Hello all!
My name is Mel, I'm from Tinley Park Illinois. Just a bit about myself, I play guitar and listen to music incessantly, mainly death metal, grindcore, progressive rock, IDM/ambient electro/drill n bass, and anything experimental, old or new.
Although I hate to subscribe to labels, I suppose my general outlook on magick practice would lean quite close to Chaos Magick. To keep things simple, I'll leave it at that. I am an active Freemason in my local lodge, and I enjoy every aspect of Masonry, especially the more esoteric interpretations of our ritual and symbols.
It took me long enough but I'm finally migrating over here, I was on Occultforums.com for a long time back in the day, lurking here and there for several years until I put my magick practice on the backburner to focus on my Masonic lodge work, as I was starting to move up as an officer and taking things quite seriously, which required a lot of work(I still am working quite hard to this day as a dedicated officer). About a month ago I decided to come back to the old forum and see how things were going, as I am now finding more time in my schedule for ceremonial work...and lo and behold, the site seems to have died a painful death. Although, this doesn't surprise me, I saw that board get hacked and go under several times, lost a lot of good discussions there. So anyway, here I am!
Anyways, this has been long-winded enough. I look forward to taking part in your discussions here.