Leaving Leaving
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Thread: Leaving

  1. #1
    Innocent Guest

    Default Leaving

    I'm afraid that I will not be coming on for a while, for two reasons. There is too much going on with both forums, to much unnecessary things. And I am being hit hard with all the emotions from the members. So until I either control this or until things cool down, I will not be coming on. I need to rebalance myself, etc, etc. You can find me by e-mail or msn if you wish to chat.

    Until then my good friends, take care and be safe.


    Till the day we next speak.

  2. #2
    redhand Guest


    This is sad to hear my friend! But, you must take care of yourself first and foremost.

  3. #3
    Innocent Guest


    That's very sweet of you all. Thank you. I really appreciate it.

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