This topic maybe fits under Alchemy but maybe under Astral projection too so I put it as a general thread.
Here's the deal.
I have been told by a good source that the Red Lion, aka the Philosopher's stone, when ingested, allows you to go to 11 other realms. Said source said this realm is hell.
On the web at Subject: *For the Record* Interview 1/2 is an interview with a person who did a 40 day fast on monoatomic elements. He claims there is another realm '90 degrees right'
I've talked to a chemical engineer who used red gold diatoms, also an alchemical product, and was able to travel through his own body to other realms, with his body becoming a microcosm with rivers and caves and portals and gates.
Anyone heard of these things before or knows additional information? I'm interested in the possibility and ability to go to other (hopefully better) realms than the one in now.