Hello Occultforum community.
For my intro post I’m going to explain how I perceive reality… (In otherwords my opinion, just to be clear)
Fasten your seatbelts.
If you have a natural aversion to reading long winded intro posts, skip to the last line and ignore the rest.
The universe is governed by metaphysical rules, those who wish to work in its realm need to play by its rules. Those of which can be manipulated through various systems of magic.
Elements, colors, planetary alignments... etc. all serve as key indicators for your subconscious. They are similarity correspondences that help your mind focus and increase will and belief in a specific direction or for a specific intention. If the magician was so suited it would only take a mere though to perform a specific task... however, we lack such a degree of raw ability, hence the requirement for meditation, rituals that awaken your awareness to the other realms, all the different correspondences (circles, colors, elements, symbols, planetary alignments etc. blah blah)
However, all walks of life, no matter the race or religion, tap into this great well of power. Which means to me that magic in all its forms is adaptive by nature to the conscious behavior of the practitioner.
It’s like in computer terms… you type in the address for Google… but in the background it’s actually an IP address (sequence of number) Conscious and sub conscious. How well can we fool ourselves before we truly start to trust in what’s real? There is an underlying simultaneous existence which plays a direct role in our physical realities. We need only open our eyes and learn it’s ways.
I myself have traveled down the paths of many magic based religious systems over a period of many years and can easily see the pattern emerge from the folds of the apparent religious individualities. It boils down to the same laws. Governed / set in place / just existed… whatever. They are prevalent in our endeavors and we are challenged to manipulate them.
Ultimately I have accepted all my previous decisions to follow certain magical paths for they have brought me a combined knowledge of what I know today.
Currently my main focus is on integrating multiple systems by unraveling and creating intensive circles designed by combining alternate ideologies.
I think that there is more to what triggers the subconscious mind into creating a magical thought form than just colors and candles. There is a sensory integration that occurs in the right environments, however, the fractured nature of the magical community as a whole causes the fruition of pioneering work to be somewhat lacking. One task is not set out by multiple individuals; multiple individuals set out to perform their own tasks. Such as what I’m doing, yes. I will not pretend to be a solution; I am much more suited to be a problem. :P
The latest book I’ve read was “The book of Abramelin the Mage”
And I will promptly be looking into Dee and Kelley’s work and lives.
Thank you for taking a trip down my own personal rabbit hole, I look forward to giving you my opinions and thoughts.
Although I am not a Themite I found their greeting to be a kind and warm one so… 93.