Hello everyone, I will be posting under the pseudonym Phnouthis, Coptic for "He of (a) God". I have both an academic and a practical interest in the occult. My studies in the former dimension have been belabored upon the theurgy of the Neoplatonists, including the rather sophisticated metaphysical justifications that these twilight age philosophers used to accommodate their preferred method of "salvation," within the context of the Greek philosophical tradition.
Practically, I am much more drawn towards that aspect of the concept of magic that may be described as a ritualistic mysticism, though I do, of course, preserve an interest in "results magic," as being a contiguous area of research and experimentation, and thus adjunctively informative and useful.
I am very open to sharing whatever relevant information is sought from me. If any of you have questions regarding my research or experiences, feel free to ask. Otherwise, I'll see you in the forums!