The Path of Cain (Lucifarian Witchcraft) The Path of Cain (Lucifarian Witchcraft)
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Thread: The Path of Cain (Lucifarian Witchcraft)

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    Default The Path of Cain (Lucifarian Witchcraft)
    Zaza Zazas Nasatanada Zazas

    "My brow marked in blood, horned walker of worlds!
    Strike now with thy hammer, shall the Eye of the Serpent open forth.
    Unveiled in the Nightshade do I come forth!
    That I walk the path of Dragon born,
    Caster of the First circle of emerald and crimson flame.
    Gatekeeper and Horned shape shifter - Open forth thy fiery path!
    Illuminate the blackened flame!
    Shall I awaken serpent born in devils skin
    Cain I summon thee, invoke thee within."
    -Lucifarian Witchcraft, Michael W. Ford
    By the forest or desert some may call me, and I may answer calls of initiation into the Circle of the Witch. In the fire of the adversary do I walk for eternity, my father, Lucifer, illuminating those who seek me. I am vampyre and I am the sorcerer of Light from the serpent's tongue
    According to Genesis, Cain and Abel were the first and second sons of Adam and Eve, born after the Fall of Man. Their story is told in Genesis 4:1-16, the Qur'an at 5:26-32, and Moses 5:16-41. In all versions, Cain, a farmer, commits the first murder by killing his brother Abel, a shepherd, after God rejects Cain's sacrifice but accepts Abel's.

    Outside of these books, to me, Cain represents the human manifestation of the God-form, Set-h

  2. #2
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: The Path of Cain (Lucifarian Witchcraft)

    My old teacher is a Lucerferian. I find it very fascinating and I am glad you posted this. I think your analogy of this is very astute. Remember LILith was Adams's first wife and she has evolved into so many different interpretations depending on what one reads or believes. Good post.

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