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Thread: An Ernest Question

  1. #1
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    Default An Ernest Question

    What is with all this hatred of "new age?" I mean, aren't we all in the same boat here? There is no authoritative source on "the occult." We're all living in a modern world, trying to study traditions and ideas that long ago fell by the wayside. We're just picking up the breadcrumbs left behind by others who came hundreds, and in some cases thousands of years ago. Who knows how many times the information we receive has changed hands or been altered. So what exactly is meant by the term "new-ager" when it's used as an insult? Just browsing through a few posts here, I've seen the term applied to everyone from a few crackpot authors to a poster who cited documents written over 2000 years ago. What on earth is the common theme here? Is anyone you don't like a new ager?

  2. #2
    Branwen Guest


    No we are not in the same boat. True occultist don't even utter the word new age, as it has nothing to do with the occult, just pathetic people who have found a way to steal and convince people like you that new age is God. Please!

  3. #3
    Belasko Guest


    You're fucking kidding right? New Age is bullshit, it is filled with Charlatans that seduce assholes who think this is magick and the occult. New age people need to have their sorry asses kicked to the curb. Hey I have a fucking bridge I can sell you.

  4. #4
    alyssa Guest


    I must say I shudder every time I hear the words "New Age", it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because the first associations I have with these words are the nastiest types of people.
    It really is because of the ones who made a mockery of anything spiritual by making it a joke and fooling gullible people in the process. Some people actually have genuine thirst for knowledge and the so-called "gurus" exploit it. I haven't personally ever been exploited by them because I was lucky enough to see through them like many have countless times before me, but it gives anyone who is associated or interested in the Occult a bad name.
    Now I wouldn't be so harsh to say that anything to do with "New Age" is a waste of time and something to avoid at all costs, I'm sure it works for a number of people and gives them some form of comfort or something similar, but not when you're really looking for something much less vague than that.
    Also, the people who consider themselves "New Age" and throw those words around like it's supposed to be some automatic pass for gaining wisdom, they can be highly annoying and unpleasant and to be very blut, full of ****.
    I guess this is probably why "New Age" gets shunned, most of the ones I've encountered were not even close to serious about gaining knowledge, spoke with authority on subjects they knew nothing about and were generally a waste of ones time.
    BUT, of course there are genuine people who would consider themselves "New Age" and I'm sure it would be unfair to classify them all like I just did above, however I've met very very few of them and they since moved on to something else.

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    Default Good question

    I'd have to agree with you there. When I signed onto this site I read the anti-new age briefing and was a little confused myself. I would have to say that it's the same with all religions, a bunch of them will go around pissing people off and then we are off to "those fuggin Mormons with their bicycles and non-caffeine/ nicotine stained teeth, who do they think they are knocking on my door at 10 in the morning when I got a hangover from last night?!" I don't know. I'm sure people like Jay Z Knight and Ken Wilbur have ruined it for the rest of the well meaning new agers . Their whole enlightenment schools that cost more than Yale tuition give new age a bad vibe.
    I say Do What Thou Wilt. The peace and love message ain't such a bad one..nor is it a "new" one.

  6. #6
    alyssa Guest


    NemnochAdore, the problem is that they bastardize everything by making it a "thing", or almost a trend and that is already a faliure in itself. You cannot define or sell something like this, it is not tangible. Occult is not a product, it is not a trend, it cannot be a marketing tool(even though some do try, but it will not last), it is also not a hobby so you cannot just dabble in it and call it a day. New Age took vague information from various(and some very dubious) sources, took some products(like crystals, candles,etc) and used pathetic psychological tactics on people by playing on their needs(aka "Find your soulmate","Discover your true self","How to succeed at work", "Let us find the real root of your insecurities and heal them"). Their gurus are very similar to tele-evangelists and their act is so transparent. Give you a vague "reading" and if you want a more "in-deph" reading then pay them "Just 9.99-Special Offer Only for You".
    Maybe I was too harsh, but that does piss me off to no end. As for the followers of new age, like I said before I cannot really speak for all of them only those I have met, the vast majority spews such useless bulshit and act like they were the first to discover "peace,love and spirituality". Once you try to dig a little deeper on any of the subjects they will say something vague and will never be able to truly show any knowledge beyond the surface.
    I guess this is my reason for being antagonistic towards them, but "hate" is a way too strong of a word, I just avoid them since it's not that hard and they shouldn't be worried about other groups either, since to each their own really.

  7. #7
    crowley666 Guest


    I guess other then all the other dipshit stuff, the main thing is how they think they invented occultism or something, and are sent from god to usher their version of it with the age of aquirias. Lovey Dovey, play with my little ponies in heaven, Jehova's witness made us sign a waver bullshit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jackal View Post
    I know a new ager, he's actually allright (Gullible though)
    Sadly, I have found the same could be applied to most new age type people that I have met. I could be mistaken but I also get more of a sense of need for community and search for belonging from new agers whereas occultists tend to be more individualists; where the line of the search is drawn for the occultist is at the Self. I think the belonging part is already taken care of because, we're here, right?

    I see this all stepping in the direction of those who make life decisions based on conspiracy theories. Maybe this has always been a part of the new age scene and I just never paid much attention to it because I find it difficult not to be amused by the whole affair.

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    My problem is not with a 'new age' of magic. Historically speaking, magic has undergone plenty of changes since the first time man attempted to interpret and use spiritual or occult forces for his advantage. My problem concerns the lack of research involved by those 'fronting' or acting as mouth pieces for the New Age itself. If they could just pull their collective heads out and study a bit on ALL the information going back to the BCE's, perhaps their obvious blunders in facts would not be so damning. For instance in hard core magic they go back as far as the 19th century practices of judeo-christian magic, and as far as the pagan practices go, they cherry pick what appeals to their convenience and supports their own prejudicial and modern veiws. Things such as blood sacrifices and so forth they treat with the same despise that christians treat modern day satanism - and those misinformed views border line on the retarded.

    Most I have personally met scream for tolerance like a cat being raped, yet they are uncheritable in extending tolerance to any who do not practice the same as they. Such a dichotomy exists only in self serving ignorance. I do not see all new agers in this light, but the loudest tend to be. I studied the 'all important' books that one must be able to refer to in order to even be a wiccan, and found many historical and magical inaccuracies in all of them. The one question that plagued me in questioning their magical processes is this - If you are neo-pagan, then why the hell are you using judeo-christain processes and spirits?

    This is like calling on your enemy for protection or a favor. Most new agers I have met are sweet people; only about a fourth of them have been pushy, judgemental, or obnoxious. That's a pretty good ratio actually. But about 80% of them I have met are extremely gullible, and bounce from deity to deity like a game of musical chairs. If this pleases them or fulfills their spiritual needs, so be it - I am happy for them- but it says little for will power, discipline or the dedication it takes to grow spiritually/magicallly. I have yet to meet one that can actually fast for 3 days. That itself I find extraordinary. This means that in an earlier age, they lacked even the willpower to purify themselves for any ritual at all. Amazing.

    Besides these things, I do not hate the New Age or new agers - I just avoid them. We have nothing in common, and they are and will not be on the same boat as I. My boat has direction. Theirs, as far as I can tell, drifts around in circles while oblivious to them, sharks follow. Good luck with your new age studies. If you really want to understand the issues people have with the new age treatment of spirituality, try studying books on ancient religions and magic that are not new age. Go back to the beginning - to Egypt, or Summeria and work your way forward. Read facts concerning these things, not opinions. Good luck and best wishes no matter what you do.

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    any one with something new is a new "Age-r" but the term is derogatory and I think is pointed to those projecting ignorance.
    Man is invited to question, discover, explore,
    and manipulate the world around him and use it for his benefit.

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