Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest - Page 2
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Thread: Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest

  1. #11
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest

    I never liked labels but it seems they are a mandatory thing regarding magickal practices. Why I do not know. Same as are you a dem are you a republican, Who cares? Fakes ? I do not know perhaps over zealous and tend to run off at the mouth. i do not profess to know all there is but I know enough for what I am practicing at this time in my life. What would you put me in I am/ was aTheosophist, Druid, Magickian, who is a conscious trance channel who was brought up in Southern Folk magick and the Black Arts, who is studying Alchemy not a true alchemist yet, who is just trying to survive. I have an IQ of 184 but can not add worth a darn. Label me and see if it doesn't send me to Hades.

  2. #12
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest

    I will take that assessment. Thank You. And here's looking at you kid.

  3. #13
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest

    I have a question. What would be a good book for someone who is interested in learning all about Satanism. One who knows absolutely nothing about the subject. Thank You.

  4. #14
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest

    Thank You. I understand.

  5. #15
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Some literature on Satanism/Satanic interest

    Quote Originally Posted by Leviathan
    No problem. From what I have read of yours thus far I can tell you are an intelligent person. That is a good start.
    Well thank you. As soon as I read your first post I knew you were thoughtful, intelligent, and extremely compassionate. Okay enough with the violins. LOL.

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