Kriyas - Kundalini exercise Kriyas - Kundalini exercise
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Thread: Kriyas - Kundalini exercise

  1. #1
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    Default Kriyas - Kundalini exercise

    Hello. So I have a question referencing an exercise from Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig.

    In the 10th chapter, page 446 he gives an exercise where you basically sit and inhale then exhale several times sharply using your stomach while visualizing your breath/energy traveling down and then back up and out of your body.

    The result of this is something called kriyas, or a pleasurable, uncontrollable shake or shiver that in his case escalated to a fairly extreme level.

    Has anyone done this exercise with success? Personal stories? If one is aware of any videos with someone demonstrating the proper breathing technique that would be very useful.


  2. #2
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    I see he has borrowed a lot from something that has existed for many moons. The answer is yes, it is also called the Bellows Breath which is even more effective but you must start slow and build up.
    Last edited by Lady Dunsany; 01-12-2009 at 11:17 AM.

  3. #3
    Odin Guest


    I don't know how much you know about the practice of using the Kundalini.

    I will tell the effects are very intoxicating once it starts to rise but with pleasure also comes some pit falls.

    First it is best to get a teacher that can monitor your progress along the way and teach you how to control the rising of the Kundalini energy.

    There have been instances that people that have raised the energy to fast and have ended up in insane asylums because the energy was raised to fast and the one practicing good not lower the energy back the base of the spine.

    Years ago I experienced the raising the Kundalini on more than one occasion and at first the energy would rise very slowly, I was doing this on a daily basis after some time the energy just took off rushing up the spine and got caught up in the intense feeling,

    I thank the stars who was watching over me that day when the energy reached just half way maybe a little further the energy was cut off pushed back to the base of the spine

    I was told that I was abusing the gift and and when I became more responsible it would return

    I can see how people can and do get caught up in the experience of raising the Kundalini.

    There are people, practitioners out there that can in fact lower the Kundalini back to the base of the spine but people around you that you are in fact doing this practice just in case one does raise the energy to fast

    As for the technique some call it Bellows Breath some call it belly breathing

    Just a thought.

  4. #4
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Odin View Post
    I don't know how much you know about the practice of using the Kundalini.

    I will tell the effects are very intoxicating once it starts to rise but with pleasure also comes some pit falls.

    First it is best to get a teacher that can monitor your progress along the way and teach you how to control the rising of the Kundalini energy.

    There have been instances that people that have raised the energy to fast and have ended up in insane asylums because the energy was raised to fast and the one practicing good not lower the energy back the base of the spine.

    Years ago I experienced the raising the Kundalini on more than one occasion and at first the energy would rise very slowly, I was doing this on a daily basis after some time the energy just took off rushing up the spine and got caught up in the intense feeling,

    I thank the stars who was watching over me that day when the energy reached just half way maybe a little further the energy was cut off pushed back to the base of the spine

    I was told that I was abusing the gift and and when I became more responsible it would return

    I can see how people can and do get caught up in the experience of raising the Kundalini.

    There are people, practitioners out there that can in fact lower the Kundalini back to the base of the spine but people around you that you are in fact doing this practice just in case one does raise the energy to fast

    As for the technique some call it Bellows Breath some call it belly breathing

    Just a thought.
    Not only in insane asylums but their health deteriorated. It must be done carefully as if not could seriously put it out of balance. Bellows Breath, Belly Breath, Fanning the Fire it is all the same. Treat the kundalini as you would want to be treated with patience care and compassion.
    Last edited by Lady Dunsany; 01-12-2009 at 11:18 AM.

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    Yes, this can be a dangerous exercise. You should balance all of your chakras before you start. To much energy release to fast can have painful and harmful results. Also if you aren't balanced before you start the energy could become blocked at one point and for it to clear the path on it's own could take years.

    I had a spontaneous release when I was a teenager that felt like a red hot poker in my neck, it traveled up to that point and stopped,very disconcerting for someone that didn't understand at the time or know anything about it.

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    Thanks for the input. I had heard similiar precautions before from other sources though I hadn't heard the term belly breathing or bellows breath.

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    bastrika or bellows breath is more of an advanced practice, so for the OP slow it down and focus on spinal breathing first.

    First imagine a pathway form between your eyebrows dipping down a little to the center of your head, down the stem of your brain, down the center of your spine all the way to the base and back up to the start. The feeling of your breath should follow this pathway. With each inhalation start at the base of your spine and let breath and energy rise up with the breath your body should expand from your lower abdomen to you collar bone, going down sink down so til you breath out the end of the breath from your lower stomach and energy to the base of your spine. All this should be slow relaxed and sustainable. In your practice, you'll want to do this before and after bellows breath, work on the basic part a few weeks before you even add it.

    Bellows breath is more rapid still sustainable using just the diaphragm, inhalation and exhalation are short and of equal length, but exhalation a little more forceful, don't do it more than a few cycles at first.

    It's great to raise physical energy, don't do it in the evening if you don't want to stay up all night. Good winter time exercise to clear gunk out the lungs and make the body feel warm. I doubt you'll put yourself into insane asylum doing this, but probably shouldn't do it if blood pressure or vascular problems.

    If you do induce kriyas stay relaxed go into relaxed breathing and just let your body move and enjoy the sensations, if it becomes alarming or you feel a release that seems troublesome simply tell yourself to stop, stay calm, do the spinal breathing and focus your attention on the descent of energy. You may release some pent up emotions and memories too, so again just go slow and make sure you have plenty of time to close and calm down.

  8. #8
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna View Post
    bastrika or bellows breath is more of an advanced practice, so for the OP slow it down and focus on spinal breathing first.

    First imagine a pathway form between your eyebrows dipping down a little to the center of your head, down the stem of your brain, down the center of your spine all the way to the base and back up to the start. The feeling of your breath should follow this pathway. With each inhalation start at the base of your spine and let breath and energy rise up with the breath your body should expand from your lower abdomen to you collar bone, going down sink down so til you breath out the end of the breath from your lower stomach and energy to the base of your spine. All this should be slow relaxed and sustainable. In your practice, you'll want to do this before and after bellows breath, work on the basic part a few weeks before you even add it.

    Bellows breath is more rapid still sustainable using just the diaphragm, inhalation and exhalation are short and of equal length, but exhalation a little more forceful, don't do it more than a few cycles at first.

    It's great to raise physical energy, don't do it in the evening if you don't want to stay up all night. Good winter time exercise to clear gunk out the lungs and make the body feel warm. I doubt you'll put yourself into insane asylum doing this, but probably shouldn't do it if blood pressure or vascular problems.

    If you do induce kriyas stay relaxed go into relaxed breathing and just let your body move and enjoy the sensations, if it becomes alarming or you feel a release that seems troublesome simply tell yourself to stop, stay calm, do the spinal breathing and focus your attention on the descent of energy. You may release some pent up emotions and memories too, so again just go slow and make sure you have plenty of time to close and calm down.
    This is the most important never attempt it at night, when I was a wee lass I did not sleep for days.

  9. #9
    Odin Guest


    It's great to raise physical energy, don't do it in the evening if you don't want to stay up all night. this to the left is Johanna . quote

    This is very true that is one of the things they told us while learning certain rituals that if done before bed time not a good thing and you will be up fully energized cleaning house making cookies wondering why no one else is up and why they won't talk to you and are grumpy for waking them up think it happened to me.
    Last edited by Odin; 01-13-2009 at 09:02 PM. Reason: have to give credit where credit is due

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    I would also do some research on where the chakras lie within your body. As energy awakens and moves upward each chakra must be ready to accept it and to slightly release some energy, if not you could "blow" one open causing alot of pain. Remember, DO NOT STOP HALF WAY!
    A word of warning.
    The energy could rise like a peaceful stream or a raging river, knowledge is key before you attempt something like this.
    Last edited by arkham; 01-13-2009 at 10:16 PM.

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