So...Musicologist's thread about musical magick made me curious about whether I am the only one who uses audio assistance during ritual. By this I am not merely referring to background music.(though I have spent a decent chunk of time creating mix cds in that vein, in particular; Karl Sanders' solo albums create quite the mood for me)
I am referring to anything that may be very specific to your ritual or to your meditations. For example, I have recorded a few tracks with words and various intonations to be played behind the actions of creating sacred space, banishings and even invocations/evocations. My reasoning for this is that I often have many ritual gestures that I'd like to give a great deal of attention to, so that my body can perform them while my mind also soaks in whatever ritual incantations are being spoken from the audio track. I also have a musical inclination so I often get creative and try to add a good soundtrack to suit the mood. Personally, I find that this has improved my focus and clicks my mind into Ritual Consciousness even further, and even more importantly it assists my memorization capabilities.
As a Freemason, I understand the powerful effect of memorizing both ceremonial dialogue and very very specific ritual movements and marching patterns. This translates just as well for when I practice magick, and I suggest the development of this simple technique for anyone else. Sorry, maybe its just me, but when I am performing a grand evocation, I'd rather not be sloppily reading straight from a piece of paper that I'm holding in my hand with whatever other magickal tools or ritual props in the other. That seems to really cheapen things and makes it seem like I am not taking things as seriously when I should be putting as much effort into the operation as possible. Thanks to my hard work within a Masonic setting, I have since looked at my magickal operations as quite lacking in terms of presentation.
Several of my audio tracks are to be used as a template for the ritual segments and the dialogue pertaining to that specific rite. This gives me a chance to develop the ritual's power and memorize its contents, and also in some cases allows me to practice a bit of Tai Chi/Qi Gong as a moving meditation at the same time. (Anybody else try that?? Works wonders during magick!)
Also of similar note would be Peter J. Carroll's audio recordings 'The Cthonos Rite' and 'The Ouranous Rite', which serve as an interesting ritual assistance in the form of Guided Meditations. If you are a fan of Carroll I urge you to try and get a cpoy of the Cthonos Rite.( The Chaos Magick Audio CDs--Volume 1: The Cthonos Rite (9781561842506): Peter Carroll: Books)
-phew- So, how bout it guys??