View Full Version : Reversed Cross

07-21-2008, 11:19 AM
Of course, the reversed cross as seen as a Antichrist Symbol but before that belief.. Let's take a look back around after Jesus died and the Holy Spirit asscended apon the twelve apostles (spell check?) each of them carried a journey with the simple mind of preaching the gospel to the people they travel to in the many tongues that they possessed after the holy spirit gave them this gift.

On their journey, each of them met their demise in different ways (all of these a approx and some are said to be correct):

James was put to death by Herod Agrippa (spell check?) before passover in 44 AD or CE for those who follow the non-religious timeline.

Andrew has no accurate death but said to be crucified.

Phillip has no accurate death..

We'll just go straight to Peter or Simon surnamed Peter.

Under the Persecution of Nero
[For the people who don't know history -> Nero was the emporer of Rome and yes there was more than one emporer.. well basically He loved the look of freshly built city so in the slums he started a fire to built new homes for get this.. NEROPOLUS!] The great fire of rome went for 3 days (I think) and well someone needed to be blame and so he blamed the christians..

So under the persecuation he issued I guess the roman guard found Saint Peter and well they were going to nail him to the cross like Jesus but Peter is a good man and wishes not be crucified like his master so what they did is they tied his arms and legs to the cross and put it UPSIDE DOWN and has the blood rushed to his head, he eventually died and the reverse cross was known as the Martyr of Saint Peter and represented Humility.

That is the only story I know of the reversed cross other than the Antichrist Prophecy but I'm still sketchy on that story because it's said the scholars thought it was a symbol of something opposite to christ -> which is strange since scholars should've known what it already ment but

Could you help me understand more about the reversed cross of more of the antichrist prophecy if you know anything about it? I would be grateful anyways you can make up your own mind I just want more knowledge about it I still think the reversed cross is EVIL but I don't mind I like it anyways so yeah I would be grateful and anyone who wishes to understand more about it too. ?

07-31-2008, 08:49 PM
I've read everyone of these that you guys have wrote and i'm not putting my 2 cents n it not worth it all I have to say Is there Is No one without the other, there is no light without the dark

08-02-2008, 11:01 PM
Vampmisstress969 I've read everyone of these that you guys have wrote and i'm not putting my 2 cents n it not worth it all I have to say Is there Is No one without the other, there is no light without the dark

i agree with u

08-15-2008, 12:36 AM
Yeah, that is the most common story.

Crucifixion was all over the world, every culture did it slightly different.
Jesus, was not unique in this case, and his cross is really a strange symbol to concentrate on. There are better ones.

Anyhow, the upside down cross today means "spooky anti-christ". Roughly.

Really though, it means that a cross is upside down, fill in the blank.

Swords are upside down crosses. Plays in nicely with Christs imagery as well, being that he has a sword flying out of his mouth. Whenever the hell he gets to coming round these parts again that is...

08-29-2008, 09:35 PM
I use the inverted cross.For me it symbolizes Christ died in vain on the cross,and he's not the savior.I think Jesus was psychotic.But I am with the Devil and Hell.

11-03-2008, 04:16 PM
[attachment=46]"Good" and "evil" are a matter of perspective. Good and evil are based on old, dead ideas. Look around and you'll see no clear cut definition of the two. It's like saying that the world is strictly black and white.

As much as a few Satanists are pretentious in their "evilness," the reversed cross means nothing more than the belief that the wearer doesn't acknowledge Christ as their savior. Most likely a Satanist or maybe even someone who believes that he/she are not worthy of Christ dying for mankind's sins. No "evilness" behind it.

Lady Dunsany
11-04-2008, 09:57 AM
Yeah, that is the most common story.

Crucifixion was all over the world, every culture did it slightly different.
Jesus, was not unique in this case, and his cross is really a strange symbol to concentrate on. There are better ones.

Anyhow, the upside down cross today means "spooky anti-christ". Roughly.

Really though, it means that a cross is upside down, fill in the blank.

Swords are upside down crosses. Plays in nicely with Christs imagery as well, being that he has a sword flying out of his mouth. Whenever the hell he gets to coming round these parts again that is...
Some also say that Jesus was not crucified on the cross. It was not the form of death at that time. I have read he lay on a couch for three days and did not move and became one clothed with the sun, an Adept, a Master. It was a symbolic crucifixion.

11-21-2008, 12:37 PM
Hey, sorry to do this but this thread was dead when I made this - back than I was on certain things and just a confused satanist..HAHAHA anyways it is great that people discussed this it was more of a opinion in what it just meant to you.. that is what it basically was so. Everyone did very well and it's good that back a forths were made.

12-15-2008, 07:01 PM
I dont know which one worse the cross or the reverse cross... both were instruments of torture and death, specially the torture part.

I agree completely with Sinistar, it is just how you look at it that gives it meaning, because seriously I was a Christian and I cant believe how can they show off about how they tortured and killed their master, I mean c'mon they are supposed to be proud of his resurrection not his crucifixion and yet they put the cross proudly in the top of the church, inside and outside the church, in the bibles and in SO many other places that is almost ridiculous...

And the meaning of the upside down cross is also a matter of points of view, some think is pure evil and others simply see it as denial of Christ and everything that has to do with him...

For me is just another symbolism in this world and keeping in mind what they teach you in freemasonry: "each symbol has at least 7 levels of hidden meanings" so go figure out...

12-19-2008, 12:49 PM
Peter was crucified inverted out of respect for,..... well you know who.

Crucifiction was just the capitol punishment of the time there for it is like inverting an electric chair.

swords have always been my most unfavorite suite in tarot, so i prefer them up side down in spread for me personally usually.

and i feel christianity has taken to much credit for zoarastrian philosophy for me to pay tribute.

last but not least,....inverted anything is right side up for people on the other side of the earth. it is all subjective, perspective, orientation or however you define your personal parameters.

01-02-2009, 02:08 AM
As one to come late in this thread, I've wanted to say this since I learned anything about satanism. Satanists that I know think the inverted cross is the coolest **** ever. They think, in a nutshell, that any Christian symbol inverted is a sigle of Lucifer.

I hope you can tell, that even now I am shaking my head.

As above, Gazeeboth mentioned that an inverted cross is an inverted cross is an inverted cross. Good call. Teen Satanists are either too stupid to pursue the true way, or too self absorbed to accept any other ideal other than their own. There isn't any opportunity to learn. Scratch that, there is little opportunity to learn.

As a chink in my own personal philosophy, A flower losses a few petals, but growth is still to be had. When you limit yourself to one climate, you as a flower can't explore other places. Your seed can't spread to any other land. Limiting yourself to one belief system can neuter your ability to grow. If I thought there was only one name for God, I would limit my spell list to 0. I'm disappointed with many Satanists that don't want to learn at all. Its a shame. Ironic that selfishness is a key belief in Satanism, and that selfish cell of knowledge is kept tight and shut, as well with many who do not practice the occult. They refuse to even consider what could be out there...

Sorry for the rant...

01-04-2009, 09:33 PM
Its all taken out of context.

More often than not people just lump everyone all together and proclaim "EVIL"!

Its like expecting black people to still use "colored water fountains". Some 14 year old "Satanist" hates his parents and suburban lifestyle, so he turns a cross upside down and invites his friends over for some awesome Satan time! **** SCHOOL! WOOO! I HATE MY PARENTS! SO REPRESSED!

Then as Levi said, they listen to slayer and think they're the coolest **** ever. Self importance is taken waaay to out of context in this situation. I'm not even Satanist and I get pissed off about it. In retrospect its the same amount and same type of pissed off that I issue to the Christians who preach that Jesus will save them so long as they constantly jerk him off and yell at their kids about how everything is a sin. Also implied towards Wiccans who go outside, dress in a robe and scream at trees. Literally just hum and yell at trees. I have seen it done...

As a teen I know this doesn't sound like I know my ****, but I know enough to realize that teen angst goes much further than actual magick. I know of only one occultist/pagan in my age bracket that can actually hold a conversation about the occult without sounding like a total D bag or naive little Fluff Bunnie.

This aspect of teen social angst can be funnled into any sort of anti social or counter culture behavior. The occult is just one example. Music, clothing, lifestyle, slang, all of these are examples of oppressed youth rebelling against a higher power. It only makes sense to Teens, that if there is an entity that encourages them to be selfish, want, break and pillage every moral and norm out there (I'm reffering to missinformed satanists, who think they know everything ext) they should follow it.

I had an inkling of this in Jr High, but I quickly grew out of it. The Goth subculture at my school (Biggest in the state) preaches that they know whats what about magic, and if someone who doesn't wear black and listens to folk music has anything to say about it, they are wrong and should be shunned from the magick community as a whole.

Subcultures and difference/diversity is not a bad thing. It encourages imagination and growth. Its when susceptible youth take an idea into their head, misunderstand it, pervert it, and practice said idea do things go wrong.

As Occultists, Pagans, Magicians and &c, we should try not to preach, but to aid those who are ignorant. I myself have lent books, manuscripts, and given theorys to many if not all of those who "practice magic". The same people who go to hot topic and buy the magic love potions, need to be embraced and taught. If they chose not to accept it, then thats their choice and their loss. The attempt is all we need to do. The choice wasn't thrust upon us, and we shouldn't thrust it upon the ignorant. We should instead give as many options as possible.

Sorry for the rant but this needed to get off my chest due to a year of misunderstanding angst and frustration amongst my fellows. Thanks guys.