Internet Trolls
As this is a forum, and a public forum, some of you have come across a Internet troll and in my case - I personally have been the target of several whilst I was wasting my time in certain conspricarcy forums.
Many of those people just cut/paste a huge article and think they are intelligensia personafied, but me I do try to make a forum interesting with new info that I would love to share with many. Internet Trolls are like psychic vampires who can drain the magickal energy from it's victim and the best thing is to IGNORE THEM, they hate that.
As for other 'friendship' sites, always remember this fact, and remember it well. NEVER EVER DISCLOSE YOUR PERSONAL DETAILS because with the sheild of a computer screen that person is not what it seems.
Many scammers use these sites and take advantage of vulnerable sorts, and being a Occultist of a Grey variety you should be aware of everything.
When I was in the conspricarcy forums, I remember being the target of more than 30 nobodies who did not like my online personality, and that is what bullies are all about, on their own they are lambs, but with the others they are lions. What a bunch of morons.