Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded) Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)
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Thread: Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)

  1. #1
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    Default Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)

    Trance and it's relationship with psychic development and phenomena is recorded throughout history. Shaman's go into trance to communicate with spirits, mediums and magicians do the same thing in meditation or ritual, to leave your body you go into trance, to remote view you trance out, to do spiritual healing you trance out... so what is it?

    Again, this is a huge topic, but for the purposes of this conversation we can state that trance is what happens in the lower brain states - the brain states that communicate with the lower and psychic brain - this is known as the reptilian brain or cerebral cortex.

    In their awesome Remote View program - John La Tourette and Dennis Higgins correctly describe the psychic portion of the brain as alpha, theta and delta. (recommend you buy/torrent/get hold of this).

    Beta is normal waking consciousness - 20Hz
    Alpha is psychic awareness - 10Hz
    Theta is trance proper 7Hz
    Delta is deep trance/OBE/sleep 0.5-4Hz

    The point is - you need to drop your brain frequency state - or drop your 'consciouness' into a trance state. For the adept, these states become more a part of normal waking consciousness.

    Now for the fun part, dropping into trance - my hints and tips and methods -

    + Meditate and practice often - this will help your brain entrain itself to these states, so you drop in easier.

    + Get hold of a brainwave entrainment program / binaural beats - these will help you shave off months of practice by helping your brain to a deep trance state - so that you know what it feels like and you can get back there easier next time. *Advanced->* You can also anchor this state with an NLP technique by using an 'anchor', like squeezing your left thumb, every time you go into state. Then when when you want to get back to that state, you simply fire off the anchor by squeezing the left thumb For more google 'anchoring NLP'.

    + Make a skrying mirror - preferably a black mirror - and stare into that, not expecting anything, for 10 - 30 minutes. This is a taoist and recently a Goetia method to get into trance (ala evocation).

    + The easiest and most 'boring' way to train at trance (and because of this I recommend it the most) is to count down from 100 to 0, and imagine yourself climbing down a ladder / or falling / or something like that, at every number down. The key here is to feel like falling (using whatever 'submodality' - or way to do that you want).

    How to know what it feels like -

    you will feel progressively heavier, and your brain slower and more focused but with clarity. Your body will vibrate, and the closer you get to delta, the stronger the vibrations will be.

    The point of all this is that it really really helps you with psychic development. In short, trance is one of the biggest tools of th e magician or shaman, or even medium. Practicing this will enhance your ability to see, hear and feel energy, channel, communicate, with OBE's, and it will definitely help you as an advancing magician.

    Good luck and light
    Saint John

  2. #2
    isis Guest

    Default RE: Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)

    very interesting.

  3. #3
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)

    My husband is a sub conscious trance channel and channels the council of three, he has no idea who speaks through him as he leaves his body and they take over. I am a conscious trance channel which means I am aware of all time who is speaking through me, usually the Masters of Madame Blavatsky and the teachers who have left their physical. It can take a toll on the body and one's etheric body so hence why we must rest and re fuel so to speak. I never asked for this and my husband was did not either but it is a role we have accepted.

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    Default RE: Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)

    Yes I hear you Lady D, channeling in both your and your husband's mode definitely takes its toll on your nervous system, and etheric body. A famous shaman I know tells us he sleeps and rests for like two days after channeling his guides!

    What great fortune in your case. From my point anyway. Do you feel positively about your gifts? Commend me to your teachers please! :-P

  5. #5
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: Trance (ritual methods for psychic development expanded)

    Yes i do feel good about it. I never understood why i would say things about the future or find i had written things i could not understand where i go the information. I knew I was doing it but it was not me. It was when I became a chela in my Theosophy studies that I started traveling to the divine astral realm. I saw teachers in the halls of learning and would see photos later on of ones who had died. At one point the information was coming in so fast I went for days and days and days without sleeping. I was told by one of my teachers that most seers do not sleep that much any way. The only part is waking up in the morning after being in the astral library so to speak. I can not get out of bed and am totally sticky with ectoplasm. My teachers are Madame Blavatsky, and all the Theosophists who have died and Madame Blavatsky's Masters. They speak through me sometimes on the forums although I am happy to say not today. I have learned to measure my words carefully as when a child I would blurt information out and my parents would have to smooth things over. I have learned to get use to little sleep and then collapse. I am happy saint_john for my gifts but am also ambivalent if that makes sense.

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