Is this meditation or relaxation?
I have always found it really hard to meditate. However I have started thinking of this & focussing on the right side of my brain while I do it. This will sound a bit corny but I imagine myself playing with cats & dogs. I regularly play with stray cats & dogs hence i don't even need to imagine, I merely recall my experiences. I try to 'feel' it more rather than just 'visulaize' it. I feel a certain kind of peace & I can sit like a statue without any movement. & I don't have any other thoughts in mind except me being with animals. So am i meditating or just relaxing myself?
"Here I sit, a foolish bore
no wiser than I was before
No dog can live like this
knowledge gained is far from bliss
So I resolved my soul to free
through blackest magic and dark alchemy"