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Thread: Help add to the collection

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    Default Help add to the collection

    The list below hasn't been updated since last year, also haven't bought much recently either. My question is, what do you guys think the must have books are? The books you would suggest everyone should have in their collection.

    Ritual Magic - E.M Butler, 1949
    The Satanic Bible - Anton Lavey, 1969
    The Satanic Rituals - Anton Lavey, 1972
    Secrets of the Iching - J. Murphy, 1987
    Necronomicon - 1980
    Necronomicon Spellbook - 1998
    Spiritual Growth, Being your higher self - S. Roman, 1989
    White Spells - Ileana Abrev, 1999
    The Complete book of Magic and Witchcraft - K. Paulsen, 1980
    The Lost Book of Enki - Sitchin, 2002
    Babylonian Magic and Sorcery, L.W. King, 2000
    Sumerian Mythology - S.N. Kramer, 1972
    The Reiki Sourcebook - B & F Steine, 2003
    The Goetia, lesser key of solomon, 1995
    Dreams - F&R Garfield, 1997
    Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic - S. Cunningham, 2003
    Encyclopedia of Gods - M. Jordan, 2002
    The AntiChrists Bible, The Gospel According to Arnoume, D. Sinton, 2001
    Lucifer Rising, Sin, Devil Worship - G. Baddeley, 1999
    Complete Guide to Psychic Development - C. Eason, 2003
    Ancient Teachings for Beginners - D. DeLong, 2000
    The Key of Solomon the King, 2001
    Communing with Spirits - M. Coleman, 1998
    Opening to Spirit - C. Shola Arewa, 1998
    The Complete Book of Astrology - C. Johnstone, 2003
    Kundalini & The Chakras - G.C. Paulson, 2005
    12th Planet - Sitchin, 1978
    Gothic Grimoire - Konstantinos, 2002
    Stairway to Heaven - Sitchin, 1978
    Secrets of Chinese Astrology - D. Walters, 2003
    Psychic Vampire Codex - M. Belanger, 2004
    Way of Cartouche - M. Hope, 1985
    Parkers Astrology - J&D Parker, 1996

  2. #2
    redhand Guest


    Magical Ritual Methods by William G. Gray
    The Psychic Self Defense Training Manual by Marica L Pickands
    Psychic Abilities by Marica L Pickands
    Practice of Magic by by Draja Mickaharic
    A Century of Spells by Draja Mickaharic
    Develop your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman
    Expand Your Psychic Skills by Enid Hoffman
    Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon

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    Fundamentals in Esoteric Philosophy by G de Purucker

    This looks good, Amazon only has one review, seems to be rare and will definitely interest my partner.

    Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon

    Totally forgot about this book, had the pdf version of it last year, feels wrong reading a "book" in pdf format...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enlilki View Post
    The list below hasn't been updated since last year, also haven't bought much recently either. My question is, what do you guys think the must have books are? The books you would suggest everyone should have in their collection.

    Ritual Magic - E.M Butler, 1949
    The Satanic Bible - Anton Lavey, 1969
    The Satanic Rituals - Anton Lavey, 1972
    Secrets of the Iching - J. Murphy, 1987
    Necronomicon - 1980
    Necronomicon Spellbook - 1998
    Spiritual Growth, Being your higher self - S. Roman, 1989
    White Spells - Ileana Abrev, 1999
    The Complete book of Magic and Witchcraft - K. Paulsen, 1980
    The Lost Book of Enki - Sitchin, 2002
    Babylonian Magic and Sorcery, L.W. King, 2000
    Sumerian Mythology - S.N. Kramer, 1972
    The Reiki Sourcebook - B & F Steine, 2003
    The Goetia, lesser key of solomon, 1995
    Dreams - F&R Garfield, 1997
    Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic - S. Cunningham, 2003
    Encyclopedia of Gods - M. Jordan, 2002
    The AntiChrists Bible, The Gospel According to Arnoume, D. Sinton, 2001
    Lucifer Rising, Sin, Devil Worship - G. Baddeley, 1999
    Complete Guide to Psychic Development - C. Eason, 2003
    Ancient Teachings for Beginners - D. DeLong, 2000
    The Key of Solomon the King, 2001
    Communing with Spirits - M. Coleman, 1998
    Opening to Spirit - C. Shola Arewa, 1998
    The Complete Book of Astrology - C. Johnstone, 2003
    Kundalini & The Chakras - G.C. Paulson, 2005
    12th Planet - Sitchin, 1978
    Gothic Grimoire - Konstantinos, 2002
    Stairway to Heaven - Sitchin, 1978
    Secrets of Chinese Astrology - D. Walters, 2003
    Psychic Vampire Codex - M. Belanger, 2004
    Way of Cartouche - M. Hope, 1985
    Parkers Astrology - J&D Parker, 1996
    Hi; I had many of those books some years ago ( and still have a few now listed above ) after years of collecting and moving house numerous times, lost the lot, some 3000 books, many were on magick and the occult, after a bitter marrital break up in some years ago.

    As for - MUST HAVE BOOKS - my suggestion is this, which is what I do now. Get a USB stick say about 4GB in size or a small USB hard drive and down load as many books from the internet as you can find for FREE. Don't pay for anything as your often throwing good money away on books you latter regret buying. The thrill of getting it for free is also a challenge, but I can live without guilt since the system owns me big time for what I have lost in the past. Attain for yourself a good internet connection and a fast small lap top computer, with a large external memory storage unit. Now 1 Terrabyte hard drives are quite cheap too but can be easily damaged if dropped loseing one's collection quite easily.

    Websites like > Twilit Grotto -- Esoteric Archives < is a good place to start, or sites on Ancient Gnostic and Pseudographical Texts such as at > www.ancient < or > Internet Sacred Text Archive Home < are also fine. These are free and supply a lot of the basic reference sources without much effort to down load.

    Free general PDF book sites such as - Scribd - is a good place to start for Occult publications like Necronomicon ( copy by Peter Levenda or SIMON's Edition ) and Lavey's Satanic Bible; etc.

    Spirit will lead you to what is necessary to have FOR YOU. It depends on your life path and what research you are seeking to uncover. I have unfortunately, found a lot of books I have paid good money for in years past to be a crock of S*** and not used enough to justify the cost and weight of transportation between residences. Crowley and Kenneth Grants Triologies are an example of such garbage, despite their cult following and collectability of these items, which contain some bits and pieces of useful stuff. Similarly I have only heard Schueler's Books on Enochian Magick are not very good value - BUT again, it depends on what your seeking.

    Other books have been of great reference value but far too costly to even buy as second hand items, since they are specialized academic text books ( ie - Ancient And Near Eastern Texts; 1950 by Pritchard about $200 USD new price weighs about 3 KG and is a BIG book ). My own copy I lost and never had the money to replace it. It's not on the internet either - that I can find.

    On a USB stick I carry a whole library of reference books and print out only what I need for immediate research - reading the bulk of it on a lap top computer with a good large screen - you can read in bed if you wish on a lap top.

    As much as I like hardcopies of real books, for the first time in human history it is now realistic and practical to carry literally thousands of heavy reference books in your pocket, on a single memory stick for quick access on any small computer manking them easy to move at a minutes notice and take anywhere. Admittedly these books are in soft copy format and can be corrupted with viruses and computer crashes etc - but it is assumed you back up your copies with disks, USB sticks, or setionalized memory in the hard drives.

    Many of the books worth having are now on the net for free. As you become more knowledgeable, you quickly discern the rubbish from the good stuff. Books I years ago believed were worth having, such as Kenneth Grant's Books, I would now pass them by as not so worth while unless I find them for a dollar or two, as I have with some Crowley items.

    WHY do I not vrecoment these books, because I have since found serious errors in Grants writings because of his method and system of counting numbers. A simple example is - he claims the dark side of the kabbalistic tree is the realm of The Great Old Ones, which are the Quippoloth. Also he claims - Kutulu is Dagon. Both conclusions are misleading due to errors in the Hebrew numerology he uses.
    So on that basis I would not recomend Grant's books on the Old Ones for serious research. This does not mean they are totally useless no they have some value in various places. When I initally bought these books at top dollar some years ago, I did not know this and thought I had a small gold mine. Now they sit out in garage in a box never used, as do my few Crowley books, UFO publications, and other semi-references.

    When you start to channel stuff through you also access another information feild, and also get advice as to what is worth having and why other stuff is in error. If such claims can be verified with some sort of certifiable proof well and good; otherwise I encourage one to think for themselves, question everything and not accept what is told them in channelings on face value, as much of that can also be garbage. Balance needs to be exercised between the intellect and the intuition, the rational mind and the spirit.

    I trust this makes your descision a little easier.

    For more information email me at - [email protected]


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    if you are familiar with downloading stuff via torrents... check on look for torrents by Digimob... in the search bar type Digimob... u'll get list with all the torrents by them... they have added torrents with total of 5000+ eBooks... i'm sure people can find pretty much anything they need there.

  6. #6
    isis Guest


    The following forms an incomplete reading list:

    •Peter J Carroll
    ◦Liber Null and Psychonaut. This is the original manual of the IOT. It contains Liber MMM, which is the training schedule for entry into the IOT.
    ◦Liber Kaos. This book contains Liber Pactionis, the description of the Pact of the IOT. (Both books pub. Samuel Weiser)
    •Dave Lee Chaotopia (£10 available from Chaos International, BM Sorcery London WC1N 3XX)
    •Phil Hine
    ◦Prime Chaos
    ◦Condensed Chaos (available from Chaos International)
    •Ramsey Dukes - any of his brilliant meditations on magick
    •Jan Fries Visual Magic (pub. Mandrake Press, PO Box 250 Oxford OX1 1AP, UK) excellent material on semi-automatic drawing methods and sigilization.

  7. #7
    isis Guest


    i need them and i am looking for them a friend sent me to a site were i an required to read those books.
    Last edited by isis; 03-31-2009 at 08:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by isis View Post
    The following forms an incomplete reading list:

    •Peter J Carroll
    ◦Liber Null and Psychonaut. This is the original manual of the IOT. It contains Liber MMM, which is the training schedule for entry into the IOT.
    ◦Liber Kaos. This book contains Liber Pactionis, the description of the Pact of the IOT. (Both books pub. Samuel Weiser)
    •Dave Lee Chaotopia (£10 available from Chaos International, BM Sorcery London WC1N 3XX)
    •Phil Hine
    ◦Prime Chaos
    ◦Condensed Chaos (available from Chaos International)
    •Ramsey Dukes - any of his brilliant meditations on magick
    •Jan Fries Visual Magic (pub. Mandrake Press, PO Box 250 Oxford OX1 1AP, UK) excellent material on semi-automatic drawing methods and sigilization.
    Some of the books on your list can be downloaded from here my friend : Scribd will let you know if i find the rest

  9. #9
    isis Guest


    Thank you my friend hope to talk to you soon after your net quites being an ass. Lol

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    the book of results by ray sherwin
    scott cunningham's book of incense oils and brews
    Yogi Ramacharaka- the life beyond death
    Aliester Crowley- knox om pax
    William Walker Atkinson (ramacharaka) Mind power, the secret of mental magic
    I agree with Lady D. On the black arts by cavendish, my friend just gave me a copy and said it was his grandma's its great.
    the kybalion by three Initiates
    an ephermeris
    liber HVHI by Micheal Ford.
    masterpath divine science of light and sound
    at the feet of the master
    high magic published by lewellyn
    any druid herbal guide especially a druids herbal, guide to the sacred earth year one
    wheels of life, the ultimate chakra book
    wheels of light great for color magic both published by lewellyn
    the harmonic philosophy trilogy with harmonics of evolution, the great psychological crime and the great work
    the book of the sacred magic of abramelin the mage
    medicine of the Cherokee, the way of right relationship by Garrett
    esoteric orders and their work by Dion Fortune
    Mental Chemistry and the master key program by Charles Hanell
    advanced chakra healing and cancer is a good one
    of water and the spirit by Malidoma Patrice Some (african religion)
    the first Wiccian book I owned was Earth Air fire and water by Cunningham. I would definitly reccomend this for kids just starting out.
    I have seen a thousand thousand civilizations rise and fall upon the Mother of All Things. As pipes play, echoing off the mountains and across the Ocean, until it fades at the edge of time, the end of All... - book of the gate called pan

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