What do these words mean? What do these words mean?
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Thread: What do these words mean?

  1. #1
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    Default What do these words mean?

    neh-em-ah & Meh-lek-tah-oos
    They are obviously pitched sounds for vibrating so I am assuming the original words are something like nemea & melkatoos. I don't know the exact words.
    According to wikipedia, Nemea (Gr. Νεμέα) is an ancient site near the head of the valley of the River Elissos in the northeastern part of the Peloponnese, in Greece.
    I got them form here
    "And with strange aeons, even death may die."

  2. #2
    ZeldaFitz Guest


    It is part of the higher banishing ritual of Lucifer. There is a file to download to listen to it and perform it. I think it is in word.

  3. #3
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    I know that its a HBRL & I have downloaded & read the file. I just don't know what those words mean.
    "And with strange aeons, even death may die."

  4. #4
    Belphebe Guest


    you should be able to find out go to Anti's Satan forum I think Etu Malku is there he is a Luciferian.

  5. #5
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    I will do that.
    While I was searching for something else I gathered this information, I'll copy paste the whole thing, the original word is 'Melek Taus'.

    Crowley identified Aiwaz as a god, demon, or devil that had once been worshipped in Sumeria; the god worshipped by the Yezidi. According to the Frater Superiour of the current Ordo Templi Orientis (an occult order once headed by Crowley), “Like their relatives the Kurdish ‘Chaldeans,’ the Yezidi’s (or Yazidi’s) are a cultural survival of older Mesopotamian cultures. The principal Yazidi deity is named Melek Taus. They were termed Shaitan-worshippers (i.e., devil-worshippers as a pejorative term by their hostile Arab neighbors.).” In his book From the Ashes of Angels Andrew Collins writes, “The appellation of ‘devil worshippers’ had been given to the Yezidi’s … yet their creed ventured far beyond such an ignorant description. The name Yezidi derived from the nature of their beliefs, which focused primarily around an indigenous breed of angelic beings. In many ways their name can be translated as the ‘angelicans’, and originally this would appear to have been the name by which the Kurdish angel cults were known. Yet chief among the Yezidi angels was a unique and very important figure indeed. His name was, and still is (for the Yezidis still exist) Melek Taus, the Peacock Angel. He corresponds with the Judeo-Christian concept of the Evil One—Satan or Lucifer—But this association hardly does him justice, for Meleck Taus is seen as a supreme being, with authority over human affairs.”
    This is very similar to Crowley’s description of Aiwaz as a being that appears to have great insight into and control of human affairs. The Yezidi are in possession of a holy book known as the Black Book supposedly dated--in its present form-- around the 13th century A.D. According to Collins this book states, “…the first name of the Peacock Angel had been ‘Azazil,’ an Arabic rendering of Azazel, one of the leaders of the Watchers in Judeo-Christian apocrypha.” More intersestingly, in The British Edda Waddell identifies Azazel with Prince Kon, Cain, or his Eyptian identity, Horus. We will recall that in Crowley’s “prophetic” book The Book of the Law, Aiwaz is described as being the “minister” of Hoor- pa-Kraat, the passive aspect of the god Horus. With Crowley identifying Aiwaz as the god of the Yezidis, known to scholars as Melek Taus or Azazel and Waddell’s research revealing Azazel as the Sumerian Prince, Kan, Cain, or Horus of Egyptian lore, we can now identify Aiwaz as an agent or an aspect of this ancient Sumerian real-historic Prince Kan. Further confirmation of the identification of Horus with the Watchers comes from the findings of Egyptologist Walter Bryan Emery. Andrew Collins sites Emery’s discovery of late pre-dynastic graves in northern Egypt as containing the bodies of a “race of great stature believed to have founded the royal line of Egypt…Emery identified them with the Shemsu-Hor, the companions, or followers of the hawk-headed god Horus.” Collins further writes of Emery, “…he was therefore implying that the most distant ancestors of the Egyptians had been tall in stature with large craniums.” Waddell described them as “long-headed.” The same skulls were found buried in early Sumerian graves. Also similar was the unique architecture in Sumer and Egypt showing a distinct relationship between the two cultures.
    To remind the reader; in Biblical and Apocryphal texts the Sumerian royalty were described as Sons of God, angels or Watchers; fallen angels after “coming in unto the daughters of men.” I wondered if Crowley had ever mentioned the Watchers in his work and soon discovered that he had. In a letter to the American automobile maker Henry Ford, Crowley beseeches Ford to embrace his Thelemic religion and the Law of Do What Thou Wilt. Regarding the Watchers, Crowley writes,

    “…there occur from time to time certain crises in the affairs of men which compel them [the Watchers] to act in concert, and to select and send forth one of their number to put publicly forward such portions of their secret doctrine as will enable men to solve the current problem which baffles them, and to triumph over the dangers which beset them round. Two and twenty years ago, such a situation reached its climax. It was already evident to the Watchers that all the sanctions which had served humanity for guidance had lost their compelling force.”

    According to Crowley, all of the myths and legends of the past were no longer strong enough to keep humanity in check. Crowley explains, “The Watchers in silence understood that the time had come for them to take action. They foresaw that men left guideless and incapable of wisdom would plunge into the madness of the world war, and all its consequences of aimless unrest. They [the Watchers] saw that the one way to save the race from such red ruin as has overwhelmed civilizations of the past was to send forth a Man with a Message.” That Man was, of course, Aleister Crowley and Aiwaz was that Watcher that we now have identified from ages past. In the Equinox of the Gods Crowley wrote of his attempted rejection of Aiwaz and the Book of the Law. Regardless of his repudiation, “Again and again the unsleeping might of the Watchers drove him (Crowley) back to the work…” The “work” is the spread of the Law of Thelema and the contents of The Book of the Law. The Fallen Angels or Watchers appear to be primordial archetypes that periodically bubble up from the cauldron of humanity’s racial unconscious. Certain “sensitives” like Crowley seem to have superiorly attuned psyche’s that can interpret these messages as they stream up from the depths of the unconscious mind.
    Now, as interesting as this line of inquiry into the origins of Crowley’s Devil-God Aiwaz has been, this is not the only interpretation. The previous explication emphasized the Solar-Cult attributes but the subject of our next inquiry will be the Typhonian Mother-Weird Serpent-Cult of the destructive demon Set. The modern-day exponent of these dark mysteries is Crowley disciple Kenneth Grant who utilizes, to great effect, the work of Egyptologist Gerald Massey. According to Grant, Aiwaz’ origins do not reside in the Solar-Cult. Aiwaz is, rather, a denizen of the Serpent pantheon.
    "And with strange aeons, even death may die."

  6. #6
    Emma Guest


    Frater S A at Satans Den and EM knows this, he put it up, get in touch with him.

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    the first is nehema a so called demon that is like lilith but a crone, and no longer fertile.
    Man is invited to question, discover, explore,
    and manipulate the world around him and use it for his benefit.

  8. #8
    Emma Guest


    I put it on the board at EM, and this is from Frater S A unless you want to go talk to him. He of course will be able to go into it further if you ask him.

    Neh-em-ah or Nehemiah in Hebrew means "The Lord's comfort".

    The Meh-lek-tah-oos sounds like Melek Taus. Melek Taus or Tawûsê Melek is the principal Yazidi deity and is also know as the peacock angel. In Islam they call him Iblis (the culuminator or the liar, the prince of darkness). This also brings in the reference to Azazel. Melek was borrowed from the Arabic term "king" or "angel". Tawûs is uncontroversially translated "peacock" which is interesting since they are not native to the area. "Melek Taus" is also a central figure in many sects of the Feri tradition of modern witchcraft. The Yazidis consider Tawûsê Melek an emanation of God and a benevolent angel who has redeemed himself from his fall and has become a demiurge who created the cosmos from the Cosmic Egg. After he repented, he wept for 7000 years, his tears filling seven jars, which then quenched the fires of hell.

  9. #9
    Emma Guest


    there is more but i don't dare cut and paste as he is the head of the school, even though i own half of EM.

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