View Full Version : A morning in the day of the life of...

02-28-2009, 09:13 PM
Strange sometimes, how a day can beggin so differently, as if the very air itself is pregnant with possibilities, just waiting to be dumped into your daily routine like a bucket of snakes. This morning I came round with my face in my breakfast - never a good look! However, just prior to this nosedive I had an experience I thought I would throw out to anyone interested.
Starting with a "head rush" followed by intense pressure on my crown centre, I was then presented with the vision of a beautiful Woman all in blue - including skin! - ; who became a Man who became a toothless Crone who sucked me out of my space in time and ditched my senses into a scene of lies and treatchery that was being planned for me from far away. mad as hell - and forgetting that I was body-less! I started to launch an attack, which resulted in my mentioned porridge surfing. I now know of those planning against me and can prepare, but I never suspected anything, and have never tried to "astral project" on this occasion or ever before.
Could it be that the forces we suround ourselves with can and do act on our behalf whether we "ritualise" it or not?

02-28-2009, 10:50 PM
Hello Strider! Actually yes, the forces we suround ourselves with can and do act on our behalf, many who do the LBRP daily have noticed the Archangels protecting them while they were unaware of any threat.

That's a unusual intro BTW!:rolleyes:

02-28-2009, 11:28 PM
hello and welcome to the forum and look forward to seeing and reading you posts and thraeds

Lady Dunsany
02-28-2009, 11:44 PM
Welcome. I have noticed without noticing how things happen to protect me, and did not realize till I got home. I do the LBRP four times a day and now it has become so much a part of me it is like brushing your teeth. It is almost as if there are forces that take over when I have been neglectful and rash in my day to day life. It is hard to explain but I guess they have a better handle on it than me.