I trudge on Introduction doors
Heya, I'm Kristen and you are probably wondering why my title sounds very odd. lol Because I am indeed odd. :P
I'm about 17 and live in the homely state of Missouri, although I long for the East Coast and city life. My unique username stems from the fact I was searching a bit long ago for my own soul name. Falhalterra came to me suddenly, and stuck. Falhal=Valhalla aka the heaven of warrior heros in Norse Mythology. Terra=Earth. Aka I must be an Earth Warrior.
I've been through many belief systems such as Baptist Christian, Buddhism, Wicca, LaVeyan Satanism, eccentric who-knows-what, and New Age...whatever. lol I'm still sticking to my Wicca roots, as I am all for my Patron Gods and Goddesses I'm still looking into. At the moment, my most stable has been Dagda, and now I am very interested in Anubis, as I am going into the career of Embalmer. Yes, you heard me right. But after I do receive my career, I will look into my secondary one, which I want to be a Writer. I'm also interested in Brighid and Cerridwen.
I love English, Science, Medical topics, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, and especially the Occult. I practically grew up into it.
I'm a definite computer gamer, and I love working with technology, especially when I'm learning more about how to protect my own computer, and doing a fudge-tastic job of it...FINALLY. lol In a way, that's also how I met my Online boyfriend. I chose to meet him on World of Warcraft after he had left a message about it on one of my favorite forum boards at the time. It went from nervous "He could be my soulmate, so I shouldn't judge too quickly" to "I'm glad I've been with him for 2 straight years and we've made this work." I am a strong believer of soulmates, and yes, I do consider him my soulmate. His name is Jarrett. He's about to turn 19 this March 20 and he lives in Maryland. He wants to become a Civil Engineer I believe.
If you can't tell, I'm a Humanitarian, Libertarian, Optimist, and a bit of a mental Sadist. I'm known by my friends and family to be loving and very friendly, but also pretty witty, poetic, and completely sarcastic. I'm one for dead baby jokes and I'm not afraid to state my opinions. But I do admit if I'm wrong.
And I forgot to mention my b-day is June 25th. xD Whew!
Last edited by redhand; 03-05-2009 at 11:25 PM.
Reason: Unexceptable Language
We are all a part of art on a Grand masterpiece.
We are a Legion of Paintings; a frolic of Prose and delightful poetry.