View Full Version : Understanding The Dark Brothers

Dean Plejaren
02-18-2009, 02:04 PM
deleting old posts

02-18-2009, 05:40 PM
I heard somebody say that Diabolism had to do with doing exactly the opposite of what christianity says. But in the dictionary that is not the definition of the word, so I'll take that as just a personal interpretation by one person.

What your OP describes sounds like an inversion of all human values, but then it is still a value and from a human's mind, it's just inside-out.

Going against all values and happiness can help you to become free if you do it right, because you may be able to penetrate and get passed what controls most people's lives absolutely. This does not require that you do bad things to other people, it can just be like asceticism. 'Buddha' went through this for a certain amount of time, denying himself comfort, food and pleasures, etc. I believe it was a good exercise of self-control and self-mastery but he knew it was not a true salvation for himself.

If we go back to the scene of the 'garden of eden', 'satan' basically was saying put your own interests first and put 'God' second. This kind of idea is allot like ... humanitarian-hedonism?? Which is allot different than your OP.

02-19-2009, 01:26 AM
I am a Satanist and I don't see any relevance to Satanism in your post. But that's just me.

morrigan raven moon
02-19-2009, 01:28 AM
i have some spells on this subject.

02-19-2009, 03:03 AM
Satan is a personification of the Judaic word al-satan (who borrowed it from the Persians' Shaiten) meaning adversary. The word is used more as a descriptive noun or pronoun. A fallen tree preventing a husband from getting to his injured wife would be considered a tree of shaiten, more or less.
Shaiten did not become Satan until much later where Jewish sects / tribes such as the Essenes began referring to anyone not an Essene as a Shaiten. Still further the Roman Christian church decided it was time to personify shaiten into Satan and have Him become the scapegoat for all evil in the Christian world.

There is no Satan

02-19-2009, 06:21 PM
So you view Satanism as chaos then?

02-19-2009, 08:02 PM
'Satan' and the mythos associated with 'Satan' are Sinister Strategies required to purge a Satanists minds and lives of the Nazarene Ethos and paradigm, to liberate the Satanists from the Magian hold that has gripped a vast portion of humanity. This hold that prevents us from Progressing humanity forward.

Yet to lose oneself in the mythos and strategy, to believe in the existence of an actual being known as Satan, is counterproductive because not only is this Satan a mythic being of the Nazarene Matrix itself, but it is also reactionary.

Those of the Dark Tradition with Insight, perceive that Satan is merely a descriptive term for a more Esoteric phenomena - the Acausal, or Force of Chaos, that is the center and fundamental substance of the Cosmos.

'Satan is comprehended on many levels - Esoteric and Exoteric. on one level, 'Satan' is the mythos of the Nazarene Paradigm used for sinister reasons; on another level, 'Satan' represents Nature in all its forms - primal, cosmic, earthly, animal, and human nature; and on a more Esoteric level, 'Satan' is the very Acausal Force we are presencing to manifest change and Progression.

02-19-2009, 08:39 PM
Dean is making an antinomian statement. I see nothing wrong with this. In fact I like it. It seems to be from his stream of consciousness. He might have tapped into something here. This should be encouraged. Dean let the criticism drive you further. Don't apologize for this keep going.

02-20-2009, 06:29 PM
Again you can claim being a satanist is any number of purposes. Because at this depth of it it's not on the level where it's limited to something anymore.

As far as i have thought with where I am at with things now, earth is somewhat of a moon system of the rest of the universe, a large male space insect that died, and there are Higher powers and a next life, but that still makes earth some sort of hell, as nothing here makes any sense or works in an appropriate way, although it can appear perfect to those who have no knowledge of what can happen to a person in life or how imperfect it all really is. part of how I feel about satanism, is that justice will never be served on earth and some people have no reason to exist for their crimes against others, and the hate for them to go to a deeper hell. I pretty much agree with everything you said originally in the first post, I have the same feelings.

I am making a spiritual/esoteric order based on my theory of the universe, but it is earth centered and since the earth was a living thing we should take care of it. I feel the role of black magic in that, and basic things should be done in it before this happens with the black magic, should be to heal it as a living being before directing energy. it only makes sense that way.

another aspect of satanism as applied to the material world is the quandry of messed up paradigms in science destroying everything about everything we do as a species, and also given the nature of the localization of research, as what is made in a science lab only exists where it is made, and needs to be manufactured and distributed to each person, where all products come from.
J. Edgar Hoover himself once said in his book "masters of deciet" that communists are just violent socialists, and his job was to protect america from violence. I still don't see how, even after hitler created "backwards" national socialism that people would still never figure out to be nice to each other on earth, a place of microorganisms. eewww!

02-20-2009, 07:50 PM
As far as i have thought with where I am at with things now, earth is somewhat of a moon system of the rest of the universe, a large male space insect that died, and there are Higher powers and a next life, but that still makes earth some sort of hell, as nothing here makes any sense or works in an appropriate way,

I consider the earth and life on it as shells.
There is an insectoid presence, but it's not the main factor;
Most of us are zombies eating eachother and being stupid.

02-21-2009, 12:14 AM
Dearest "D. Plajeran". I understand that your views are valid, for you, (or maybe you are just playing at `adversary`?), however, your notes are quite simplistic, almost teenage in essence. There are many variations on the Sinister Way, some not as easily accessible as merely pressing a few clicks in a Net browser! Nevertheless, your theory was ammusing. Thanks!

morrigan raven moon
02-22-2009, 09:37 AM
this thread is very instering i am impressed. cant wate to read more.

02-22-2009, 09:23 PM
So really what your saying here is that if you go to the lowest qlippothic shell, you will enter into Kether? The usefulness of the cup is in it's emptiness?

Your tone reminds me of church sermons. I dig it.

04-19-2009, 03:41 AM
Great plans are made to implement the easy way out the band aid temporary solution for a greater cost later on.....Extreme effort and ambition toward Skipping genuine efforts required to reap the productive results. Avoiding solutions but seemingly reaping temporary unearned results for a short period of time at a greater expense later. Taking great strides to dealing with problems later, and delaying the inevitable at a greater price. Immediate short term gratification over more efficient long term results. Over indulgence with physical urges. Rejection of spiritual purity. Denile is truth. Using physical materiality to sustain ones life and mindset. Creating problems to offer solutions which are traps to greater problems. Taking the burden away to increase the dependency. Lifting the responsibility to disempower. Taking the role of leader to prevent correct leadership.

Down this path you feel the hate rise up within you. Deception becomes integrated into your personality until honesty is something forgotten. A memory dissolved. You bleed more and more alone the deeper you go. Suffering takes hold. Right up until your world becomes very small sluggish and self focused, you are unable to look at others. You must look inward only. You find yourself hoarding the light from outside you, and dragging it out of other people. Everything is now a threat and a sin. Everything is against you.

Suffering is now your goal. Misery and horror your sanctuary. Fear and violence melts your heart. But Catastrophic boredom and emptiness fill your world. Compassion and empathy is something alien and foreign. But hurting others is your strategy to go deeper into the apathy of disassociation. The absence of fear suffering, hate, and misery denotes a weakness to be destroyed. Love is hell that burns you must defeat it with the glory of the fear hate, restriction, broken dreams and the tortured screams. Happiness is truly repulsive and decaying. Materiality, stench, hypocrisy and danger is the measure of ones progress. Obsession with dieing, suicide, poison and sickness rule the focus. Blackness is the treasure, tears are the fruits of life.
Pain sought after like precious stones. Anger is strength. Truth is a means to deception. Happiness is a means to misery. Intelligence is a means to insanity. Reality is a means to delusion. Victory is a means to humiliation. Humility is a means to pride. Good deeds are a means to mistakes. Love is a means to greater hatred later on. Flattery is a means to bloat others self importance. Courage is a means to increase the situation of the fear at a later time. Honesty is a means to deception. Revealing is a means to disguise even further. Unity, co-operation, and sharing is a means to division, stealing, and domination. Admiration is for whoever does all this to the greatest degree in the most efficient manner. Disgust is for those with noble intentions. War is waged on those who are peace loving. Freedom is a disease to be cured with fascism. Utopia is cancer. Abundance is a tragedy. Compliments are for setting up greater insults later. Gifts are rubbish to be disposed of. Family is the enemy. All relationships are for the purpose of mutilation. Censorship and rejection is respect. Powerlessness is a gift. Ugliness is adored. Blindness is a haven for regression. Breakdowns are lovely. Guilt and shame is a great honor. Selfishness is the best achievement. The greater the destruction and degree of the killing is the measure of the sophistication of the adept.

This is some basic psychology of the satanic path.

As for the above thinking, I have read similar dysfunctional ideas in some satanic cult books and tabloids - but this just shows how distorted Satanism has become in the eyes of the public.

To me a person who lives to the above would need psychiatric help at the best and at the worst be dead from suicide. What many forget is satanism predates christianity and so IT IS NOT the opposite of a Christian and Noble life, but rather the aliance with the darkness. That means a very different thing. Satan as a life form is the personification of such.

Even amongst so called Satanists there is disagreement as to wheether Satan is a real being or just "the evil within" a person. Some christian groups are the same. The Christedelphians beleive he is not a real person but "the evil or imperfection inside you".

Yet all forms of belief in Satan from pre-christians times teach he is a real living being of some form. One of the foremost beliefs of Satan is that he does not require worship and is against any idea of such. For some it evolves into self worship by ego gratification. Many materialists do this automatically with no spiritual comprehension what-so-ever. Satan worship in reality is a paradox. Only Gods require and expect worship.

In order to really understand this whole satan thing one has to go back to basics. That means researching the pre-christian era, and the origin of how the gods came into being from the first war with The Ancient Ones/ Great Old Ones. Once you do that, we are then talking another language.

04-19-2009, 06:50 AM
From what I've read so far...this is much like what a donkey fart would translate to in the e-world.

"True Satanism", much like "True Paganism" and "True Christianity" is a matter of who you are and it should always be remembered that it is only your truth. This should be taken publicly as a courtesy (You might say your way is better, but allow some room for doubt that it is) if you don't believe it is actually true.

I think the guy talking about "True Satanism" should realize that Satan as an archetype is about opposition to some greater order...and Satanists seem to have a problem with how sheepish the "Xtians" are and such, but the belief in "True Satanism" seems to run counter to this criticism.

Frank N. Stein
04-25-2009, 07:56 PM
You're entirely wrong, a true Satanist accepts misery as part of our "life" on "Earth" but transcends it by accepting that there won't always be the same flowers we see today. Happiness is in our hearts and minds, transcending everything we touch, see and hear. Love is Satan and Satan is Love. You never experienced a true Satanic vision did you?

Satan is not bad, he only encourages people to be bad and so reap their karma and learn. He doesn'r "forgive and forget" - why should anybody? That would be violation of an important part of you.

05-14-2009, 04:33 PM
I'm new to the forums, but certainly not new to the Left Hand Path, so here's my injection of thoughts.

Lokia_Zos: I'm on the same page with you.

Although I find a few ideas in the original post to be quite relevant, it is far from my version of Satanism (using this as a broad term for now). The idea that there should be a "true satanism" is as revolting as any other so-called "truths", at least for me. Seems getting Satanists to agree to a universal anything is a bit like trying to herd cats. You'll have those that agree and will follow along, of course. Doesn't make said path any less relevant for those engaged within, I suppose.

Antinomian: There's a word I haven't heard in a few years.

05-24-2009, 10:57 AM
Honestly i thin dean is what i call cannon meat,your are being destroyed and you will learn nothing from this,true satanism rejects illusions and this is what you live by,i don't know in what you tapped in but it destroys you and using you ,this is not satanist is just madness,the purpose of satanism is to help human beings evolve not to destroy ourselfs ,you talk about the christian Satan not our true Father Satan.
I think something found your weakness and now is just exploiting you for energy or just fun.If others are as foolish as you ............they will have the same faith.(just an subjective opinion)

07-24-2009, 07:55 AM

As someone who has followed the satanist path for some time now...

What you are saying makes perfect sense.

This is a very deep and fairly accurate analysis of the condition this path creates.

Some idea development though...

I think what you mean by suffering is willed feeling, a light that comes from darkness. Its essence is pure, it permeates through any barrier and at once makes you one with the world around you and any willed effect on it is instantaneous and absolute. Which breaks the whole comfortable spirit/ego separation idea. So, love is in effect torture, because it subjects one to the raw experience of a certain conscious being one happens to observe in a bonding manner. And any thing one observes, changes. And change can be frightening. Particularly when it comes from somewhere without notable direction...as is the case there, essentially you're tacking on an extra dimension to the subject's experience. So one who observes through dark light is seen as a monster. And to become subject to this raw idea is to become it, to become a monster.

Anyway, so the idea of an ego entering the spiritual realm is counterintuitive. Usually a guide, a higher self, or some form of substitute is used. Not for someone who is left-handing it, the way I see it. See, the lower conscious self is a linear, closed system. Higher consciousness is a circular, open system. So to combining the two modes results in a circular, mitigated open system.

The experience of it is this...well, everything all at once. The linear mind picks and chooses its experience...once encountering something that becomes "suffering" simply stops on it and it grows distant and fades away.

However, in an increasingly circular, closed system of consciousness, stopping on something keeps you stuck there. And progression simply leads you back to the same point. And so once stuck the system must open to input (chaos) to correct the misappropriation. Or in other words, the first act of Will.

And long story short, Will is simply a mitigating device that allows one to maintain a dualistic and linear identity in a circular system of consciousness open to chaos.

Or on the Right Hand, a non-dualistic and linear identity is a mitigating device that allows one to maintain a circular system of chaos open to Will.

The idea is positive energy disperses and negative energy focuses. If your mitigating device is will, then you want focus. If your mitigating device is an identity, then you want dispersion.

Or you could mix and match. Think about it :D

12-11-2009, 06:46 PM
Satan is a personification of the Judaic word al-satan (who borrowed it from the Persians' Shaiten) meaning adversary. The word is used more as a descriptive noun or pronoun. A fallen tree preventing a husband from getting to his injured wife would be considered a tree of shaiten, more or less.
Shaiten did not become Satan until much later where Jewish sects / tribes such as the Essenes began referring to anyone not an Essene as a Shaiten. Still further the Roman Christian church decided it was time to personify shaiten into Satan and have Him become the scapegoat for all evil in the Christian world.

There is no Satan

Hello, EtuMalku. It's been awhile. I wonder if you still visit. How's your research going?

I seem to find the tracks you've left when i come back to the internet for my short visits. You sure do get around.

Dark Brothers.....try not to upset them is probably good advice.

12-11-2009, 08:27 PM
Wow, this was a weird thread. First off, you do have potential in writing. Although I am not a fan of Left Handed mythos. It gets done to death by metal bands and sounds silly after awhile.

The real question here is do you mean this literally or symbolically? For example, "Evil Mind" can either be the mind of a sadistic killer or a symbolic for one who has a completely Independent Mind. As in, from a Slave sheep religion, one would have a "evil mind". When really, the person is independent. Therefore Order of Sheep is contrasted with Chaos. Suffering is contrasted with mindless bliss. Hunger is contrasted with dumb satisfaction.

If you do mean what you say literally. That actually hurting others is a path to enlightenment or aiming for pain is a path to helping the self...then you are sadly sadly misunderstanding the Satanic/Luciferian/Left Handed path. If you do mean it literally then it is what Sheep do. Sheep Xtians hurt others in the name of God. Sheep Xtian aim for suffering because sin. Same goes for Islam of course. Also, a "evil sadistic mind", if meant literally, is a mind that has no self-control.

By "Adversary", or Antinomian, we contrast Individuality with Collectivism. A Luciferian/Satanist is the God of their own life/world, is independent minded, has an autonomous Will, believes their own personal truth. This is "evil minded" to the Nazarene.

The Qlipphoth is the means to become such. And quite the dangerous yet rewarding means.

Many people misconstrue Satanism/Luciferian as being a selfish irrational hedonistic aggressive animal, as a LITERAL thing. If a person does this literally, well, they aren't any different than the common dirtbag in drug houses. A Satanist/Luciferian/Left Handed as supreme self-control and believes in Humanity, or rather, the POTENTIAL of Humanity, thus is the "Morning Light".

I did like your writing though.

01-23-2010, 08:56 PM
I don't know about everyone else but there is little to no structure in his thinking. If there is structure in his thinking, then I for once fail at finding it and would appreciate someone explaining it to me.

It reminds me too much of schizophrenia. For example when he goes on about '' insanity'' and '' in Satan'' or something like that. Either a manic mind, or a schizophrenic one, or possibly a genius that has gone completely crazy on some kind of mind altering substance.

My other idea was that as he was walking along the satanic path he couldn't handle the forces he was working with and became absorbed in them.

In Theosophy these forces are the Pitris. In India these forces are the Asuras. In Zoroastrainism they are the Daevas and the Drujs.

They are forces of nature... some more sophisticated than others but still quite wild... who created Man and exist simultaneously within Man and only have a mind because of Man.

If a person is not aware of their Higher Self when embarking on this path I've noticed a lot of people tend to become sociopathic or simply crazy.
They take over.... and the magick is addictive.... it boosts the ego as well as turns the flesh into a Haven of Wonder.

Then you got good old satan. The Adversarial aspect in us all. Being fed over the ages fear, blood, pain, suffering, and a satanist goes and invokes him before doing any magick.

Not trying to offend any of you spiritual satanists out there. These are my beliefs and explanations why this happens.

Dean Plejaren
01-02-2012, 10:07 PM
If anyone is curious about how I have changed since making this thread or why I posted it, or any other question feel free to message me and I may be able to explain. I deleted my posts because they no longer apply.

03-06-2012, 03:43 PM
I would like to know as one of my friends said that a girl was made promiscuous and of loose character by satanic methodology ?? Is it true and how this can be done on some one ?

03-06-2012, 08:51 PM
that is what i was going to say lol

03-07-2012, 04:11 PM
I would like to know as one of my friends said that a girl was made promiscuous and of loose character by satanic methodology ?? Is it true and how this can be done on some one ?

do you need to get laid? just see a prostitute it's less hassle

Astral Eye
03-07-2012, 07:54 PM
lol ally, that made me laugh

03-07-2012, 10:15 PM
that is what it sounds like to me to ally