can anyone give me information on Demonolatry? their characteristics, beliefs etc?
can anyone give me information on Demonolatry? their characteristics, beliefs etc?
Bumping this because I too want to know more regarding solitary practice. But there is this website to answer OP's question. Homepage
And also this blog
Scholastica Magikana: Demonolatry 101
and videos by this woman
YouTube - OFSAdrianna's Channel
If I am not mistaken, Temple of the Black Light (Misanthropic Luciferian Order) is a demonolatry group.
Demonolatry is usually about evil, misanthropy etc. because almost everybody recognizes demons as wicked entities who want to harm men or don't care about men.
Do you not see anything else than, that everything is either Evil or Good..have you read any of the posts on Evil v. Good and tried to take on board some of it ( the posts that others have put in).
You might be suppriced what you'll discover, something beautiful and positive...
There are gray areas as well...again not everyone sees Deamons as evil, espesially here..I see them as sprits and some as protective spirits, so how could you say that it is evil or even bad...
Too easy to say "there is no..." "there is no..." "there is no..."
The fushion says that you should always say "there is no...".
Did you just say that demons (dark spirits) want us free and they are defenders of our free will but angels (light spirits) want us to follow our hearts?
I see no difference in this. You said, "demons want you to be free but angels want you to follow our minds (heart does not think, the mind thinks)"
What's the difference between believing in the Bible and believing in light and dark spirits?
What's the difference between believing there are light and dark spirits and there are angels and demons?
What's the difference between believing "there is a leader of the dark spirits and there is a leader of the light spirits" and "there is Satan and God"?
I really think all these pseudo-occult things that exist for about 60 years exist only to take your money.
I mean, I can accept someone who believes in 12 Gods instead of one.
I can accept that someone believes in 50 Gods instead of one.
I can accept that someone worships both Gods, light spirits and dark spirits but does not call them evil and good.
But I can't accept someone saying "THERE IS NO HEAVEN!" "THERE IS NO HELL!" "THERE IS NO GOD!"...
I really hate it when I see the word "THERE IS NO..." for something that is believed for so many centuries by whole cultures and countries.
Last edited by Kain; 09-21-2010 at 04:52 PM.
Duality is important to every faith. Good/Evil Pos/Neg High/Low. Just by focusing on one and one alone may send you deeper into the opposite.
Therefore, I believe authoritative dogmas are part of the veil mainstream religions put before us. Duality > or = Power
In Demonolatry, Satan is the "fifth element," or the source of all other energies. In other words, Satan is the Whole and every other Demon is simply a part of the whole. Each person, animal, plant, and thing that exists in nature is a part of the whole [the divine] as well. Because of this, there are no Demons more "powerful" than others. In worshiping Demons, Demonolaters mean that they respect them and hold them in high regard as teachers and friends. They are not evil, but, rather, are benign. Some Demonolators believe that Demons are simply energy sources, while others believe they are actual entities. This varies from practitioner to practitioner. Regardless of their perspective, Traditional Demonolaters reject Christian mythology about Satan, Demons, heaven or hell, and do not believe in the Christian God. Therefore, the term "Demonolater" is an oppressive term adopted by it's practice.
I say that "demons" are creatures of the sadow planes, and "angels" are creatures of the light planes. Once, before time ticked and space grew, they were nuetral, living in the emptiness, then, our world on existed. The angels chose the plane of light, while demons chose the shadow plane. Many other spirits chose varius planes, and some opted to stay here, nuetral. Ydggrasil, the great word tree is the force that holds all together. I am not saying this is how it is,but it is what I believe.
I am so glad that Kain has been deleted.
Most of the demons of the goetia are just perversions of some foreign god/goddess that the christians or jews came upon.
I like your view of this. I view them as representing different aspects of the human personality that is not following the ''christ'' persona that christians are supposed to follow. Or in the case of Jews or Muslims being ''Muhammed'' or ''Moses''.n Demonolatry, Satan is the "fifth element," or the source of all other energies. In other words, Satan is the Whole and every other Demon is simply a part of the whole. Each person, animal, plant, and thing that exists in nature is a part of the whole [the divine] as well. Because of this, there are no Demons more "powerful" than others. In worshiping Demons, Demonolaters mean that they respect them and hold them in high regard as teachers and friends. They are not evil, but, rather, are benign. Some Demonolators believe that Demons are simply energy sources, while others believe they are actual entities. This varies from practitioner to practitioner. Regardless of their perspective, Traditional Demonolaters reject Christian mythology about Satan, Demons, heaven or hell, and do not believe in the Christian God. Therefore, the term "Demonolater" is an oppressive term adopted by it's practice.
Some people like to think they are ''Gods'' because most of them are beings of Light who fell into the Darkness, thus overcoming duality and becoming Whole and Divine beings.
Those who Fall will find their Heaven
and will always be adored.
In Plaudo Atri Matris!
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