when i first started studying the illuminati i was really drawn in by the fact that i saw a lot of references to herbal hollistic medicine which i had read about months earlier and really believed in. these illuminati websites also talked about the transfer of social "value" and how our emotional systems work not to mention more references to nlp. this truly shocked me as i had been ready books by neil strauss and another guy whose nickname is mystery who teach about the ubiquitous and systematic mating rituals and how to attract females based on evolutionary behavioral psychology. niel strauss also makes a lot of allusions to the illuminati as many gurus of the community take names like herbal some other new age terms and even talks about how some of his fellow "venusian artist" friends were into new age spirituality. and they all practice nlp. niel also talks about in his book the game how the community is similar to scientology and just leaves it up to you on whether or not scientology is the illuminati. my question is could pickup actually be another way people are getting into the occult as it is no doubt a tool for manipulation. all im seeing these days is people talking about these people in a positive light no negative expose so far. i have also posted on some pickup forums asking whether pickup is occult but i was told the only occult member left. i am asking if pickup is occult but please feel free to elaborate on these venusian artists involvement with the occult.