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Thread: ojia boords

  1. #1
    isis Guest

    Lightbulb ojia boords

    [size=large][color=#800080][/b] i dont get the ojia bords at all i tryed to us one but it wont talk to me. but on the other hand it will talk to the rest of my family. what can i do? i tryed everythig i can think of i even made one. of cours iam new to this.

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    Default RE: ojia boords

    okay, I know your family plays with those things but I would not sugest it. It could be a sign that you should dear. That is enviting spirits into your home. Problem is that you don't know what kind of spirit you'll get. There for you may end up getting one you don't want. Such as an evil or bad spirit.

    Yet, if you must try to clear your mind. Just let every thing go. All most like a meditation but make sure that you protect your self. Also put a protection spell round it making it so that bad spirits can not come in and out. Don't call for one kind of spirit. You may make one come that doesn't want to come. That makes them pretty upset. Just ask for a could spirit would like to speak with you as you meditate. Put all of your energy into it. Plus, see what it is that your family does to make it work.

    Also pls tell me the things that you have tried. I might be able to help you a little better.

  3. #3
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    Default RE: ojia boords

    Ouija boards are sketchy at best...but I have yet to meet anyone that's had a positive experience with one.

  4. #4
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    Default RE: ojia boords

    Hello, I am a practicing witch, I have used Ouija boards in the past and I must agree with Alexandriac on a few notes. First off, NEVER under any circumstance use a spirit board alone. You can become possessed by a spirit. I agree that you should cast a protection spell before using the board, and give the board time to respond. Like witchcraft, spells sometimes take time to work. Try using a solitary space with a couple of like friends usually 3 people is a good number, a darkened room lit by a few candles and some people prefer light music or the sounds of water trickling or simply dead quiet. Clear your mind and be in almost a meditation state. The thing is, don't EXPECT a certain spirit to show up or answer and be very careful using a spirit board. I have had unpleasant experiences in the past.

  5. #5
    Lady Dunsany Guest

    Default RE: ojia boords

    I had a most unfortunate experience when I was young with a Ouija board, and it brought in a spirit that wrecked havoc on my family , remember the Exorcist. But if you must always cast a protection spell on the board and yourself but even this sometimes can not stop a malovelent entity from stopping by sometimes they will not leave. I agree with all the ones here, be careful and think before you do. The entity I brought in never hurt me but hurt members of my family so it was a high price to pay for being curious.

  6. #6
    isis Guest

    Default RE: ojia boords

    thinks for the advice but i did have one that talked to me when i was younger like about 10 and it would move on its own at times cause my sis would leave it out so when i walked in to the room we were sheiring it would spell my name but no one would be in the room with me at the time it was doing this and my family thought i was going crazy. so one day my sis was playing with it and i was a my grandmothers house for a weekend and it asked her where i was and she toled it that she was not going to tell them and the the pointer flow at her and hit her in the face and when i came home my sis was trying to set it on fire and that was the last time they talked to me.

    she naver did get it to catch fire though.

  7. #7
    Odin Guest

    Default RE: ojia boords

    It goes tyo show you that when your Sis tried to get rid of the Ojia board and it would not light that some power that be had already tken the board and of not good energy.

    When playing with a Ojia board you or something opens portals to other realms that I would say a good 90 % of the time are not of the highest level of entity and as in all Magick what you bring in or open you must beable to BANISH and close

    What ever comes in through the portal is there for one reason and to me seems to come to life it's life and create havoc, all the snswers that the board gives are the answers that you, the " entity " wants you to hear so that you will keep coming back and build up the energies and the ties between the two or three who ever is using the board and latch on to said people

    As stated above alwways surround yourself in protection and the and the area which you are working

    in my eyes not a good thing to be playing with Ojia

    to many horror stories

  8. #8
    isis Guest

    Default RE: ojia boords

    i guess that it is a good thing that the bords wont talk to me no more. even after a friend was trying to get me to tolk to one and she had to ask the questinos for me cause it would not move when i had my hands on it. well she asked it who i would marrie and it gave her a C and a H but i dont know any one with those letters in their names but that is all it gave her. but then their was this one time when she asked who ever she was talking to to show themselves which in my mind is a bad thing but it said that it was going to come that night and kill us both but i said yeah right and left for home. i got a call the next day from her dad he told me that she was not going to come over to day cause she was all cut up from a dream she had that night.

    so i stoped tolking to them untill i whent out and got one this year.

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    Default RE: ojia boords

    Everyone's had scary experiences on the ouija board. I absolutely love them for that very reason. What a great trail and error teacher! It's like AIDS, but with less long-lasting consequences, usually. Haha!

    Here's how the ouija board works: It causes you to make ideomotor actions, subconscious movements that you yourself (or your group) are making. You just don't know it (consciously) because they're subconscious. Your subconscious also has the layout of the ouija board memorized, so you can do it blind folded or without looking at the board, but it's you who is moving the plachette. The question is "Who's moving you?" Theoretically, that is, in occult theory, the spirits with which you are communicating are possessing you, their willing host, atleast partially.

    My advice to anyone using a ouija board would be to make sure that proper protections are in place to prevent the attachment of negative entities or otherwise any harm coming to the participants. The ouija board is a great tool for spirit communication, especially for those of us who aren't skilled in psi-perception.

  10. #10
    isis Guest

    Default RE: ojia boords

    i like them too but i jest cant seem to get them to talk to me my mom says that i might not belive in them cause you have to belive in them to work.... is it ture do you have to belive in ojia boords in order for them to work cause i do belive in them but they wont talk to me but other then that if a spirit wants to talk to me they will show themselves to me and say my name...

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