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Thread: What are the shadow people?

  1. #21
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    "I have tried contacting these shadow people using the Ouija board as I know it is a low level device, I actually took it to the doorway and sat in front of them with it... I spoke with one called Queshd (this was one night that my partner was sleeping at her friends house). I have spoken to Queshd a few times, I have a feeling the name should have been Quesh .d as there was a large pause before the last letter, or perhaps Quesh is the last name and D is the first intital. The answers I gained from this being never made sense, always different dates, and by asking when he passed over and when he was born would have placed him nearly 300 years old. These creatures lie, or they have no concept of time or space (In a sense like our own), or perhaps they have never been human, I am not sure, but I didn't gain anything from the contact made through the Ouija board when using it to speak with Shadow people."

    Greetings LoS,

    Now that you have its name you can get some answers. They are all liars. Any race of beings that would hold you down in your sleep and mess with you I would think would be highly suspect.

    If this occured to me. I would find myself a very advanced practitioner whom has mastered the Evocationary branch of the Occult Tree. Then evoke that entity into the Triangle of Art and through dint of real threat with the magickal dagger and obliteration through the destruction of its name get some concrete answers as to what the hell it is, where it came from , what its race is , etc. I wonder why those of a more advanced level have not simply summoned one up in a triangle of art and compelled the buggers to come clean.

    I would suggest that you perform the LBRP daily and right after the LBRP perform the Middle Pillar Ritual then the Rose Cross Ritual. That last should clear the area up nicely. I would also take blessed water and blessed salt during the daylight hours and a blessed white washcloth and clean the doorways, the doors, and the frames as well as ALL of the Threasholds in your home. Includeing the windows. Making satchets with certain Herbs ( I like sage) and hanging them from the doorknobs or placing above the entranceways to rooms works as well. If you have hardwood floors I suggest you sweep and mop... and in the water (hot) pour in some pure essential organic Sage Oil. Makes it hard for them to be around. Next time one of those buggers gets around take a steel dagger and in bright firery red fire trace the banishing pentagram of Earth and vibrate the Divine name AGLA while pointing at the center of the Pentagram. No dagger...use your two fingers from your right hand.

    I just moved into a very old cottage and I have a bit of activity. I have seen a few shadow beings here. and have been assaulted a couple of times (actually stabbed) However, Continued work with the LBRP and some form of Closing Rite like the Rose Cross is having a very marked positive effect. I use the Yetzeratic Sealing Rite (found in Kraigs Modern Magick) very effective and quick Ritual. I have disintigrated a couple of them already through the use of the Pentagram. They are quite wary of me now and keep their distance knowing I will not hesitate in the least. I have had experiences with these beings and those like them since I was a young boy.
    Something strange occured one time while I was under an assault when I was in my late teens. I formed my right hand into the shape of a claw...Like I was going to simply try and grab this thing... Well I did. I found out then that for some unknown reason I can grab these things and rake huge chucks out of them.... If I dont feel like pentagraming one of them.. I just reach out and rip out a huge chuck from them... They dont much care for that and tend to get the hell away from me. Later on I got even better at it. I now think of my hands in such a situation as Manifestations of the Hindu God Nashringha. Lion Headed slayer of Demons. An Avatar of Lord Vishnu. And while I am rakeing chunks from said annoying entity...that is whom I am thinking of... I have not been seriously bothered by these entities for some time.

    I do not know where you live. Couldnt hurt to contact some Hindu Temple in India through email and ask them to make an offering to Lord Nashringha upon your behalf. couldnt hurt.

    Respectful Regards,
    Vampire? Excellent! Come on over I got a sharpened 2x4 to shuv up yer backside!

  2. #22
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    "Shadow people" are not the main things that hold people down in their sleep, although I wouldn't put it past them sometimes. It is a defence mechanism. A little more than a year ago I was living in a group home. The energy there was just awful and very unpleasent, but the " Shadow people" or perhapse Duppy's didn't mind, I saw them all the time. One time I was in a lesbian bar and one walked down the hall and past me, and I looked right at it. The owner of the bar got really nervous and asked me to leave without explaining herself. Here's one - my first boyfriend took some Dramamine and robitussin in exessive amounts and then he saw a little boy dressed in black victorian clothes and the boy had solid white eyes, speaking a language that sounded like english played backwards. This probably wasn't a shadow person. Anyway, I have seen alot more impressive things than shadow people and think that they are only one kind of spirit, and that spirits can't always be taxonomically classified like animals or pokemon.
    "Now it's you know who, I got the you know what. I'll stick it you know where, you know why, you don't care..." -- Marylin Manson

  3. #23
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    I had planned on joining this forum, but this topic sealed the deal. Shadow People are kind of a hot-button issue for me, as I have had a great deal of experience with them as well.

    I suppose I shall start by explaining my experiences, as others have.

    I have always been able to perceive Shadow People, and remember seeing them around places I lived as far back as I have memory. There was one that I actually named Shadow (I was young, it seemed appropriate.) and he will play an important role in my life later.

    I always attributed speed to these spirits. They would always allow me to observe them as long as I didn't look directly at them, but the moment I did they would disappear. My young mind thought that they were simply running very fast. They showed no qualms in appearing around me when I was near others either, and I often sat with friends and watched them (through the corner of our eyes), we would compare where we saw them, and how many there were. We always agreed.

    As I grew older, and my fear of the dark slowly started to fade, so did my fear of these spirits. They still caused sparks of fear when they caught me off guard, but I didn't fear them necessarily. The spirit I had named Shadow was the only one I saw consistently. I began to think of him as a guardian of sorts.

    Fast forward to my first Ouija board reading. When called upon to pray to a force to protect us, and to imagine a white protective light around us, I found that I could no produce such a light. Instead, it was very comfortable for me to focus on being surrounded by a darkness so deep that evil feared it.

    I began at that point to talk to spirits more, and eventually confronted this spirit I had named Shadow. He seemed to simply go by that name (maybe because that was what I had always called him), and he seemed content to guide me in my magical growth. In the mean time, the other shadow spirits became much more comfortable with me. At times I could even gaze directly at them without them disappearing.

    When a malevolent spirit attempted to attack a family friend, a shadow person stepped in and banished the malicious spirit. I was very indebted to that spirit. Once I gained the ability to shield, and started down my path, Shadow no longer appeared. He seemed to have moved on to some other plane, or simply have moved on altogether.

    My observations of Shadow People:

    They are curious in nature and are drawn to sites of intense emotion. The operate outside our normal perception of time, as some spirits do, and can feel places where strong emotions occurred long ago, or will occur in the future. This is why Shadow People are reported at being at the site of accidents shortly before the accident occurs. Some people even blame accidents and misfortune upon the Shadow People, a blame I think is unwarranted.

    Shadow People do not generally cause harm to people, and may occasionally attempt to help in disjointed and obscure ways. For being one of the most commonly reported spirits, they love their privacy, which is why they disappear as most people attempt to look directly at them. Some Shadow People are seen as guardians, warding off actual "evil" or unkind spirits from places where they would cause more harm than is already present.

    They have common forms that they appear in, but Shadow People can vary in shape and size as far as the human mind can imagine, and probably in more ways than that. Most that I have perceived appear to lack a real gender, but others are very clearly male or female.

    Most commonly spotted at night, these spirits can easily exist in daytime as well, and have no real issues with moving through any source of direct light.

    Little research has been done into these fleeting spirits, and most knowledge of them is done on a personal basis (as mine is), and some information presented is conflicting, implying that the true nature of these spirits is more diverse than any single person can accurately see.

    So yes. I rambled there a little bit, but that one guardian shadow person is what started me down my whole path, and ultimately led me here (among other places). I think he deserves at least one overly long post (though truly I owe him much more.)

  4. #24
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    Shadow people are what you see when an entity rises up from a lower vibration. as when they drop form a higher vibration you see light.

    In other words: bad folk.

  5. #25
    Light Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by albie View Post
    Shadow people are what you see when an entity rises up from a lower vibration. as when they drop form a higher vibration you see light.

    In other words: bad folk.
    Bad folk ?
    What do you define as bad folk. ...They are spirits, they all have their place...

  6. #26
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    They call themselves the Khai'min, at least thats what they told me in a dream once when I asked.

    As for what they are here for, they weren't entirely clear on that. I know they are here mostly as observers, thats why their image is non corporeal, they can't get involved. They watch everyone that has the latent talents I assume we all have.

    I have had many experiences with them, mostly good. Some of them can be quite mischievous and will go out of their way to provoke an emotional response. It is interesting to read someone else on here mention their being drawn to strong emotions because I have experienced the same thing.

    One event in particular was when i was taking a nap at one of my jobs. Pesky little bugger must have come up to my ear as I lay on the couch and just let out one hell of a shriek. I woke up so scared, I must have fed it for weeks haha

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