Now there's a good question. I remember a conversation I had with a small group of people years ago. One of them, an atheist said all magical effects on people were explainable by suggestion. He gave several instances... a sorcerer points a stick or bone at a victim and curses them. Over the next few days the person grows ill and dies. Another instance was a so-called "gypsy curse" in which the Gypsy stares at a victim and pronounces a single word with ominous meaning. The word is implanted in the victim and has an increasing effect upon them.
The reply to that was from a person I know to be a powerful magician. He said that those methods were easy to do and of certain effect on believers living in communities who also believe in these methods, but in communities that do not support these beliefs or when dealing with atheists, the best course of action complete secrecy. Everything is to be done in secret and any magical artifacts such as dolls, amulets, etc. were to be hidden where the target would pass near them but never discover them. It was assured that ignorance of the magic (especially a curse) allowed for a greater chance of success. Especially if there were atheists involved. The magician said results in this type of magic cannot be explained by suggestion. The atheist in the conversation said he didn't believe any effect at all could be had at all unless the person to be influenced was made aware of the intended effect and believed that it was possible.
Given a few years of experience and reflection, I am siding with my magician friend.
"It is new, indeed, for I made it last night in a dream of strange cities; and dreams are older than brooding Tyre, or the contemplative Sphinx, or garden-girdled Babylon."