Hi guys,
I am thinking about starting step II and I have a question about the visualization exercise in the Magical Schooling of the Spirit section.
When I visualize, do I have to visualize the selected object to the point that I see the object from my mind eye? I am not sure that is doable or not. I know that when I meditate and get into trance, I see some patterns, human faces, animals, sometimes what I see is so real. When doing the visualization exercise, I am supposed to see the object that real?
I have another general question about mediation. When I meditate and watch my thoughts for a few minutes, I get into trance, sometimes, I continue watch my thoughts, sometimes I decided to deepen the trance so that I can induce an OBE. But most of the time, when I noticed that I am in a trance, I start worrying about losing the trance state and once I have a split second of worry, I get out of trance. I found that I have similar problem when I play tennis, when I have a bad stroke and start worrying a bit, I consciously notice that I am worried and have to push the worry away really hard in order to get rid of it. Do you guys have similar problem or it is not a problem for you at all? If yes, how do (did) you guys handle that?
Thank you very much!