A theory
I was thinking on the ways of 'demons' and 'angels' and i concluded that 'demons' are not 'evil' and 'angels' are not 'good'. i mean of course there are 'bad' demons and 'good' angels, but there is defining aspect. What if demons are elementals of darkness and angels are elmentals of light. like other elementals they can be of benefit of the person or harm him/her. The undines the elmentals of water are not evil because u can drown in water and im sure there are those who wish ill to humans but that cant spoil the whole race of undines can it? or how bout the salamanders? fire can keep you warm and save ur life but it can also burn you to death.
Angels as elementals of light, can be seen as both good or bad, as light can let you see the beauty of the world, but they can also blind you with there light, or make you see things in the world that will make you sick. I also beleave that they have a tie with the sylphs of the element of air.
Demons as elementals of darkness not in them selves evil but people fear the dark as a whole because you can not see. One might ask how they benefet us and ill tell you, the darkness helps our body test its self when u get an adrelein rush from fear and teh darkness keeps our body strong, while the negative aspect is blindness. being unable to see is a dangorse thing.
I am polytheistic so i beleave in many diffrent divine powers. I beleave a divine power can weaken a elementals sprit, so thats a cathloic preist can excorise a demon, he puts his will back by a very very very very small amount of divine power to get rid of a demon from a person house and the like.
I would like to know your belifes on what i have said thank you
(i want to apoligize for my spelling not the best lol xD)
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