View Full Version : On Control

02-19-2009, 03:38 AM
I have come to see magic as the ability to tap into a force/godform etc and to use said force as a vehicle to transport consciousness towards the point in time/space that one wishes to bring change. ie the mind brings the changes, rather than "directing" a force etc to do ones bidding etc. I know this is not very well articulated, but comments are welcome!

morrigan raven moon
02-22-2009, 09:35 AM
like the post my friend very good. cant wate to read more.

Lady Dunsany
02-22-2009, 09:52 AM
I have been doing this for many years through the force that is within me. It is possible to tap into this and I am not talking about other beings to do one's bidding but the actual life force and energy of the universe to bring change for good or bad. However one of the problems with this is the one's who are trying to bring that change by the force that is in the universe, (I do not mean to sound like OBI WAN) even though George Lucas was closer than most realize, are also dealing with one's who want to bring the opposite change, in a way it they cancel each other out. I do know what you are talking of and it can be hard to articulate.

02-24-2009, 03:32 AM
Lady Dunsany,
Sorry for my initial blubberings, I am new to computers in general and will learn at my usual rappid pace.
I merely wanted to make the distinction! most now seem to "anthropomorphize" -although this has its place!
However, I now see it as futile to try and "control" an external force/godform. And ones energies would be better spent working with the essence rather than trying to be "the master" etc.
But of course, you know this already and I should not have waffeled on your page,
Dark Blessings,
Much love,

Lady Dunsany
02-24-2009, 11:47 AM
You can mumble, waffle, and ramble all you want. Your words are poetry and I enjoy reading your posts.

02-24-2009, 03:45 PM
as Owsley once said to me in an email after a stupid question
"this universe has a simple set of rules that govern manifestation and are inviolate, I suggest you have a reading of the Kybalion"
sometimes it is necessary to maintain things like masonic secrecy around fools. Seratonin drugs were defamed by the government by the publicity of their psychology experiments, and lilly pharmacuticals, the pharm corp who made MK-ultra's acid made it away from nature and out of lysergic acid, instead of a grain malt, and out of pure rye, which means that they had no understanding of grain, and just did it rye red light hoffmann style out of an acid sure made from grain. It was probably made this way to use the rye shining as a red light as the dopamine cleaner also does, and feels scary and disgusting, for interrogation suspects, and the government has a serious troll history and bush sat on the lilly board of directors or something. they make drugs that are for weird chemical situations and should never be prescribed to anyone to take daily by any human means or standards. Quacks are the world's biggest sham.
check this out:

02-24-2009, 03:47 PM
To the man of science on his unassuming and laborious travels, which must often enough be journeys through the desert, there appear those glittering mirages called ‘philosophical systems’: with bewitching deceptive power they show the solution of all enigmas. -Nietzsche, Assorted Opinions and Maxims This book is something that, being a key to a branch of science, is something that the science of psychology cannot be practiced without, especially the chemical psychology of psychiatry. It proves the ways of the ancient alchemists and American Indians as being fully in line with the highest science, and also proves that knowledge that can be looked at as primitive, foolish, or unreal to the present science establishment is in fact very valuable, if applied in this correct way. As psychology deals very much with chemistry in its present day form, the science of psychiatry lapses in connecting its world of elements back to the more physically indefinite science of psychology. This can only be done using the four most common chemical elements and their classical fourfold counterparts, earth, air, water, and fire. The ancient alchemists were right, the key to psychology, the scientifically basest of all science, followed by biology, chemistry, and physics being the highest, can be completly unlocked through this key using the four elements. Biology is intangible enough that we are still working on it, and have many abyssmal failures. Psychology is in many forms completly physically nonexistant and bypassing biology to connect psychology to the ionic tick of the elements is absolutly necessary in order to proceed. Those centuries of alchemy and occult science that were steeped in temporal scientifically primitive thinking, and the wisdom of people that would in western society be labeled as useless and therefore outside of “real” science, provide a key to end disharmony and unbalance in the oppressive world of the science establishment, whose high ideals have made them fall shortsighted of the TRUTH. Ancient occult scientists were very much like the native americans in the way they were involved with the earth, associating specific plants with astrology and gods. This harmony with nature is what the present science establishment today completly lacks, and computers, being products of physics, are the end result of this way of thinking, a very good thing for the world, but computers in a world with very much disharmony in the lower sciences sit alone as a synthetic brain, electrical switches on, waiting for a world that has its science in line. With a psychological crisis like the one we have today with the assortment of synthetic pills of modern psychiatry that don’t solve basic psychological problems in the right way (through psychology), and each with dozens of side effects (proving them homeopathically imperfect, this key should put psychology and chemistry together in the scientific world for a better fit; without the biological disharmony that causes pharmacutical side effects and providing a better resort in psychology itself for solving mental problems, and better yet, a way to nurture and grow the healthy psyche, rising on to higher mental and spiritual planes as the ancient alchemists did, but most importantly, creating changes in the reality of life as experienced on earth. Chapter 1: The Cycle of Change Thought creates belief creates action creates reality. This cycle of creation and change is what governs the motion of the four most common elements; air, water, fire, and earth, relating to oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon in that order. Matter is a product of the universal mind. If we believe in merely synthetic things or a creator, all has come into being and has been reassembled through this cycle of change, mind over matter. As the cycle pushes forward the elements spiral up to higher forms. Carbon based life forms consuming other living things as nitrogen, even at the levels of plants taking nitrogen as their most important nutrient from the soil, leads to the oxygen rich atmosphere being created, photosynthesis. Oxygen in the atmosphere lead to life first crawling out of the ocean for higher oxygen supply for higher beings and the nitrogen of action of living beings lead to the higher reality of carbon based life on earth as we know it today. The elements are also devoured in a reverse manner in the cycle of change. this devouring process is actually a form of electrical grounding, all chemical reactions being electrical as they deal with ions. Actual flow of an electric current is always from negative to positive, and this is also the manner in which theelements are consumed when building higher structures. Fire, or nitrogen,burns up carbon into gas, air being the opposite side of the cycle. The reactive affinity pulls toward the opposite side of the four from the devourer. Hydrogen is most common in water, a good conductor of electrical energy that automatically jumps toward oxygen, evaporating as it cools the fires of explosive and energetic nitrogen, creating H2O. Oxygen in turn is in every breath of earth’s carbon based life. The four branches of science also correspond to the four elements. Physics is earth, chemistry is fire, psychology is air, and biology is water. The branches of science and the four elements are interesting in that, as the cycle of change continues, we start with the baseness of psychology, transmute this to the higher science of chemistry, and then step back down into biology to create ultimate physical reality. Chapter 2: Cross cyclical grounding force paths and positive concious processes- At each opposite end of the cycle there exist balancing forces that tie us back to the place that we are most far from across the middle of the cycle and continure the forward movement of the cycles of change, the thirst for the other end of the cycle. If the cycle is impeded, and we begin to fall off without starting over in the correct way, to stay the right course we will be forced to use positive forms of energy, the senses and will, the latter of which takes much life energy, as do the senses more than we think. It is best to stay grounded, but still as not to fall into the abyss of nonaction as this is a completly pointless way to live that is bad karma and a type of sin. There are four energy flow paths at play here, and two differant types of force, as well as projection and reception of the energy to the other side of the cycle. There are really should be only two of these energy channels in operation unless the cycle is impeded, giving way to energy being wasted on the senses and will in order to keep the cycle of elemental change going smoothly. The grounding force of emotion is a force that flows from reality to belief, according to the personal reality of the subject and is a steady point of referance as we guide our actions to this new reality we are experiencing and reacting to based upon what we think and believe/know. The grounding force of desire flows from thought to action. It is a projective ground. The senses are a physical manifestation pregrounded with energy channels formed as sensory organs to continue the cycle in the best means possible, but the senses also require constant concious effort and attention. This sensory energy flows from action to thought and is manifested energetically through the energy expended by the senses. Sense is a receptive form of positive energy. The concious force of will exists when our beliefs need to become reality and is the positive projective form of creative energy . As pertaining to elemental polarity and these grounding forces being the cause of the four most common elements’ creation of all other elements; Water, shapeless liquid and conductor of electrical energy, is the opposite of earth/carbon’s physical reality and displays the properties of negative electricity, just as a parallel world exists in the oceans that also displays this. Quartz, or sand, is silicon dioxide, and is also fossilized water. It reverted back to a carbon like form and pure silicon is blackish silver, the color of electric carbon, not clear like quartz, but it shines like water still, a product of the electrical properties of water transmuted into a new element, still with the properties of negative electricity as a semiconductor. This can be done with all the elements, but for the remainder of this book we will only deal with the most common four, as their associated classical elements define the map of existance.

02-24-2009, 03:47 PM
Chapter 4: Human energy and the Cycle of Change The cycle of change also channels all human energy according to its forward cyclic flow. Each step in the cycle contains microcosmic and macrocosmic active and potential energy. Earth, or mass physical reality, is the stored potential energy of all past action, and actively creates the individual mental reality of thought, which must pass through the belief systems/censor of evident mass mental reality to become the individual physical reality of action/fire, which in turn changes mass physical reality. The energy we are dealing with here is will to action upon observing earth based on our experiences. Thought is energy which is put through our belief systems, built out of a purpose for action based on what we know about earth. It is as if laziness rules the world, having to think before acting. By evading the censor and stripping down our belief systems, we can save time and energy, but sometimes we become shortsighted in our little world of individual thought. So how does stripping down belief systems into pure knowledge shortchange us in our view of the macrocosm? As it is said, “as above, so below”, and as the oceans are at sea level below us, trying not to fall into the ocean of belief can leave us without a sense of where we came from, can cut us off from other people, and strand us on the narrow path. We must learn to use these water structures of belief as stepping stones to a higher world, as liquidic as they may be. It is hard to build structures out of pure knowledge, and knowledge must be made to permeate the area of the mind given to belief, and intelligent structures built thereon, in order to build higher reality. Chapter 5: Archetypes of the ennegram and the cycle of change: If this cycle is not used correctly, we become lost wandering in darkness, or fall out of harmony and unity with the world. There are many paths to follow, each of which brings us closer to a personality type of the ennegram, and also to a physical place in the cycle of change. Chapter 6 the psychology of mental alchemy To progressivly and steadily make spiritual progress we need to keep this cycle flowing in a constant and precise manner. It is a natural and necessary thing for the cycle to work its magick in everything we do. We can rise to higher planes only through a meditative restrucuring of the mind based on the cycle of change. Meditations on intricate mental imagery are brain building techniques that are used in many modern brain building programs. Elemental meditations bring us closer to the basic building blocks of the mind. The elements are the foundational tools that are the only thing that really exists, tools at our microcosmic disposal. Properties of all elements as related to grounding forces and creative energies. elemental chakra affinity and correspondance ennegram descriptive elemental chapters change intro to anterior appendix of a critique of science essay outro/reflection

Frank N. Stein
04-25-2009, 07:46 PM
I have been doing this for many years through the force that is within me. It is possible to tap into this and I am not talking about other beings to do one's bidding but the actual life force and energy of the universe to bring change for good or bad. However one of the problems with this is the one's who are trying to bring that change by the force that is in the universe, (I do not mean to sound like OBI WAN) even though George Lucas was closer than most realize, are also dealing with one's who want to bring the opposite change, in a way it they cancel each other out. I do know what you are talking of and it can be hard to articulate.

I know it seems so. You know we're living in a world of dualism, but that's only a point of view, a state of mind, in the end there's only KETHER, and nothing else - only if you think there is. If I believe I got enemies from the "wrong path" they will show up, just like all the "23s" people saw when reading Illuminati ;)

What I mean is that everyone's creating their OWN universe-don't let bad people spoil yours for you: "There is no enemy anywhere" (RA Wilson)