and my totem was the snake and the horse.

Thanks for the site, I learned a lot about my totems.

Lady Dunsany
02-22-2009, 08:28 PM
I am glad you are enjoying it.

02-24-2009, 10:58 AM
after reading this it seems my dominating totems are the dog and the tiger. very interesting!

02-28-2009, 03:11 AM
I haven't found mine yet. I would love to. Do they find you or do you find them?

Lady Dunsany
02-28-2009, 10:56 AM
Both. You can asked them to appear in your dreams, or do meditation and asked them to show themselves to you. What resonates with you, what animal do you find yourself reading about or observing without thinking. You will know as your totem is just waiting for you to find it. In my case Crows have been coming in my yard and one flew at the window staring at me. I guess this is the crow's way of telling me pay attention, I am here.

03-01-2009, 09:17 AM
Totems? I have several animals that come to mind. Crows have a special interest in me,and me in them. But things seem to fluctuate. I'd say a good way to find your totem would be automatic drawing, but I think that's an answer to most everything.

Other animals that show up in my dreams often, drawings, and all of that:
Owl, Wolf, and just recently the Primordial Cow Snake. :) That's not a type of snake, but a cow with a snake like body.

Blind Lapis
03-04-2009, 04:34 AM
I too have a totem that appeared to me one day, and my native name has it in it. It is the cardinal. It is a faithful and changing bird. The males red coat changes to brown for part of the year to guard thier nests. I too change to protect those I love. They also seem to flock to my yard and surrounding area.

03-04-2009, 06:00 PM
~Life Paths~

Animal Totems & Earth Medicine

Birth Totem Crow


Wolf`s Moon

Birth dates: September 22 - October 22

Birth Totem is: Crow

Clan of: Butteryfly (Air Chief)

Wind is: West

Directional Totem is: Grizzly Bear

Conscious intent is: Partnership

Motive of Higher Self is: Balance and Harmony.

Plant/Flower: Ivy

Mineral: Azurite

Birth Totem Crow is an individual whose outer personality is driven by the Quest to bond with Another.

By design, the Crow is a highly curious creature, imbued with a remarkable degree of intelligence. Despite such intelligence, this heightened curiosity will often lead Crow in the path of unforseen danger. As he follows the glimmering call of a shiny penny, he is oblivious to the encroaching threat of an oncoming vehicle, so intent is he upon retrieving the fascinating object......

Credit: ~Life Paths, Role of the Birth Totem, Earth Medicine and Animal Totems (http://wolfs_moon.tripod.com/birthtotmain.html)

I find this site to be a bit more complete when it comes to information on totems & paths, take a peek, it's lovely as well.

Lady Dunsany
03-04-2009, 06:06 PM
I like this one too. Thanks for sharing it.

Birth dates: May 21 - June 20

Birth Totem is: Deer

Clan of: Butterfly (Air Chief)

Wind is: East

Directional Totem: Eagle

Conscious intent is: Bringing Humanity Together

Motive of Higher Self is: Develop and Integrate the Mind

Plant/Flower: Mullein

Mineral: Agate

native bar


Intelligent Skilled Communicator Knowledgeable

The Conveyor of Ideas Friend to All


native bar

Birth Totem Deer is one whose outer personality is one of apparent contradictions as she is gentle in appearance, yet strong, fleet of mind, yet slow in putting her thoughts into action.

Her conscious desire is to be an integral part of the threading together of Humanity, to weave a blanket of Oneness from all races, spiritual beliefs and cultural backgrounds, and yet she may have difficulty in integrating her Mind to her Emotional Center.

So long as Deer flees from the “demons” of her own making, she will not achieve her dream of becoming a thread in the Quilt of Acceptance, for she is not accepting of her own Inner Self.

Think of Sister Deer as she moves quietly through the forest, ever alert for the subtlest of movements, the slightest of sounds that will warn her of impending danger, and yet her own flightiness often leads her straight into the sights of the Hunter.

When one who has Deer as their Birth Totem can learn to calm her restless nature, learns to quiet her frantically beating heart, she may begin the process of formulating her thoughts, untangling them from the massive ball of jangled threads into a garment of Higher Knowledge that can then be passed along to Others.

By first addressing her own acceptance of herself, then embracing and bringing together friends, associates and new acquaintances who are friends not yet known, into a common ground of shared goals, she will ultimately learn mastery over her restless mind, and thus truly begin the process of integrating her Mind with her Emotional Center.

White Wolf
03-05-2009, 07:12 PM
My main totem is Wolf. I also have Horse, Raven and Owl as totems.

03-05-2009, 08:36 PM
Birth Totem Wolf


Wolfs Moon

Birth dates: February 19 - March 20

Birth Totem: Wolf

Clan of: Frog (Water Chief)

Wind is: North

Directional Totem is: Buffalo

Conscious Intent is: Compassion

Motive of Higher Self is: Illumination

Plant/Flower: Plaintain

Mineral: Jade


Psychic Compassionate Spiritual

Illuminating Mystical



Birth Totem Wolf individuals arrive on this plane of existence to learn the gift of the ~Seer.~ As such, these souls are highly intuitive, with an ability to attain great spiritual heights as they seek Union with the Ancestors that walk the Blue Road of Spirit.

Consequently, there is a part of the Birth Wolf soul that will seem to be somewhere far away, existing in another state of consciousness and not completely in touch with their physical surroundings or ~reality~ (as most would perceive reality to be). This is because some aspect of Birth Totem Wolf is operating at a slightly different wavelength, with one ear tuned and listening for the Voice of the Great Mystery.

Herein lies both the greatest blessing and the greatest challenge of this particular Birth Totem.

While taking up the Robe of Physical Life, it is necessary to be in the physical world, to face in Truth those things which may be uncomfortable, painful or "ugly" as it is a part of the educational process of the soul that walks in flesh. This is where the challenge comes for the Birth Totem Wolf individual, as these are sensitive, compassionate and tender beings that abhor the thought of Others existing in pain or suffering.

This is not to say that we need also to be of the Physical World. In other words, while it is important for the growth of the soul to encounter, acknowledge and transmute the ~Shadow,~ it is neither necessary nor beneficial to participate in those thoughts and actions that may bring pain or suffering to Self or Others.

Equally, wolf as he/she walks beside the two-legged (in any Role of Totem, e.g. Birth, Power, etc.) is a Teacher Soul, and therefore it is part of the Life Lesson of these individuals to Teach Others the gift of Compassion. Yet part of the higher vibration of Compassion, is the knowledge of when to stand back and allow an Other to walk their own Path in Truth, just as the mother wolf in the wild will teach her cubs requisite survival skills so that they may then either become a contributing member of the Pack, or so that they might forge off on their own to establish a new pack.

In facing One`s own ~Shadow Self~ with Conscious Awareness, eliminating and integrating those behaviors that inflict pain or delay the progress of the Soul, Birth Totem Wolf then operates from a clearer octave of Compassion, and ultimately fulfills the Soul`s Higher Intent of Spiritual Illumination.

Lady Dunsany
03-05-2009, 10:37 PM
Isis, no matter where you go no matter what you do the wolf always pops up.

03-06-2009, 04:33 AM
yes i know lol

03-14-2009, 06:18 PM
Cat and wolf.

03-29-2009, 08:43 PM
My main totems are bats and ferrets.

I also consider squids and coyotes sort of secondary totems.

The bat shows up as an outside sort of force that imparts awareness from the world outside myself, where as the ferret seems to represent my inner self on a very personal level.

Squid tend to guide me when I'm seeking knowledge or following creative pursuits specifically, and Coyotes resonate when i'm in times of positive change or in need of an adventure of some sort.

I just realized that the two pieces of jewelry that I wear all the time tie in with my spirit animals. I never realized this, nor did I conciously choose the jewelry because of the association.

I've worn a pair of sterling silver bat earring studs since I was 14. (that was like, 11 years ago) I feel weirdly naked if i take them out and got an extra piercing in my ears just to hold them. I got them at a nature conservatory a long time ago, long before I had any intrest in anything occult or spirit animals or anything and have kind of taken them for granted without thinking about them.

I also wear a silver ring with an ammonite fossil set into it that I picked out and my mother bought for me. I didn't know until just now when I googled it (intrigued by my realization that my earrings are one of my spirit animals) and it turns out ammonites are little prehistoric squids.

04-04-2009, 02:50 AM
I have the Dragon as my totem, also Fox and Cat.
Dragon has had the most impact on me, followed by Cat.

04-07-2009, 12:04 AM
I am my own totem:cool:

03-15-2011, 11:59 PM
i`m only just beggining to read and trying to understand what totems are. i`ve been reading what one said here about the rabbit, kinda fits me. i was coming down from a short hike and a dog kept barking in some guys yard, i looked that way and there was this black rabbit staying in front of him ears pointed up, just looking him in the eyes, i stopped and looked a while, tried calling the rabbit to me, but he kept looking at the dog, dog was barking out of his mind :)) this one fits. i didn`t interpret it in any way until now, i just smiled hehe. some nights ago i dreamed about my father, weird relationship i have with him. he was carying a wild cat that somehow escapes, or is let go of, and after that attacks me, it really hurt, i woke up sweating and breathing like at the marathon. i dunno how to interpret this either. i have some sort of fear of cats, they`re so... unpredictable, unreadable, i respect them. then i have my dog, it`s like she`s always on X hehe, i always loved dogs. i guess this fits me, i`m pretty loyal. i don`t understand how and what they guide, should i do something about them? i don`t understand much about the meaning and purpose of totems.

03-16-2011, 06:51 AM
Mine are the turtle and hawk :)

03-16-2011, 08:19 AM
Mine is interchangeable between a cat and butterfly. Weird eh?


Mystery, Magic and Independence

A cat totem encourages agility in both body and mind.
You will be challenged with new ideas and places.
The cat gives you clearer perception.

This spirit helper is resourceful, strong and fearless.
It will give you courage and confidence.

Examine the colors, character and behaviors of your Cat.
Everything about it will reflect in your own life.

When a Cat becomes predominant in your life,
magic and mystery come alive.

Transmutation, Dance of Joy

The butterfly is the symbol of change, joy and color.
It is the symbol of the soul.

They remind us that life is a dance,
not to take things quite so seriously.
They also remind us to get up and move.
Dance brings the sweetness of life.

Butterflies bring color and joy to your life.
Look at them and remember what joy is in your life,
if its a lot or a little, it is still joy.

They teach us that growth and transformation does not have to traumatic;
it can occur gently, sweetly, joyfully.

03-16-2011, 04:38 PM
My totem is The Snake.

I also have a connection with The Hawk, The Wolf, and The Scorpion as my other elemental, secondary totems. My main totem is The Snake.

03-16-2011, 09:23 PM
Snake and Cat. Snake the primary and Cat the secondary.

Astral Eye
03-17-2011, 12:33 AM
My main three are the dragon, the wolf and the bird(I don't know what type, it seems to be a bit of lots of diiferent ones) and I use the shark,lizard,scorpion,dog,fox,tiger,cat and monkey as my secondary ones.

03-17-2011, 04:19 AM
Mine is the snake. From Animal Totem (http://www.animaltotem.com:)


Snakes smell with their tongues, and that's why it flickers out of their mouth so much. An amazing aspect of snakes is their ability to shed their skin and create a new layer. Before they shed their skin, their eyes cloud over giving them a trance like appearance. Once they have fully shed their old skin, their eyes clear up and they leave the place, never looking back.

Snake comes when we are moving toward change and need to let go of a part of our old self. Snake awakens our spiritual intuition allowing us to explore the mysterious depths of our mind and soul. Its unblinking stare looks into our souls and teaches us how to birth untapped power and creative wisdom.


I tend to love animals in general, but snakes are my favorite. Most people find snakes creepy or even loathsome, but I've handled snakes at the nature centers since I was a kid. Even the non-poisonous snakes can strike when aroused, and even the common garter snake gives a pretty unpleasant bite. Actually, the corn snake was preferred as a display animal over the garter snake. Corn snakes are fairly common - they like cornfields - and they are fairly large and lazy as adults.

My all time favorite snake is the North American Copperhead. It's actually a diamond-back viper (no rattler), and it's one of the most common snakes in North America. The top 3 are garden snakes, (or garter snakes), those corn snakes, and then the copperhead.

They have a dark body with a diamondback pattern, and then a coppery colored blunt head and nose (kind of a hognose.) They are not an aggressive species. They are really lazier than those cornsnakes. The problem is that their bite is toxic enough to harm someone, particularly a child. That means that they are better off left alone when seen in the wild. They are illegal as pets in the states. They are also illegal to be kept at nature centers, unless they are part of a special laboratory.

03-17-2011, 05:39 PM
Deer play a significant role in my life, they often act as omens, as do crows though I feel less of a connection to crows.

03-18-2011, 11:31 PM
Mine is the bear and the raven. :)

03-19-2011, 11:48 PM
what happens if you kill your totem? let`s say a spider.

03-22-2011, 04:17 PM
I feel I have many. My main ones I think of as the ones I've shapeshifted into while dreaming.

Tiny fish was my first when I was young. Then I shifted into a wolf and ran fast, then eventually a lion, a crocodile and a great white shark. Also snake, lizard and mouse. I might be forgetting some. One of my main last shifts I was a weird ox thing with a lion body and wings. I looked at my reflection in the dream because I didnt know what I was because I couldnt run fast like normal. I had ox front legs and a lion back.

Others I feel close to recently are ibis and frog and now I wonder about stingray.

I dreamt on the 6th March this year that it was raining frogs as many as rain drops. Then I saw a huge tidal wave 2 or 3 stories high made of frogs which was coming for the house and I was shutting the door to keep the frogs out but knowing the tidal wave would soon wipe out the house anyway. Five days later that tsunami hit japan which was timely because after the dream I was waiting for news of a tsunami. It was that kind of dream. I found a frog at my house the next evening after the dream too. So its been frogs frogs frogs. I had a laugh too because my son brought home some school chocolate afterwards to raise money and it was $50 worth of freddo frogs. lol

Anyway then the other night I dreamt I was swimming with stingrays to find a hidden castle under the sea which had a tiny tiny door(size of your thumb), which I went inside by touching the door under the water in the reef.

So I dont know if they are totems or not but they are interesting anyway.

It's weird too because my favorite animals are probably birds but I've never shifted into one and rarely dream of them.

05-09-2011, 04:36 AM
Having had numerous experiences with animal magnetism and synchronicities involving the mythological and shamanic symbolism and arcana which I ascribed to inhabitants of my natural surroundings, it would be hard to choose one of the beasts over another, as all experiences with them were breathtaking and seemed to teem with this limitless hidden meaning that would be disservicing to attempt to fully put into words. My interest in Nagualism was born entirely of multiple experiences with animals rather than any sort of instruction or initiation that would have allowed me to determine which one was most representative of any aspect of myself, higher and metaphysical or otherwise. Nevertheless, totemism and the will to find one's self in a symbolic natural connection is a very valid pursuit for those who are capable of deciphering their Gnosis and the language of the natural energy matrix effectively.

All the best, Mal...

05-09-2011, 07:11 PM
then the goddess of spiders punish you.

If you kill any living being it has at least a minor effect on your Genius/ Karmic entity, nevermind your sacred theriomorph.

Cartoon Character
05-27-2011, 09:04 PM
Black Panther, among others.

05-27-2011, 11:35 PM
I had a dream last weekend that I will go into further at a later date due to the fact it kind of freaked me out a little. As far as an animal totem...I do know that a tiger presented itself in my dream...and I felt better after seeing it. I know that according to the totem link that was originally posted...that tigers are not on that particular list...but I have sense looked up the meaning behind a tiger totem:

Passion, Power, Devotion

The Tiger is the symbol of darkness
and the new Moon.

When a Tiger totem enters your life,
expect new adventures.
It will awaken new passion and power.

Tiger people do their best work at night.
They are very sensual and passion people and devoted parents.
Your best work will be done at night.
Tigers are associated with water and have all the properties of the element of Water –
healing, power through gentle flow, feminine energies.

In China, there are 5 mystic tigers:
The red tiger is south, summer and fire,
the black tiger is the symbol of north, winter and water,
the blue tiger is east, spring and vegetation,
the white tiger is west, autumn and all metals,
the yellow tiger is ruler of the Earth and its energies.

05-31-2011, 01:31 PM
Raven, which isn't bad, only the feathers get every where.

08-03-2011, 05:44 AM
I'm a bee.

The entailment of hard work and dedication, small in size, but possessing more in production than any other. They are ironic for me, as bees have been a natural fear of mine since birth. (it's entirely irrational, but still.) For me it means self-betterment, and moreover, being fearless in courageous. Now, there is nothing I cannot accomplish. :D

08-04-2011, 06:48 AM
Snakes and various reptiles because I 'speak' to them and because they often gravitate to me.