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Thread: Need Input, please.

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    Default Need Input, please.

    Greetings All,

    My name is Az, I was wondering if you could help me with a "dream" I had recently. It all starts out normal I "wake" up I walk around and get my location, then I jump out the window to have a little fun. Upon exiting the window and landing on the "ground" I move about and find a wall, placing my finger into the wall I cut a doorway into it, create a doorknob and open the door. Once I had entered I appeared in this purely white house and on the porch there were two brothers sitting and discussing a topic. This is what the topic was and the most remebered part of said "dream."

    "One brother turned to the other and proclaimed "let us war with destroy man, for they have forgotten us and all we have done for them." the other brother began to protest "Just because they do not remeber us dear brother does not mean they are to be destroyed, they are our creators and to destroy them would be to destroy ourselves" the younger brother asked "ah but brother, we exist even though they forget, would this not mean that while we were created by man, we are no longer slaves to them?" the older brother replied "perhaps, but we do not know for sure." seeing that he would get nowhere with this line of thought the younger brother had an idea "what if I could prove you wrong brother show you that we can re-make ourselves, then would you fight with me?" the older brother thought on this for a moment and asked "Okay, say you can prove this, say we can live outside of our creators. What will we do to destroy them?" The younger brother awnsered "Well dear brother, shall we not make it a game? If I can, let me come back and let us take new forms and have man destroy itself by fighting for an inconcievable prize!" just then the younger brother looked in the window to see a man staring at him "It seem's we have a curious fellow in our midsts"

    I woke up after that. Well any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated. More than likely this is a subconcious representation of the warring sides of my personality, but they looked nothing like me I did not even note a hint of arrogancy or sheepishness that is a huge part of both sides. So while I pray I am not insane, I also pray equally that what I saw was mearly a fantasy, because if it had any truth to it. Should we not be scared?

  2. #2
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Need Input, please.

    It sounds to me as if you are in a quandary about how to balance your two personalities. Even though these two men did not look like you it does not mean they do not represent you. As for man destroying himself it is a possibility the way our race is going, but it will not be for many years and there is a part of you that is warring with the other. You are also worried about what is to become of all of this and there is a great conflict going on inside you as I write this. I would not worry about these two brothers , but I would try to find a balance in your self and once you do these two will cease to worry you.

  3. #3
    Harlock Guest

    Default RE: Need Input, please.

    Have you been struggling with something lately a choice to continue as you have been or making a descision that could alter someone on a higher tier than you? it sounds like these might be your light side and your darkside its not bad but my recommendation is to find your own path as best as you can, and find out whats right for you, if you have any other dreams that might prove interesting repost and maybe we will get more of a glimpse into the problem

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