Hey, i was wondering if anybody else here has fasted in the past, and what their longest fast is. When I say fast i mean complete fast, no food, no juice, no tea, no sugar, ONLY water.
I'll start .................3 days!!!! Dun Dun Dun.
Not that long, i've done it a couple times, but you feel so cold and weak when your fasting. I've always had stuff to do that meant i couldn't afford to so weak. That plus when you lift weights ITS SUCKS to see your body dissolving.
I would like to do a 7 to 21 day fast in the near future. Would anyone like to do it with me? We could have fasted for lent, but i just realized it was eater weekend today soo..... that's out. Maybe we can have a fasting tournament! Who's in?
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