Hit a new junction on the path/ reaching for a bit of guidance Hit a new junction on the path/ reaching for a bit of guidance
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Thread: Hit a new junction on the path/ reaching for a bit of guidance

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    Default Hit a new junction on the path/ reaching for a bit of guidance

    Hi everyone i'm new, i posted an introduction if anyones interested.

    Im a begginner thats been working hard recently and i have gotten some results. I think it would be helpful at this point for me to talk to others a bit about strategy.

    I dont know any occultists and i dont study under any religeous/occult structures, i just do my own thing. Basically what ive been doing lately is taking my worst pain, foes who have screwed me, etc, putting my ego aside, learning from and integrating them. Long story short, after having built, (atleast what i sense to be) a greater degree of inner power, i decided today to go ahead and make "the impossible" happen.
    As i was focusing my intent for this to happen, it happened.
    So that kinda floored me. It took me about a day to get over the shock.
    So, having accomplished that, i need to take it further in order to reach my goal. After my results I feel the stakes are much higher and i am proceeding alot more carefully. (if i am not back at square one) Another interesting topic to discuss second attempts, or plan b's at a target when the the first one gets botched, a second attemt could get a whole lot more complicated.

    One of the aspects of this little bit of success I would like to work on is my own reaction to it. I had planned what my reaction to it would be before it occured, so that i would be able to handle it and think clearly, act quickly and effectively in order to draw out the best possible outcome.
    I attemted this by studying and trying to invoke couger/hunter energy. But the results manifested so fast I only had an hour to prepare.

    When the lightening struck I was so stunned i couldnt even talk, let alone act skillfully.

    I had managed to pull something off I thought was fucking impossible but it was only a step, (and through my intention, possibly jointly a sign)and all i could do when it happened was go DUUUUUUH.

    I realized my reaction skills SUCK. It takes me time to put a plan together and than i will act, but im missing oppertunities, including the oppertunities i am manifesting through my intent.
    The energy needs to come from the gut, the body not the head. Our bodies are very wise and they are always sending us messages as to what we should or should not do. Its only when we try and rationalize all of our decisions and choices that we trip ourselves up and miss the target.

    (i dont know if i trust myself enough yet)

    Cougars can only run at top speed for short distances, because of this they know it imperative to get as close to their prey as possible before making a killing strike. Otherwise the opporunity will be lost and it may be some time before the next appears. In the world of the Cougar, there is no time for dalliance or hesitation! He/she who does, may not eat for the next several days.


    So reaction is what i really need to work on, but how does one work on it? Thats going to be a really hard one. Now i understand what a can of worms magick is. I'm targeting a cougar so I really have my work cut out for me. The funny thing is, that the cougar is one of the major things i am working to integrate. I am working very hard to move myself from having a "prey energy" to being more "predator". That is a major shift, its going to be alot of hard work.

    So, i'm just working along my path, on my lil lonesome, trying to achieve some difficult stuff, and it would be nice to have someone to talk to, get some guidance and tips if i can. I'm reach'n out man (puts out hand).

    Reaction, becoming/integrating an opposite (prey/predator). Anybody got any examples or words of advice or anything?

    Last edited by shani; 04-03-2009 at 12:34 PM. Reason: forgot a point

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    Welcome Shani,

    Congratulations on your first initiatory experience.

    I read through your post and I didn’t quite understand what you were attempting to do so pardon me if I didn’t quite get it. It appeared to me, towards the end of the post that you were trying to direct some force at certain people.

    Since you are new and said you’ve no previous experience I would suggest that you do not attempt to create such effects at this point. You are new in a world that you still can’t see and you need to remember that. The first step must be to regulate and control yourself, cultivate detachment so that the energies or forms you choose to work with will not end up controlling you.

    Understand early on that no matter what powers you’re employing that it is you directing them, and of themselves they are of no consequence. You must be fortified, empty of desire and strong to manifest and then direct them faithfully.

    Follow this road and seek the source of power, you will see power naturally stem forth from you, it will obey your command.
    "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich" - Napoleon

  3. #3
    isis Guest


    Thank you for posting this congrats.

  4. #4
    Harlock Guest


    hello shani and welcome to the "occult" if you could please go back over your post but ill try and guess what you mean

    Lately you have been working on two things A using energy and magick to get back at people who have hurt you, and B to manifest the power of the cougar

    Using magick to hurt people is rarely ever good, trust me, karma in magick especially happens, and hurt enough people, the powers that be take it away, magick is a gift not a right, believe me i have gotten the universal smack down it sucks, its been over a year and i am still recovering.

    Using the power of animals can be good but also dangerous, you may be influenced by the animals traits. it can be useful though.

    my recommendation is, start by studying meditation grounding, centering the basics. from there you can branch out wherever, but a good place to start is ceremonial magick and also theres energy workings.

    if you have any questions ill try to answer them^^

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    If you are a beginner, do this...assume you know better than anyone who might be posting messages on this board. assume you know better than any writer on the occult or practicing occultist who might have written a book.

    All these convictions are not yours, but a virus sent to infect your very own manifestation of reality. They are meaningless. Karma gains reality by it being a part of our terminology. Briefly altering it's meaning, or meaning in reference to what you wish to achieve can thwart it's original meaning. I've done this, and come from a Buddhist background, I used to talk about Karma also.

    Secondly, if you haven't already noticed as I said above, listen to no one but your gut and whatever Familiars you have (listen to me, you have many.) so this includes me. Don't listen to me. You are without a single familiar and not even your subconscious can teach you all you need to know. Don't even listen to me.

    So, enough. These people can go on and on with their words, as can I. But ultimately all that matters is your experience. Banish everyone elses words, that would be a much more effective reason to perform Banishing rituals. Again, I am currently just spreading a virus meant to infect your experience, hopefully to stop people just using borrowed words.

  6. #6
    Harlock Guest


    Lokia i understand what you are trying to say but all teachings have guidelines created by someone, i do agree that shani can take our advice or leave it its her choice. but especially beginners need to be told magick is not a game, the consequences are far reaching and as real as life itself. if they listen great, itll save them hassle for the future, if not they will learn. that is the part in finding there path that everyone must understand, we can not open doors for people they have too. but none of the less ill hand out warnings, in hope someone wont repeat the same mistakes i have done.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Imhotepsol View Post
    I read through your post and I didn’t quite understand what you were attempting to do so pardon me if I didn’t quite get it. It appeared to me, towards the end of the post that you were trying to direct some force at certain people.
    Hey guys thanks for your responses. Your points are taken imhotepsol. I did not describe exactly what i did, or was trying to do, because that is just more information than i want to post on this forum. (i would be happy to go into more detail in private but i'm sure you all have much better things to do.) I certainly in no way was trying to "get back" at anyone, as Harlock suggested. Quite the contrary. To say i was using force, may be the case, it was magick after all, but I was definately not trying to control or **** with anyones one will, i was creating a situation though for my advantage.

    I was operating from a perspective that i was up to an exciting new challenge, one that seemed the most fun and exciting, and willing to learn and fail all at the same time. Of course, I would rather succeed and learn. I was also operating from the perspective that anything is possible and i can manifest whatever desire is true to my heart, Of course, to that there is a risk, like, I could be wrong, but thats not the idea of the thing at this point.
    I dont know if you saw my post imhotepsol, but a couple days ago I responded to your wonderful "seeking enlightenment" post. That was awsome.

    The one paragraph i wasnt sure i fully grasped is the one that came to mind when I was describing what i'm doing. Let me know if you think there might be any parallel, atleast to a degree, or if i am way off?
    However in order for our normal modes of thought to be transcended we must overload ourselves with the very tools of our enslavement. We must use conflicting forms, moralities and practices so that the seed may be temporarily liberated, it does not mean we need to carry such dark practices into our normal sphere. It means we must play our own internal enemies off each other, creating a diversion if you will, so the commander can get out.
    Or in other words, the road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom? no?
    Last edited by shani; 04-04-2009 at 08:46 AM. Reason: cuz

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lokia_Zos View Post
    If you are a beginner, do this...assume you know better than anyone who might be posting messages on this board. assume you know better than any writer on the occult or practicing occultist who might have written a book.

    All these convictions are not yours, but a virus sent to infect your very own manifestation of reality. They are meaningless. Karma gains reality by it being a part of our terminology. Briefly altering it's meaning, or meaning in reference to what you wish to achieve can thwart it's original meaning. I've done this, and come from a Buddhist background, I used to talk about Karma also.

    Secondly, if you haven't already noticed as I said above, listen to no one but your gut and whatever Familiars you have (listen to me, you have many.) so this includes me. Don't listen to me. You are without a single familiar and not even your subconscious can teach you all you need to know. Don't even listen to me.

    So, enough. These people can go on and on with their words, as can I. But ultimately all that matters is your experience. Banish everyone elses words, that would be a much more effective reason to perform Banishing rituals. Again, I am currently just spreading a virus meant to infect your experience, hopefully to stop people just using borrowed words.
    Somehow i mahanged not to see your post the first time around. I love you so far your my favorite virus.

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    I'm glad you read my other post; since the PM function has gone from here I haven't been checking in much.

    I see a great parallel in our paths Shani, that is why I replied to you and hopefully it was what you needed to hear. Continue working for an advantage, but try and remember what you gained the advantage for and not become lost in wonder.

    I believe that all paths lead to enlightenment if followed to completion, eventually evil becomes good and vice versa. They both seem to exist and are both tools, it does no use to hide from one by diving into the other, and eventually both pillars must be dissolved but to do that you need to know the power and weakness of each.

    This leads into what Lokia_Zos what alluding to. Everything I clothe in words is useless and probably better off left unsaid. The truth has to be experienced for it to become real, but words have their place in fuelling the desire to seek. The experience is shattering but the path is building.
    Last edited by Imhotepsol; 04-05-2009 at 12:13 AM.
    "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich" - Napoleon

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    Also @ Loki:

    Trying to lead someone to enlightenment from enlightenment isn't possible, although I do appreciate and support the advice you gave.

    The forms in the works of (I'm assuming given your name) Osman Spare / Peter Caroll you needed to hear are also present in the words and spirits of everyone here. It would be better for our intrepid neophyte here to submerge themselves in multiple conflicting beliefs in the hope of transcending them rather than jumping into someone else’s form of enlightenment first hand.

    Even a seemingly non-dualistic saying like "nothing is true, everything is permitted" will be interpreted dualistically by an inexperienced practitioner unless they are taught to see through simple symbols at first, and later looking into more complex things. Although you may be, the vast majority are not ready to take this step for themselves. This is why we have numerous symbols and teachings out there; they guide people slowly towards awakening instead of simply rending the veil.

    It’s not the best way, its not the only way but it is a way.
    "Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich" - Napoleon

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