song/poem/whatever I wrote song/poem/whatever I wrote
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Thread: song/poem/whatever I wrote

  1. #1
    crowley666 Guest

    Default song/poem/whatever I wrote

    Time for me

    If your life broke down into tiny hours, and minutes didn't matter except for measuring the bathwater.
    I think your blood would still get thinner in the winter, and all your big moments still wouldn't matter.
    You don't care about your clock, so time for me is all that I want.
    Inside this twilight room, windows boarded up, thunder without the need for a storm. All your frost giants didn't win the war, and there isn't any time for me no more.
    It's only a matter of space between us now. The light inside won't withdraw. Somehow you went through the wall, found my heart, and got thrown out.
    Now that your voice has no sound, time for me to sing the holy it's spiritual song.

  2. #2
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    You are so talented.

    my heart has split in two and turned to black
    my guts have flown and not on track
    i wish you dead i wish you pain
    my heart has lost the will to feel
    and all that silvery fleeting rain
    has shown no dust and all in vain
    you say you know but blood has spilled
    my soul my ego has yet to fill
    don't talk to me just let me be
    my drug of choice will cease to kill.

  3. #3
    crowley666 Guest


    I feel like Marian from requim of a dream when harry tells her she's beutiful. She says so many people have told her that but they were only words. Coming from you Zelda that really means something to me. Your poem is very good as well.

  4. #4
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    Thank you. I am dark and can not abide the light, but I can understand the fact, that "childless women never grow up". Lillian Hellman said it well.

  5. #5
    crowley666 Guest


    you should rise above it. I have gone through some **** in my life that is beyond words. If anyone had an excuse to totally get caught up in their emotions it's me. Not to diminish your sorrow, you know this is not my intention. Anyone can be a sad sick puppy. You are better than it.

  6. #6
    crowley666 Guest


    I like it. A few thoughts though. Couldn't god want us to have knowledge and wisdom. Only then will we willingly head back into the abyss. I also don't think one needs to be unsouled to be enlightened. More like realize you have a soul, it's duality and signifigance so you can learn from it. I really appreciate the passion though. Try it from all view points... and a poetry section would be great.

  7. #7
    crowley666 Guest


    One must be careful, but go towards your boundries. Try not to reel from them. I understand your boundries are so far out there it's probably scary to comprehend, but in your own time and way work at them. I think you have a gentle mind, but obviosly chaos in your soul. You try so hard to control it and then it gets released in repressed ways when your not looking. I wish you well. I must get some sleep. We'll talk further. You have much to offer, atleast a few ears those evil bastards can't take.

  8. #8
    crowley666 Guest


    I love it when people go through the looking glass.

  9. #9
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    I have been there and back and the white rabbit has good tequila and he loves to dance.

  10. #10
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by bullfrogsrules View Post
    remeber these conversations have not taken place they are classified top secret poems government copy write however theirs a clause i have them all in an envelope addressed to my self unopened in court they are legit copy writes the court respect the canadian postal company dates on envelopes if they arent opened

    but its still a game of clessified documents. hardy hardy har har lol

    a little humor is good sometimes
    Who dat coming down the street.

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