The Loose Rogue
Greetings to all! When I was born I came into earth as a Male in physical appearance. My age is 18 and my nationality which is African American, Cuban, Indian, and Laotian. I can speak several languages which consist of Spanish, English, Lao, and Vietnamese. Yes beautiful nationality and very delightful tongues. The religion that I am of is Christians and Theravada Buddhist and of the Bodhisattva. I respect all religions and study different ones. I am into Magick and I have been doing lot of research and studying on it. I have done nothing major such as rituals but I have done little spells and call forth Angels. I have been into Magick for at least about a year and a half or two. I have been a Psion for probably about 3 to 4 years and a Pk student as well for about the same amount of years but on and off, for most of you who don't know what Pk means its just short for Psychokinesis. I have just gotten into Quantum Physics, and "The Divine Matirx" by Brandon Gregg not to long ago. I am also about the "Oneness and Spirituality" I more Spiritual than Material. Your wondering why am I here. First off I am here to start my "Own Path" That will consist of "Oneness, Spiritualism, Quantum Physics, Psionics, Alchemy and all sorts of Magick such as, Chaos, Enochian, and Druid Magick." On this path I hope I can meet new friends that I can learn from and they can learn from me as well . Oh yeah your probably wondering why I have chosen the name "Loose Rouge". One I came up with "Loose" because to free myself from these worldly events "Detachment" and "Rogue" because of my Roguish behavior that the world is just not ready for; Of Magickal acts and Psionic events of raising and increasing love, peace and healing through vibrations and frequencies as well other means. As you can see I am not a hardcore Christian
I am becoming more then I would ever thought I would ever become.