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Astral projection

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I have been astral projecting for a long time but lately I have been so blocked any thoughts on how I could solve this problem

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  1. Fortuna's Avatar
    i teach AP at my school and this is an occurrence that happens at times. what is going on in your life could affect this, so many things whether good or bad can block this ability.
  2. Rikah's Avatar
    so you think it is more this life then the astral plane it makes me feel good that you have seen this before so I will focus more on my life here instead of looking there for the answer thank you very much for your help
  3. Fortuna's Avatar
    i am happy to help. if you need me, i am at my forum esoteric magick most of the time. good luck.
  4. Fortuna's Avatar
    You are activated at EM. i think you will feel safe there.
  5. Rikah's Avatar
    I am so happy thank you
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