View Full Version : Hatred

02-28-2009, 06:14 PM
There are people who hate me. I would say that there evil but it doesn't seem to explain them correctly.

They are Christians. The kind who on the outside, love Jesus and want to help people. They donate to their churches causes and charity benefits.

But because there religion dictates that they can not hate people, have issues with one another or even let out frustration in a productive manor {if they do, they go to hell} there insides have become rotten. Maggots and worms have distorted and ripped apart their souls.

I date their son who is atheist and 20 years old {I’m 22}. He kept this fact away from his parents {atheist not 20} and when the issue of him spending the night at my place came up, they flipped out on him. Made us miss the Nine Inch Nails concert {freaking tickets cost to much}, so they could bitch at him about how having sex out of marriage is not the way of Jesus and such. His answer was simply that he was atheist.

This got blamed on me. He told them it wasn't me. But, form that point fourth; I became the reason for every little thing in my boyfriend’s life that sucked, according to them. They are convinced that I treat him badly because I am not Christian. They are also convinced that because I refuse to associate with them, that I am hiding something.

My boyfriend has since moved in with me. But that doesn’t change the insane mother calling him 30 times during class if he doesn't pick up. Or his brother staring at us form the other side of the classroom in an insane manor.

My boyfriend is unlike his family in so many ways its not funny. Its as if he not even related to them. Instead of arrogant, over fed, belligerent hicks, he’s calm and geeky and sweet. He’s more emotional and cuddly then me.

I have considered breaking up with him in the past to get away from his insane, rabid family, but I cant. I love him too much. I'm pretty sure he's my soul mate.

So now that you know the overly dramatic back-story, here’s the problem:

It's wearing me down that these people hate me. Toughening up and just shoving this off is not working, and it hurts me to hate people. Just forgetting doesn’t work because something just reminds me.

I need to logically break this down in a clear manor so I can look at the pieces and put it back together differently so I wont care. I dont even know were to start. Can someone see from the outside in and give me a direction?

Or if anyone has any magickal ideas, im all for it.

Sigils for "I don't care what Dylan's family does" don't work for very long.

02-28-2009, 07:17 PM
Don't be upset, you have just seen the "real" side of Christianity, that's all. Welcome to the club.

I admit, it sounds to be a very awkward situation to be in, but there is a solution, whether or not it is what you want to hear. Your boyfriend needs to stick up for himself and tell his parents and family to back off. They believe you have influenced their son and have "forced" him away from them and their beliefs. They think you are brain-washing him into making the decisions he does, and he is just an innocent boy. They don't want to accept that he has a mind of his own and is old enough now to make his own decisions in life, as an adult. This is why it is so important for him to stand up for you both and make it abundantly clear HE made the decision to begin a relationship with you and that he loves you very much and will never be forced to change his mind. Tell him to say to his parents that if they really loved him as their son, they would accept who he was and the choices he makes.

Have you explained how you feel to your boyfriend, in a serious way?

And, no offense, but I would stick to solving this problem physically if I were you. I would never rely on magic to fix things. A relationship is too precious not to work hard to keep.

Oh and about the hate wearing you down. It doesn't matter how hard you try, as long as their is free-will and individual opinions, there will always be people who dislike you. It is fact. Trying hard to "fit in" with peoples' ideals is suicide. Just be yourself and be proud of who you are. Don't waste your time trying to accept or forgive these people, just leave them to it. Life is full of experiences and we just have to adapt. You'll be okay. Honestly. But you seriously need to make it clear to your boyfriend how this is effecting you.

Lady Dunsany
02-28-2009, 11:26 PM
This is what happens when you are the child of christian parents or are dating someone of christian parents. the pressures that parent put on their children because they think differently and believe differently is enormous, in fact this goes with any relationship where the word occult is concerned. Do not let it get you down, just sit quietly and have a talk with him and tell him how you feel. It is hard when the parents hate you for being who you are. Take a deep breath and think about the situation. See what he says and then decide from there.

02-28-2009, 11:56 PM
This matter has progressed past talking. I have talked to Dylan. We have come to an agreement of not talking about them.

I am stressed out over the fact that they HATE me and want nothing more to make me disappear. Whenever Dylan goes over there its them trying to convince him to break up with me. Its the inquisition.

We have talked about this. And agreed that his mother is insane but he loves her and is programmed to be her bitch so he lacks the will to do more then just humor her ramblings.

I have never had people hate me before. Its stressful that there is a innocent connection {dylan} to people who have done things to hurt me greatly in the past. Traumatizing even.

Something happened last month. And dylan wont believe me on what i said happened, what his mother did to me. His aunt attacked me and his mother refused to let me leave. He believes faithfully in his mother. It was Traumatizing to me.

Because i have written all this up and thinking about this all, i have been starting to think again that maybe it would be a good idea to break up with him...

Lady Dunsany
03-01-2009, 12:11 AM
I have been there and sadly I did break up with him, but it also paved the way for me to meet my husband who shares all the same interests with me. It is a hard decision but it is up to you to make, the one piece of advice I can give you is do not second guess yourself as that could be detrimental to you. You deserve to be treated with respect and you do not need this hatred thrown at you. Good luck and I hope only the best for you.

03-01-2009, 01:09 AM
Keep in mind that anyone you date will having a seemingly insane mother in some way or another. So leaving him will just be taking on a new evil. I have a son and I can't wait until the day when I can pretend I hate everyone he brings home . . . and it will happen . . . if I want it to or not. Not because I actually will dislike these people . . . some I will, I'm sure, but because the girl is stealing my baby. I birthed him and raised him . . . put my heart and soul into him and she is going to take him and make him into something else. He is going to share with her and be honest with her in a way he could never be with me. In some way she is going to get all the spoils I have worked hard for and deserve. I think maybe thinking about it this way could help . . . even if you were a bible carry - no sex til were married . . . type of girl there would still be something wrong with you. It might even be worse because then she would be passive agressive which can be awful and certainly more annoying then plain out agressive. Eventually when she realizes there is nothin left she can do she will accept it or stop talking to both of you. Either way . . . +1 you.

03-01-2009, 01:15 AM
I should have said . . . . in my lifetime crazy mothers been the trend . . . it could not always be true. My mother-in-law hates me . . . but she's here staying with me while my husband is deployed being peachy as pie . . . but when she gets home her mother . . . who loves me . . . will call me and tell me she said I was nuts or a bad mother . . . or something equally ridiculous . . . and that has always been true of any mother of any bf I've ever had.