I forget if I posted an introduction here. Hi, I'm new. I don't know what my path is yet but I think it's more of spiritual seeker. I'm very careful when it comes to the occult because things can become blurry, and I don't want to mess up or anger any spirits. I believe there are good and bad spirits. But I'm not 100 percent sure of what I believe. I also think reincarnation is possible or the afterlife. The afterlife is probably reserved for those ready to ascend. I wish I had more positive experiences to share with the occult. I've had the best luck with visions and divination. The other day I lost 20 dollars and won it back on keno, haha, I don't think it was magick just a reversal of luck. But the 20 dollars simply vanished out of my wallet. I've had this happen before. I have forty dollars and then 20 dollars goes missing somehow even though my purse never left my side this time. I think a spirit took it, but I dunno. Another reason why I'm more pagan is that I find christianity very boring and too standardized. I like the concepts on one hand, on the other the condemnation used to really bother me. Plus, I don't think tarot is evil and i don't think things are as cut and dry as people think.
Wait, I'm a junior member. LOL. Ok well I haven't been here in awhile.