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Thread: into and call for help

  1. #1
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    Question into and call for help

    Greetings to all.

    I'm a 27 year old mother of two. Ive been dealing with strange things all the life but only with in the last year as any of it really made any about of sence. I've always been a fang fan. Although I am not, don't claim to be, nor do i wish to be a vampire. I just enjoy their company. I was a doner for many years but currently am in search for somone to be a doner to. Although that brings up issues with my husband who is very close minded to such things. He says I am "mentaly unstable" for wanting some one to drink my blood or energy, and anyone who believes themselves to such a thing should be locked up. yah. big issues.

    But i'm ramabling.

    Here is my problem and why I have come here. I am a memeber of a vampire forum. I rearly post. Mostly just read. Very informative. Recently a new member stated themselves to be a fae. another member commented with types of fae and giving discriptions of each. A realization hit me upside the head. WHOOO That discribes ME!! I have searched all over the internet and I guess i have been looking in the wrong places for info on REAL fae. I have went to many of my friends who for the most part were not much help. Though they tried. The other day I pulled out my wild card and contacted a very old good friend of mine. who francticly told me to drop it and don't go looking for fae, or info about them, only trouble can come of it. That threw me off guard. My curiousity beats out his warnings though. so here comes my questions.... How do i find out if i do have fae in my blood? and does anyone have more info on REAL fae? I'm getting desprate. I know there is something in me. I just can't figure out what it is!!

    Thank you all so much for you time and any help you may have to offer.
    have a wonderful day!

  2. #2
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    Interesting and extremely telling, I must say. This is a strange site to ask this question as the occultists here who are many and I must say like a proud mother are brilliant but I do not know if this is the place for you to have your question answered. We have a sister site that may be able to help you if you are who you say you are. I digress, being the way you feel comes from many different feelings, past life, a psychological bond, or a immense feeling, that is up to you. You sound like a member we have at another site, actually you spell like him, so my question to you is would it not be better to find an otherkin site to answer this question. Our members are extremely intelligent, talented and very gifted but this is not in our realm but yet is is. My question is do you have wings? Do you feel drawn to all that is fae, do you purchase books on the fae, feel as if you are not all human. At this forum no one is crazy although we are insane, but again I digress. I think you are not crazy at all just have feelings you can not put into words. Hope this makes sense.

  3. #3
    Odin Guest


    well hello and welcome to the forum

    but I think it would be better if you went the the sister site I think

    the people over there are better geared to help in the information that your are looking for

    this site deals mainly with the many aspects of magick and Hermetics, and ceremonial work

  4. #4
    isis Guest


    hello and welcome

  5. #5
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    Default thank you thank you

    "We have a sister site that may be able to help you"Lady Dunsany

    ohhhhh thank you so much! I will defently try there!

    "You sound like a member we have at another site, actually you spell like him"Lady Dunsany

    *blush* I am very sorry for the spelling. I will try to post more at home, where we have an automatic spell check. And at work I can't use the spell check for this site because you have to download it. (downloading is strickly forbiden)some times I type too fast and don't pay attenion, but really I just can't spell. lol sorry again!!

    "so my question to you is would it not be better to find an otherkin site to answer this question"Lady Dunsany

    Yes my lady and I will do so.

    "My question is do you have wings? Do you feel drawn to all that is fae, do you purchase books on the fae, feel as if you are not all human." Lady Dunsany

    physical wings no. about 15 years ago I made up my mind to get a pair of wings tatooed on my back but have yet to do so. I have been painting for about 12 years and in almost every painting i've ever done there is one form of winged creature or another. this I can't expain. it's just what i see when i try to come up with subject matter. one year i did a series of paintings for my family as chrismas present and they were how i saw that family member (their personality) in fariy form. yahhh they didn't get it either. I do feel drawn to commerial fae things but i'm not really sure what is all considered fae so i can't answer that question fully (which is why i'm trying to learn more). I can tell you that i'm a water junkie. I love to be in the water, if i could i would live in it. my daughter is the same way. we don't have a book store where i live but yes i do buy books on fae. they all have been fictional being as that is all i have ever found but yes I do buy almost any and all fae books i come across. as for feeling human. well thats a tough question to answer. I feel like me. I don't really fit in to too many places, or groups. I addapt and hide parts of myself to fit in where i need to. (home, work, walmart).

    thank you so much for your reply and i hope your quesitons wheren't ment to be retorical. if they were. oops.. i'm so sorry.

    thank you again for pointing me in a good direction.

  6. #6
    redhand Guest


    Hello and Welcome!

    Hmmmm well let see this, person claims to be a Fae! This may be a psychic vamp and using that as a ploy to tap into some who will pay attention? I can't be sure as I'm not a member there. Then again it may be a signal? Follow Lady D's advice and check out the other site!

    Some books that can help you with this are R. J. Stewart's Underworld series (Underworld Initiation, Earth Light and, Power Within the Land). Also anything by Orion Foxwood (The Faery Teachings, Tree Enchantment). These two authors will help you to understand the real Fae much better and help you to get in better touch with the land!

  7. #7
    Lady Dunsany Guest


    I am a little sceptical as I think and being my photographic memory never betrays me I have read this before. Call me cynical ,suspicious and irresponsible but here we go again. Why in all that is holy would someone come here of all places. The mind boggles.

  8. #8
    redhand Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Dunsany View Post
    I am a little sceptical as I think and being my photographic memory never betrays me I have read this before. Call me cynical ,suspicious and irresponsible but here we go again. Why in all that is holy would someone come here of all places. The mind boggles.
    Well the only thing that I though was odd was the idea of a Fae announcing themselves on a Vamp site but, I explained that above. And there can be many reasons as to why. This site is a broad category site of Occult ideas, so it's a good place to start with!

  9. #9
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    Default very sorry

    my lady you may have read this before in another form for i have been trying many sites and groups for information with very little sucess.

    you ask why this forum? the answer is simple. I leaped before i looked. *blush*. a friend of mine told me to google occult forums. i did so. your forum was at the top. I joined. I posted.

    I am very very sorry for any problems i have caused but maybe this was the place to come seeing as you, and others in a matter of only a few hours have pointed me in a much more helpful direction.

    again. I am very very sorry for any problems i have have caused and i shall not bother you further.

    thank you again,

  10. #10
    redhand Guest


    Lady D has her reasons for suspicion but, I have not seen any problems with your questions except the accidental poll!LOL Please stick around and give us a try. We will try to help you out as best as we can!

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