A ( weak ) synopsis of Self.
I'm really not sure what to write here. So I will give a brief synopsis of who I am.
My screen name on here is two-fold. Devak is Avestan for Dragon. Xes is sex spelled backwards and 666 in roman numerals.
I am an occultist and a dark pagan. I've studied various branches of the occult. Such as Thelema, Theosophy, Luciferianism, Satanism, Esoteric Buddhism, Esoteric Christianity ....
I have a wide knowledge acquired from many religious texts that I have read through - out the years.
The dark pagan part of me goes back to my love of The Dark Goddess and The Horned God. These forces have been great allies to me. It is through The Horned God that I am rejuvenated and given strength. It is through the Dark Goddess that I am able to transform.
But I do not worship them. They are allies. In my belief everything has a spark of divinity. The only ''divinity'' I worship is my own spark. I seek the cultivation of my Higher Self into Godhood. I also worship the divinity within all things.... The All. Ahhh... glory be unto Our Lady of The Stars!
I am a Psychic Vampire. I follow the ways of the Kherete except I feel that my memory of the temple in which I became what I am may have had some kind of leaning with The Dark Goddess.
With this I am not sure what else to say. This is more of a synopsis of the occult side of myself. This does not include other parts of who I am. I guess if you wish to know more on me then talk to me. A lot of forums like this don't allow a person to give more of a synopsis on who they are because it is strictly '' Information''. Though as I have browsed through this site it seems like this is not only a forum but a social network of occultists and people who look into the hidden and the unknown. For that - I give my utmost respect to the creator of this website.
Those who Fall will find their Heaven
and will always be adored.
In Plaudo Atri Matris!