hello everybody. i don`t know how to begin so i`ll get straight to the point(*lol). the last long relationship i had was 7-8 years ago, i just can`t seem to get over her, i`m 23, that`s why i say ridiculous, i was very young then. in my mind i thought this whole time that only 2 years have passed, recently i saw some pictures with us dated 2002, but i think that date is wrong, anyway, first year in highschool. i just realised that for one reason or another i`ve been destroying myself all this time, this is not importand, but she always is in my mind. i think very few days passed without me thinking about her, this heavily intoxicated, but even then, i f****n hate her, i love her, i`m hooked. when i`m with other girls i treat them like her, try to revive the moments spent, few that i remember, all the rest are hidden somewhere. i would write more just to show you how ridiculously absurd this is, i`ll stop. anyway, she used to practice spiritism and others maybe, with a girlfriend of hers, i don`t know really, i was and still am very skeptical about this. so i didn`t care to know. once she convinced me to invoke Ariel, no ideea who that is, i found it ridiculous, with us touching some thing and moving it around asking questions. she used to talk to me about spells, with closed locks thrown in rivers and stuff like this, i usually just ignored this. once we were smoking some place and she pulled some of my hair out, i tried getting it back just for arguments sake but didn`t succeed. we were 2 lunatics in love. we almost started fighting for this, phisically, pulling each others hair and stuff, i wanted to get some of hers too hehe damn memories. i was very gelous and stupid mostly, but i saw things, and interpreted, maybe wrong. so i left her and got back together a few times, the last time was cold, i can still see her leaving with wet eyes, i was feeling pretty much the same, but i used to drink, i don`t cry. i still drink. anyway, now with this situation i thought about asking what you guys think of this? would initiates think that i`m under some spell, or just stupid? sorry i wrote so much, it`s for me mostly, i can tell someone about it, annonymously. i backspaced a whole lot too hehe. leave opinions or do whatever ye like. cheers!