Remote Viewing and Overtone Chanting and A Big Hello! Remote Viewing and Overtone Chanting and A Big Hello!
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Thread: Remote Viewing and Overtone Chanting and A Big Hello!

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    Talking Remote Viewing and Overtone Chanting and A Big Hello!

    Hey all,

    I found this forum yesterday, read around a bit and liked what I saw

    I'm from Romania, in a pretty small town right now, where so far it has been very hard to find people with any "exotic" interests, and the open mind to actively pursue them. I'm into Remote Viewing for a few years now, have had some decent results with it, and also have a few youtube videos on the topic. I've seen at least one other RV'er on the site so yeah, the skill is probably welcome here

    I played with Tarot cards and Sigils before, did some meditation at times, I chant stuff in Tibetan overtone, I visualize chakras or deities sometimes, but I never took it to any serious level, in some consistent way. Then a few days ago I read a couple of books that really got me connected to the ideas of "making contact" and getting some solid skills, communicating with the other aspects of the Universe, not just the physical. There's so much happening out there (and also down there, within), it would be a shame to spend a whole life completely ignorant to it, just going through the motions and daily routine.

    I'm into psychedelics, been out there a few times, enough to know there's much more to the Universe than it seems, and just how much we cannot see with the eyes of the flesh.

    These 2 things (Remote Viewing and Psychedelic substances) have been 2 approaches that I liked best so far, because they both provided real results, clearly observable, and they worked pretty fast. Everything else I've tried was either not working, or too subjective/inconclusive.

    So yeah, hopefully I can contribute to this place in a few meaningful ways, and also I am hoping to find a few people I can learn from, to improve and grow

  2. #2
    Aradia Guest


    Hi there. Welcome to Occult Forums.

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