Take a look at my site
I humbly invite you to take a look at my newly created site.
Aunuri Melece, welcome to the haven.
Its an asylum for everyone who study the metaphysic and magic and its designed after the image of Aunuri, my own spiritual path.
Anyone is welcome to visit and become a member, but please be aware of the fact that the site is still under construction and will expand in the future.
As mentioned.
The site is made in my image, so it have alot of custom features such as unique titles and ranks.
Occultforums.net and Otherkinforums.net will both be added to the gateway of Aunuri Melece and therefore I hope we can assist each other in growth.
"Without order nothing can exist"
"Without chaos nothing can evolve"
"Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they ticked me off"